The political crisis in Venezuela. Interview with Nicolas Maduro and Juan Guido

The political crisis in Venezuela. Interview with Nicolas Maduro and Juan Guido Juan Guido and Nicolas Maduro speak about the political crisis in Venezuela. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The Supreme court of Venezuela has banned Joan Guido, proclaimed himself interim President, leaving the country and froze his assets. The Prosecutor’s office of Venezuela began an investigation against him. He declared himself acting President on 24 January 2019, after the opposition refused to accept the victory of Nicolas Maduro in the presidential election. The legitimacy of Guido recognized most of the countries of Latin America, USA, Canada and a number of member States of the EU. Support to Nicolas Maduro, in January, who took on a second term, expressed by Russia, China, Turkey, Iran, Cuba. Juan Guido and Nicolas Maduro speak about the political crisis in Venezuela — in the video of the Russian service Bi-bi-si. During the download an error has occurred.HelpIn Venezuela

The Russian authorities have denied the rumors about sending the military in Venezuela

The Russian authorities have denied the rumors about sending the military in Venezuela Moscow. 31 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian military is not in Venezuela, said Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “No,” — said the Deputy Prime Minister, responding Thursday to a question of “Interfax”. Borisov added that “Russia continues to monitor the situation in this country.” Earlier, Venezuelan Ambassador to Russia Carlos Rafael Faria Tortosa said that the information about the plane, headed from Russia to Venezuela with a military team on Board, is a provocation. “That there is military personnel from Russia, also said that, in Venezuela. So all this provocation — the provocation to mix the opinions of people around the world,” he told the radio station “Moscow speaking”, answering the question of whether from Russia to Venezuela, the plane took off. NewsVenezuelan military pull on the opposition side He noted that the aircraft was not.

Fish-punks and the sea devils: named the best underwater photo of the year

Fish-punks and the sea devils: named the best underwater photo of the year Underwater inhabitants no less charismatic than land animals. 19фотографий19фотографий19фотографий The professional jury announced the winners of the 7th competition of underwater photography Ocean Art. This year the competition was attended by several thousand photographs from 70 countries, and the prize Fund amounted to $ 80,000. The best underwater photos was recognized as the Duncan Murella “manta ray Ballet”. The photographer managed to shoot a Japanese mobo on the coast of the Philippine island of Palawan. See also: On a Philippine beach appeared strange sea creatures Galapagos iguanas for the first time in 180 years has returned to the island of Santiago (video) Diver found on the bottom of the Mediterranean sea live “stone” (video)

The launch of the Russian “Union” with OneWeb satellites suffered from problems with the rocket

The launch of the Russian “Union” with OneWeb satellites suffered from problems with the rocket Moscow. 31 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the Launch of the carrier rocket “Soyuz” with the satellites OneWeb shifted due to problems with the rocket, said the founder and Executive Director of the British company, Greg Wyler. “It’s true, there is a problem with the rocket, which forced us to postpone the launch. Our satellites in order and ready to run,” wrote the Wyler on Twitter. He did not specify the date on which the postponed launch. He had previously been scheduled for 20 February. Yesterday in mass media there was information about problems with the upper stage “Fregat” identified during the preparation of the launch of a Soyuz with the OneWeb satellites at the spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. In a press-service of the state Corporation “Roscosmos”, “Interfax” stated that the possible deviations in preparation for

Golden brains. Scientists have figured out how wealth is changing the consciousness

Golden brains. Scientists have figured out how wealth is changing the consciousness MOSCOW, 31 Jan — RIA Novosti, Alfia Enikeeva. According to the Institute of sociology, over the last ten years in Russia has dramatically decreased income inequality, and in connection with this changed attitude towards poverty. If earlier in the Patriotic culture of poverty was seen as a virtue, today more than half of Russians do not feel sympathy for people with low incomes, considering that they have created problems for yourself. Whether the financial situation depends on the person’s character or innate personality traits — in the material RIA Novosti.Poverty is inherited In 1967 the American psychologist Martin Seligman suggested that poverty may be inherited, as the successes and failures of an adult human are highly dependent on the experience in childhood experience. He cited the results of an experiment in which dogs were exposed for a long

Investigators revealed the luxurious interiors of housing Senator Arashukova

Investigators revealed the luxurious interiors of housing Senator Arashukova Searches in the case arrested yesterday, Senator Rauf Arashukov was on video. Video Thursday, January 31, “the” provided by the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). During the download an error has occurred. The Ministry said that the investigators jointly with the investigators of the Federal security service (FSB) and the Ministry of internal Affairs (MIA) of Russia conducted more than 40 searches in 11 cities of the country. Investigations connected with the theft of natural gas “Gazprom” for the sum more than 30 billion rubles. See also: Arashukova have seized swords and gold bars What is known Rauf Arashukov The helpof a Senator from the Caucasus were detained at a meeting He is accused of murder and incitement to overthrow the government. Read more

In St. Petersburg oncologists checked for involvement in black market drugs

In St. Petersburg oncologists checked for involvement in black market drugs We are talking about the drugs purchased by the state. The police are checking more than 40 physicians in St. Petersburg in the case of the emergence of the black market of drugs purchased by the state for the treatment of cancer. Doctors suspected of taking bribes from former employees of Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche, RBC, citing a source. As believes a consequence, employees of Roche gave the doctors money under the guise of payment for participation in conferences, lectures and seminars, and in return they wrote out prescriptions for medications that supplies this pharmaceutical company. Roche employees received these prescription medications at the pharmacy, which gives preferential medicines, and then resold them on the black market.

Abnormal frosts have paralyzed the Midwest USA: photos

Abnormal frosts have paralyzed the Midwest USA: photos The strongest frost struck much of the territory of the United States. The lowest temperature observed in the Midwest of the country, where the thermometer dropped to -30 degrees Celsius. Upstairs Now in Berlin: Berlin: +3° 70% 745 mm Hg. article 3 m/s GETTY IMAGES1/10 Frost was hardest hit States of North Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan and Illinois. In Chicago, the temperature reached a record low of -33 degrees in North Dakota recorded a frost in -37 degrees. REUTERS2/10 In many U.S. cities closed schools, government offices and museums. Public transport is intermittent. According to the latest data, from-for frosts has killed at least eight people. AFP3/10 The state of Iowa suggest those who are out in the cold, to avoid deep breaths and less talk. Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel urged residents not to go outside unless absolutely necessary. REUTERS4/10

In Russia will hold a contest for the best “not room” studies of political scientists

In Russia will hold a contest for the best “not room” studies of political scientists MOSCOW, 31 Jan — RIA Novosti. Russian Foundation for basic research (RFBR) and the Expert Institute for social research (AISI) organized competitions aimed at supporting scientific projects of fundamental research in the field of social and political Sciences, applications for the participation of young scientists will be able to serve from 1 February, said the Chairman of the Board, Russian Foundation for basic research Vladislav Panchenko. “Literally tomorrow, we hope, will appear in an ad on the Internet here and we will begin accepting applications,” said Panchenko on the results of the first meeting of the expert Council of the contest. According to the Chairman of the expert Council competitions Valery Fadeev, “science competition” involve the grant of RFBR, one size will range from 400 thousand to 3 million rubles for conducting research on 14

Spectacular USA Mueller refused to disclose the evidence in the case of Prigogine

Spectacular USA Mueller refused to disclose the evidence in the case of Prigogine Mueller stated the position at the request of the Russian group of companies “Concord” on the disclosure of material allegations of collusion against the United States and fraud. Upstairs Robert Mueller was charged with 13 Russians and three Russian companies in February last year. The case featured owned by Eugene Prigogine Concord Management and Consulting, and Concord Catering, online research, known as a “Troll Factory in St. Petersburg” and is related to Prigogine according to unconfirmed reports a number of media. The U.S. justice Department accused the firms of colluding against Washington and the campaign of misinformation in social networks. In the past year, representatives of the companies Prigogine tried to request the U.S. justice Department evidence in a procedure of compulsory provision of documents to the court. Muller resisted: the lawyers of two “Concorde” and other