The political crisis in Venezuela. Interview with Nicolas Maduro and Juan Guido
Juan Guido and Nicolas Maduro speak about the political crisis in Venezuela.
The Supreme court of Venezuela has banned Joan Guido, proclaimed himself interim President, leaving the country and froze his assets. The Prosecutor’s office of Venezuela began an investigation against him.
He declared himself acting President on 24 January 2019, after the opposition refused to accept the victory of Nicolas Maduro in the presidential election.
The legitimacy of Guido recognized most of the countries of Latin America, USA, Canada and a number of member States of the EU. Support to Nicolas Maduro, in January, who took on a second term, expressed by Russia, China, Turkey, Iran, Cuba.
Juan Guido and Nicolas Maduro speak about the political crisis in Venezuela — in the video of the Russian service Bi-bi-si.
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In Venezuela the revolution has begun
The opposition leader declared himself President. On the streets the battles, there are casualties.
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