It became clear as the weather changes 100 kilometers above the earth

It became clear as the weather changes 100 kilometers above the earth Scientists of Kazan Federal University (KFU) measured seasonal changes in temperature and wind speed in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere. These data will allow to create a model of the dynamics of the middle atmosphere and investigate trends in atmospheric parameters. Article scientists published in the journal Advances in Space Research. Now in Berlin: Berlin: +2° 75% 742 mm Hg. article 4 m/s The Earth’s atmosphere extends thousands of kilometers up. To measure air temperature and wind speed in the surface layer can be quite simple. But to place the thermometer and the anemometer at a height of 100 kilometres is impossible. NewsNASA has captured rare glowing clouds “To study the atmosphere at an altitude of 80-100 km used several methods. One of them — radar, — says Dmitry Korotyshkin, researcher, Department of physics, Institute of physics,

Restoration of the tomb of Tutankhamun is completed. To spoil it for tourists will become more difficult

Restoration of the tomb of Tutankhamun is completed. To spoil it for tourists will become more difficult Nine-year restoration project of the tomb of the legendary Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen ended. Master restorers told about the challenges they had to face. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий The restoration of the tomb was engaged experts from the Institute for preservation of art Getty. They were supposed to remove scratches and scuffs with wall drawings, formed as a result of the visits to the tomb. Wall paintings suffered from humidity, dust and carbon dioxide, exhaled by countless visitors. NewsArchaeologists have found a “mummy factory” the last pharaohs of Ancient Egypt Now in the tomb installed a new ventilation system, which should reduce the impact from tourists on the ancient drawings. So that the visitors never touched the drawings, installed new barriers. Has also been redesigned observation deck and lighting system that will enable tourists to better survey

In a swimsuit in the snow: social networking goes “cold” flashmob (photos)

In a swimsuit in the snow: social networking goes “cold” flashmob (photos) For a beautiful photo of a girl ready to freeze. A couple of years ago in social networks the girls began to put their photos in bikini on the background of snow drifts and ski resorts. However, winter exposure has become widespread only in the winter of 2019. How to write foreign media, the flash mob under the hashtag #snowbikini (“snow bikini”) began at the end of December 2018, after a photo in a swimsuit on a background of snow has published the Kardashians. And then it started. View this post in Instagram Publication from Kourtney Kardashian (@kourtneykardash) December 30, 2018 at 8:42 PST During the download an error has occurred. Winter pictures in bathing suits and underwear started to fill in the tape of social networks at the speed of light. And in the flashmob involved both

Peskov urged to await the decision of the court in the case Arshakovich

Peskov urged to await the decision of the court in the case Arshakovich Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that it is too early to talk about the problems in the management of large companies in connection with the detention of the adviser of the General Director of “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz” Raul Arashukov, you need to wait for a court decision. “Now this [the failure in the management system of state-owned companies] to speak prematurely, because it is charged but still in the course of the trial is to prove”, — told reporters Sands. Press Secretary of the head of state also proposed to wait until “the investigation has concluded and a verdict”, reports TASS. What happened On the morning of 30 January, the Senator from Karachay-Cherkessia Rauf Arashukov was deprived of immunity and arrested in the courtroom of the Federation Council. The evening of the same

The Pentagon is afraid of revenge “Islamic state”

The Pentagon is afraid of revenge “Islamic state” The military predict the negative consequences of the withdrawal of US troops from Syria. Without pressure from the United States and its allies, the terrorists of the “Islamic state” (IG; organization banned in Russia) in less than a year can regain its lost positions in Syria. This follows from the Pentagon report, to be submitted next week. About the dangers of the planned withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria and have warned members of Congress: senators supported an amendment to the bill on the country’s politics in the middle East, cautionary from the reduction of troops. However, it is Advisory in nature. A US President Donald trump has made it clear that to change course is not going to. “I would say that more than 99.5% of the territories controlled by the Islamic state, returned to the Syrians. And in the coming

In Arshakovich has a new helper

In Arshakovich has a new helper The investigative Committee (SK) Russia to interview the Executive Director of the company “Essentials” Alan Kyatova in the investigation of the criminal case on the theft of natural gas from “Gazprom” for the sum more than 30 billion rubles, said the official representative of SK Svetlana Petrenko. “The investigative Committee of the Russian Federation carry out investigative actions with the Executive Director of JSC “Essentials” Alan Ketuvim. At the end of his interrogation, the investigators will go to court with the petition for election measures of restraint in form of detention,” — said Petrenko, whose words are contained in the message Department. Currently, among the arrested defendants in the case — a member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation of Karachay-Cherkessia Rauf Arashukov, his father Raul Arashukov, Ruslan Arashukov, Guzer Khashukaev, Nikolay Romanov and Igor Travinov. According to Petrenko, investigators together with

Trump promised to prepare options for a military response to Russia’s violation of INF Treaty

Trump promised to prepare options for a military response to Russia’s violation of INF Treaty WASHINGTON, 1 Feb. /TASS/. The United States will begin the development of options for a military response to Russia’s violations of its obligations under the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty) in order to neutralize the advantage of Moscow in defense. This is stated in a statement on Friday the statement of the President of Donald trump. “Tomorrow [February 2] United States suspends to fulfill its obligations under the INF Treaty and begin the process of withdrawal from the agreement, which will be completed within six months in case if Russia will not return to the performance of the contract and destroy infringing its missiles, launchers and related equipment. Our NATO allies fully support us because they understand the threat posed by Russia’s violation [of the obligations under the INF

USA from 2 February it was suspending participation in the INF Treaty

USA from 2 February it was suspending participation in the INF Treaty WASHINGTON, 1 Feb. /TASS/. United States February 2 to suspend the performance of its obligations under the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty). This was stated on Friday, Secretary of state Michael Pompeo, speaking to reporters at the state Department. “The United States will suspend implementation of its obligations under the INF Treaty, since the 2 of February,” — said the head of American diplomacy. Pompeo has accused Russia of “significant violation” of the INF Treaty. It undermines the ability of Moscow and Washington to improve relations, he said. USA wants Russia to destroy cruise missiles, land-based, which, in Washington’s opinion, violates the INF Treaty. Putin said the INF Treaty, the unilateral disarmament of the USSR Missile Arsenal of China. What are they afraid of US? Why Russia and the United States accuse

Peskov said that Moscow is ready to cooperate with Venezuela regardless of the development of the situation

Peskov said that Moscow is ready to cooperate with Venezuela regardless of the development of the situation Moscow. 1 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Russia hopes to develop cooperation with Venezuela, regardless of political processes in the country, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, noting that Moscow continues to believe the current head of state Nicolas Maduro. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий Thus Peskov commented on the statement of Juan, Guido, who said that China and Russia should be interested in changing the economic model in Venezuela, if they want to have in this country is a stable partner. Mr. Guido is the speaker of Parliament. He is not a head of state. We do not recognize this status. The head of state is Mr. Maduro, who’s government are, in fact, our partners in Venezuela.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation The representative of the Kremlin said: “In any case,

Turn over the Earth? Scientists are predicting a pole shift of the planet

Turn over the Earth? Scientists are predicting a pole shift of the planet Researchers from the US reports that the North magnetic pole shifting into Russia, or rather, to the Taimyr Peninsula. His arrival on the Peninsula is expected in 30-40 years. Siberians can be the envy of the Aurora will become an ordinary sight. But if it was limited to only a small drift of the magnetic pole, the news would have remained under the heading “weather report”. However, the forecasts are staggering: some of them say not only about the shift of the magnetic poles, but the pole shift geographic. That is about the upcoming revolution of the Earth!Calls On The Taimyr Peninsula From different parts of the world come reports of strange behavior of the birds. The observers have the impression that, getting off in flocks, the birds do not know where to go. As you know,