It became clear as the weather changes 100 kilometers above the earth

It became clear as the weather changes 100 kilometers above the earth

Scientists of Kazan Federal University (KFU) measured seasonal changes in temperature and wind speed in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere. These data will allow to create a model of the dynamics of the middle atmosphere and investigate trends in atmospheric parameters. Article scientists published in the journal Advances in Space Research.

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742 mm Hg. article

4 m/s

The Earth’s atmosphere extends thousands of kilometers up. To measure air temperature and wind speed in the surface layer can be quite simple. But to place the thermometer and the anemometer at a height of 100 kilometres is impossible.

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“To study the atmosphere at an altitude of 80-100 km used several methods. One of them — radar, — says Dmitry Korotyshkin, researcher, Department of physics, Institute of physics, Kazan Federal University. — Small grains of a substance — remnants of space dust and small particles of a disintegrated comet burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere, forming a glowing meteor trail. They can be observed as “shooting stars” and to detect with radar.”

Meteor radar of Kazan Federal University who works in the meter wavelength range, during the passage of the Earth through meteor showers and fixes a few tens of thousands of meteors per day, while an ordinary observer is able to see only a few dozen falling celestial bodies.

However, the burned-out meteors can not only count.

Using the Doppler effect, we determine what was the wind at the height where the burnt meteor. The radar operates 24 hours a day all year round, this allows you to obtain detailed altitude maps of wind speeds, and changes in temperature at heights of 80 to 100 kilometers.

The processes occurring in the middle layers of the atmosphere have a significant impact on radio wave propagation and play an important role in the exchange of energy and matter between the upper and lower layers of the atmosphere.

