Record cold has taught Americans to freeze the pants

Record cold has taught Americans to freeze the pants Abnormal frosts have provoked in the United States the emergence of new challenges in social networks under the name of “ice pants”. The Americans freeze their jeans and upload photos to social networks. The participants of the flash mob put out the soaked pants, frozen due to low temperatures, under the hashtag #frozenpants. View this post in Instagram Publication of P A M L Y N (@pamlyn) 31 Jan 2019 7:46 PST During the download an error has occurred. Some did not stop at pants. In the account of the Sheriff of Chicago County, Minnesota have published photos of the frozen on the street in police uniforms. View this post in Instagram Publication from Chisago Co Sheriff’s Office (@chisagocountyso) Jan 29, 2019 4:26 PST During the download an error has occurred. Academy of martial arts Kickin ‘It froze two forms of

Named the richest man in Earth’s history

Named the richest man in Earth’s history Scientists presented the medieval manuscript of the “Catalan Atlas,” which depicted the center of the world’s richest man in history. As reported by Live Science, a unique Atlas of XIV century are presented at the exhibition, which opened at the Museum of art, northwestern University (USA). She talks about the huge wealth and influence of Africa in the middle ages. The map was created on the Mediterranean island of Majorca in 1375. It depicts Mansa Musa — ruler of Mali Empire, which is recognized as the richest man in history. He controlled the gold mining in the region, and the gold of Mali at the time was the most pure and sought after. “It’s hard to imagine that someone today had the same wealth as he had, — said the employee of the Museum Bickford Berzok. Musa had unlimited access to all the

In Omsk “the citizen of the USSR” has received a Russian passport in 63 years

In Omsk “the citizen of the USSR” has received a Russian passport in 63 years NOVOSIBIRSK, February 1 — RIA Novosti. The Omsk pensioner, who did not managed to change the Soviet passport for the Russian, and later were afraid to do this because she threatened penalty, received his first document of a citizen of the Russian Federation, said on Friday the Ministry of internal Affairs in the region. Earlier in the Chapter MIA RIA Novosti reported that the pensioner for a long time have not received a new passport because I was afraid of administrative responsibility, and money for the payment of the fine, which amounts to 3 thousand rubles, she was not. Due to the lack of passport, the woman could not draw a pension and rely on other social benefits. Newsshe has lived for 25 years with a Soviet passport, and paid the price “Today, in the

Yakut school refused to adopt Russian children

Yakut school refused to adopt Russian children MOSCOW, 1 Feb — RIA Novosti. Yakut school “Aiyy Kyoto” refused to accept Russian-speaking children. It is reported News.Ykt.Ru. According to the portal, a conflict situation arose after the residents of the new district of the town learned about the closing of one of the schools decided to send their children to “Aiyy Kyoto”. However, the school refused to take statements. “Our houses are very close to this school. Therefore, we were confident that no problems will arise. But the Director said that there is no space, and it will not adopt Russian children,” — said local resident Natalia. As the newspaper notes, the decision of the leadership supported the part of parents of students, which believes that “Aiyy Kyoto” is a national school, and the enrollment of Russian-speaking children may affect the “training and education”. “We are against as it is contrary

Penalties for failing to report to the draft Board decided to increase ten times

Penalties for failing to report to the draft Board decided to increase ten times In the state Duma a bill about a tenfold increase of fines for all administrative violations in the field of military records, in particular for failing recruits. The document published in the electronic database of the lower house of Parliament on Friday, 1 February. “The number of “draft Dodgers” remains at a high level. So, in 2017 the military Commissariat failed to notify about 150 thousand citizens of military age”, — stated in the explanatory Memorandum. In the case of the bill, the penalty for failure to perform duties of citizens on the military registration can be from one to five thousand roubles. Monetary penalties will also increase for evasion from medical examination or wilful damage or loss of documents. The document also introduces a new penalty for failure to perform duties, namely, to separate the

The kitesurfer has made an incredible leap over a sand spit

The kitesurfer has made an incredible leap over a sand spit Your flight he took video. The British kitesurfer Olly bridge made a dizzying leap, flying about 200 meters above a sand spit near Dawlish, South Devon. Extreme rose to a height of 15 meters, and then successfully landed smoothly in the sea. Your trick the British were placed in social networks and noted that for several months, wanted to make such a jump, but waiting for the perfect tide. See also: Drone shot down cakera with a 35-meter waterfall (video) Skydivers flew over the island in the shape of a heart (video) The photographer has shown the beauty of the Earth from the height of bird flight

Heavenly body exploded in the sky over Cuba

Heavenly body exploded in the sky over Cuba A powerful bomb exploded Friday in the skies over the province of Pinar del Rio in Cuba. According to meteorologists, the cotton was caused by a meteorite. According to “RIA Novosti” with reference to local media and eyewitnesses, after explosion in the sky, noticed the fire and the post Council. The portal Cibercuba reported an explosion of a military aircraft. At the same time, according to experts from the national weather service Key West in Florida, the people of Cuba witnessed a possible meteor hit. “We have received reports of the meteor which was seen in the sky over the Florida Keys. It seems that a meteorite fell in the West of Cuba, near the city of viñales”, — stated in the message service on Twitter. The Network has already appeared a photo of the wreckage of the cosmic body. Only in

House, the birthplace of Boris Yeltsin, let into the wood. VIDEO

House, the birthplace of Boris Yeltsin, let into the wood. VIDEO In the village Musmanovska in the Sverdlovsk region is falling apart house, the birthplace of the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin. The owners of the house invited local residents to dismantle it for firewood. “Recently the owners of the house sent a letter. They wrote that the house they do not need to recover it will not. Proposed to declare the local people: if someone needs, you can disassemble it survived the walls for firewood,” — said “URA.RU” in the Council of the village Basmanovskoye. In 2018, on the eve of 1 February, the day of the birth of Boris Yeltsin, exploded and burned the house where he was born. The roof burned down, the building burned from the inside, but remained of the wall. The owners of the house at the time of the fire was not,

Cult Soviet group took over Putin and Maduro

Cult Soviet group took over Putin and Maduro English-speaking YouTube users jokingly compared the President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin with members of the Soviet musical group “the Alliance”. On the detected similarity of the users write in the comments to the video on YouTube. Commentators have noted that the keyboard player of group “the Alliance” Oleg parastayev is very similar to the Maduro, and soloist of Igor Zhuravlev — Putin. One user reported that “I came to see Putin and Maduro, but stayed because of the music.” During the download an error has occurred. Many users appreciated not only the extravagant appearance of the musicians, but also the very composition of the group. Some English commentators joked that “it’s time to unite the group again.” In turn, Russian users have left many comments in which nostalgia for his youth and the hits of

The fate of General

The fate of General This picture revealed to the world the truth about the Vietnam war. But broke the life of her hero. Prior to February 1, 1968 Nguyen Ngoc loan was simple a Brigadier General in the South Vietnamese police. But that day in Saigon, he, without a trial shot in the head killed a man in civilian clothes. The photo “Saigon execution” depicting this terrible episode of the Vietnam war, went to the world’s media. It is with alarming frankness showed the Americans the hell what’s going on in a distant country, giving powerful impetus to the anti-war movement in the United States. Famous frame has changed not only the attitude of Americans toward the war and the fate of General Loana. “” remembered the story of a man who has dedicated his life to the defense of the homeland, but became known to the world as a