Mei intends to return to Brussels to try to change the deal on Brexit

Mei intends to return to Brussels to try to change the deal on Brexit LONDON, 3 Feb. /TASS/. Prime Minister Theresa may announced the intention to return to Brussels to try to change the agreement on the terms Brexit. On Sunday the newspaper reported The Daily Telegraph. “When I return to Brussels I will fight for Britain and Northern Ireland, I’ll be armed with a new mandate, new ideas and determination to achieve pragmatic solutions that Brexit, which was voted the British people, guaranteeing the absence of any rigid boundaries between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland”, — quotes the edition of the message of the British Prime Minister. January 29, the British Parliament approved two amendments to the bill on withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU. They demanded of the government to avoid Brexit without a deal, and also decided to remove from the text of

US coalition struck the Syrian military

US coalition struck the Syrian military The international coalition led by the US launched air strikes on military of the Syrian army. It is reported by the Agency SANA. The attack occurred near the town of Bou Kamal in Eastern Syria around 23:30 local time (0:30 Moscow time). The result was a destroyed artillery of the Syrian army, two soldiers were wounded. In Syria since 2011, the confrontation of President Bashar al-Assad and rebels seeking his overthrow. The conflict escalated into full-scale civil war, which strengthened the terrorist organization, including the “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). The international coalition led by the United States in 2014, strikes in Syria strikes on terrorist positions without formal authorization from Damascus. Of Russian air force strikes at militants in this country in the autumn of 2015 at the request of the Syrian government.

What if your life is an endless “Groundhog day”

What if your life is an endless “Groundhog day” Groundhog day is a traditional American holiday that is celebrated every year on 2 February. In this day to watch the Groundhog emerge from his hole, and his behavior to predict how soon spring comes. But after in 1993 in the United States came the Comedy “Groundhog Day” with bill Murray and Andie MacDowell, this expression has acquired a different meaning — so called as when every day is like yesterday, life is boring, and you can’t shake the feeling of stagnation. NewsPopular music became sadder and angrier In the film, Murray’s character, Phil Connors journalist, falls into some time loop: 3 Feb it simply does not occur, and February 2, repeated again and again, in detail. Initially, the hero falls into despair, and then decides to seduce his young colleague. And as one endlessly repeating day, he manages to know

The Russians will hang smart meters for gas

The Russians will hang smart meters for gas The devices will be transmitting data on fuel consumption in real time directly to the management company that will help to avoid explosions. How does it work? Went out the griddle, counter reels cubic meters of extra gas, and it immediately notice in a management company. Data available in real time through a special obschedomovoe network. To avoid accidents, the utility block the gas. Everywhere in the house. And rightly so, according to the Chairman of the Duma Committee on housing policy and housing Galina Khovanskaya. These systems react to the situation the appearance here of this unnecessary volume of gas, the extra. To the extent that if possible, include extra ventilation, and the reaction is instantaneous, remote, but turns off the whole house.Galina Hovasapian of the state Duma Committee on housing policy and housing and communal services “I believe that such

By sentence of the revolutionary carnival

By sentence of the revolutionary carnival Comrades and enemies of Hugo Chavez in unison to celebrate the 20th anniversary of his coming to power. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий The Venezuelan government celebrated 20 years of the inauguration of the President of the Republic, Hugo Chavez, and, consequently, the beginning of the Bolivarian revolution. To the anniversary date the country was on the brink of civil war. So on Saturday on the streets of Venezuelan cities will not only Pro-government parties festive demonstrations, but the self-proclaimed supporters of President Juan, Guido. The leader of the opposition I am sure that in limbo the country will be long and will help her support of the West, which increases the pressure on Caracas. Moscow still considers the legitimate leader Nicolas Maduro, but yesterday in the Kremlin was given to understand that counting on “mutually beneficial cooperation” with Venezuela “regardless of the political situation” there. To establish

In Greece, in the tavern exploded gas cylinder

In Greece, in the tavern exploded gas cylinder ATHENS, Feb 2 — RIA Novosti. A gas cylinder exploded in a tavern on the waterfront of the city of Kalamata in the southern Peloponnese, there are reports of wounded and dead, according to the edition of During the download an error has occurred. According to him, the explosion of the tank with liquid gas occurred on Saturday at 21.15 local time (22.15 GMT), when the tavern had a lot of visitors and employees. Severely wounded at least three people, they are hospitalized. According to preliminary data, has died, the newspaper reports. The exact number of victims specified. At the site there are three fire trucks at the moment, the open fire is not. In Greece gas cylinders are used in the winter in taverns and cafes for heating.

In several cities of Serbia held anti-government rallies

In several cities of Serbia held anti-government rallies BELGRADE, 3 Feb. /TASS/. Anti-government rallies were held on Saturday evening in several cities in Serbia — Kragujevac, Kula, Kosovska Mitrovica, Požega, Pirot. The most massive was the capital’s protest, said the correspondent of TASS from the event. Activists came to the rally with placards: “there was a wolf time”, “Return of retirement”, “no more lies and promises, seniors are hungry.” The demonstration started on the site of the faculty of philosophy, University of Belgrade. Then the column of protesters moved through the streets, blocking vehicular traffic. Police stopped traffic on main streets, providing easy passage of the demonstrators. The main slogan of the procession was the motto “One in five million”, which appeared after the statement of President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic that he will not tolerate the illegal seizure of power, “even if the protesters will be five million.” After

Maduro proposed to be held in Venezuela early parliamentary elections

Maduro proposed to be held in Venezuela early parliamentary elections Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, whom the United States and many other countries do not consider the legitimate head of state, proposed to hold the country’s early parliamentary elections to overcome the political crisis. The next parliamentary elections should take place only in 2020. In the current Parliament majority is of the opposition; his spokesman Juan Guido January 23, was sworn in as acting President after the legislature had recognized Maduro’s illegitimate re-elected. Speaking at a rally of supporters in Caracas, Maduro stated that it supported the statements made in the Constitutional Assembly of the country calls to hold early parliamentary elections. Unlike Parliament, the Constitutional Assembly dominated by supporters of the President. USA, Canada and most of Latin America said that, I think, Guido, not Maduro, the legitimate leader of Venezuela to hold new, fair elections. Sunday expires and the

Bolton asks the leadership of the armed forces of Venezuela to the side of the opposition

Bolton asks the leadership of the armed forces of Venezuela to the side of the opposition WASHINGTON, 2 Feb. /TASS/. Advisor to the President for national security John Bolton called on the leadership of the armed forces of Venezuela to the side of the opposition. A message he posted on Saturday on his page on Twitter. “I appeal to the leadership of the Armed forces of Venezuela, now is the time to act on the side of the Venezuelan people. Your right and duty to protect the Constitution and democracy in Venezuela,” he says. The words of Bolton essentially duplicate the statement of the leader of the Venezuelan opposition Juan, Guido that on Saturday at an anti-government rally in Caracas once again called on the military to switch sides and accept international humanitarian assistance. Earlier, the Venezuelan newspaper El Nacional reported that General of the air force, Francisco Esteban Yanes

In Northern Russia, the inhabitants refuse to improve life, because I think garbage is immoral

In Northern Russia, the inhabitants refuse to improve life, because I think garbage is immoral “While the women are protesting that their men already working.” For Moscow and Moscow region accounts for 16 percent of the total volume of waste in Russia. The problem of disposal has become one of the main themes of public life at the turn of the 2018-2019. The solution was the project of waste disposal outside the capital, namely in the Arkhangelsk region, where in turn there are huge problems with unauthorized dumps. The regional authorities with the city government want to build ekotekhnopark on placement of Moscow city and regional waste. Will also be assisted by the elimination of unauthorized dumps. The initiative met resistance in the population. About how interested parties try to find a compromise that comes out of it and is growing in Russia absolutely new industry — in the material