Sobchak called the cause of the conflict with Volochkova

Sobchak called the cause of the conflict with Volochkova MOSCOW, February 3 — RIA Novosti. TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak on air of the program “Exclusive” on the First channel spoke about the reason for his conflict with Anastasia Volochkova, explaining his betrayal of the ballerina. In the program was shown the record of the past, where Sobchak unflattering about Volochkova and argues that it are great dancers Maya Plisetskaya and Natalia Makarova, but not Volochkova. “Time has passed. Who was right? Now where’s Anastasia? The splits in the Maldives. Only those glorious, so I see — say-all on the case, it is impossible today to argue, as the years went on,” — said Sobchak. This presenter noted that once they Volochkova were close friends, but later they had a “serious conflict” associated with betrayal. “Then she, so to speak, occurred an affair with my young man, which, of course, has

Semifinalist “Leaders of Russia” the first has launched a unique production

Semifinalist “Leaders of Russia” the first has launched a unique production Semifinalist personnel of the competition “Leaders of Russia” Kirill Belov, which is in Nizhny Novgorod is Deputy Director for development, JSC “Orgsintez”, told how five years ago, I participated in the successful save the plant from closing. As a result, managed to save 160 jobs. Belov noted that this is not only his merit, but the team that came with him to the factory. “I was one of the members of this team. Then there was a question about what the plant unprofitable in the near future it may be closed. The task was to at least bring it to self-sufficiency,” — said Belov. According to him, when they began to understand the situation, we saw that the method works were not built, such a system is absent as such. “The plant was a mess. And this mess is

Congresswoman Tulsi Ms. Gabbard has officially entered the battle for the US presidency

Congresswoman Tulsi Ms. Gabbard has officially entered the battle for the US presidency The politician also urged to “fight back” of the current administration. NEW YORK, February 3. /TASS/. Member of the house of representatives of the us Congress, Tulsi Ms. Gabbard (Democrat from Hawaii) said Saturday to join the fight for the U.S. presidency in the elections of 2020. The speech of the legislator in Honolulu (Hawaii) was broadcast on her Twitter. Against regime change “We need to repel the current administration that claims to believe in the slogan “America first”, but sells our soldiers, our arms and the interests of the country that will pay more,” said Ms. Gabbard. She said she intends to oppose “politicians from both parties” who “are thinking about what new war to start and where to start to kill people”. “The President [of the USA Donald] trump during his campaign, opposed the wars

Two wings on his shoulders: the air as a bully was “Stalin’s falcons”

Two wings on his shoulders: the air as a bully was “Stalin’s falcons” Did Valery Chkalov under the Trinity bridge. A brilliant pilot, an adventurer and a bully, member of the Supreme Council, the countryís favourite. For a short career in the air force, he managed to earn two prison sentence and was banished to the citizen, but soon returned, received the rank of brigade commander and became the Hero of the Soviet Union. He was the idol of youth, a symbol of the country, it was named after his hometown. On 2 February, the day of the 115th anniversary of the birth of Valery Chkalov, “news” remember about the legendary Aviator. Sometimes it is difficult to understand where in the life of Chkalov truth ends and fiction begins. Rumors of his aerial antics had spread around the country, even when Chkalov was an ordinary military pilot, they even came

Named the most budget tourist city in Europe

Named the most budget tourist city in Europe MINSK, February 2 — Sputnik. British consumers ‘ Association Which? made a rating of the best cities in Europe for budget travel. The users of its website, the Association proposed to evaluate European city according to the following criteria: the cost of accommodation and living conditions, quality of food, public transport, landmark attractions, prices and experience. According to polls, more than 4 thousand travelers, Polish Krakow and Valencia scored the same number. But in the ratio the price-quality victory still went to the poles. Top the capital of Hungary — Budapest. In the ranking of the best cities, according to reviews, also got the Bologna (Italy), Berlin (Germany), Seville (Spain), Vienna (Austria) and Amsterdam (the Netherlands). Not surprisingly, among the cities budget did not name a single city in the UK. Alas, Belarusian cities are also not included in this list.

In Technopolis “Moscow” has developed effective protection for museums

In Technopolis “Moscow” has developed effective protection for museums To control access to objects of art as well as track their exact location will help RFID tags. The resident of the special economic zone “Technopolis Moscow” has developed system of protection of Museum exhibits. It is based on technology of radio frequency identification, or RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). With the help of radio professionals can automatically recognize the location of art objects, as well as to record and control access to them. Thanks to the RFID tags of Museum workers will also be able to track the location of exhibits during their transfer for restoration, in storage or at exhibitions. “Modern technology is meant to serve the society. They certainly should apply for the preservation of historical and cultural heritage. Moscow is a leader in developing innovative solutions and their implementation in the products. For this purpose the Government of

Groundhog Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring

Groundhog Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring Groundhog Phil from the town of Punxsutawney (Pennsylvania, USA) predicted on Saturday, February 2, an early spring, reports USA Today. Groundhog pulled out of the hole on the hill, Gobbler-Nob. According to local legend, if the animal is frightened of his own shadow and hides in a burrow, it means winter will last for another 1.5 month. If the weather is cloudy and Phil does not see his shadow, then it is expected the early arrival of spring. BREAKING Phil says Early Spring! #GroundhogDay2019 — Cedar Posts (@CedarPosts) 2 Feb 2019 As reported the representative of “marmot Club”, in the traditional events of Groundhog Day in a town of about 25 thousand tourists, reports TASS. Groundhog day is a traditional holiday in the United States and Canada, is celebrated on February 2. After the release of the movie “Groundhog Day” (1993) it

St. Petersburg marmots slept through Groundhog Day

St. Petersburg marmots slept through Groundhog Day Marmots in the Leningrad zoo slept through Groundhog Day. Marmots in the Leningrad zoo slept through Groundhog Day. It is reported TASS with reference to the press service of the zoo. It is clarified that this date came to Russia from North America, where it predicts the beginning of spring. The Groundhog Day our charges are not awake, as in Russia, spring comes much later. Last year, marmots woke up in early April.the press service of the zoo Earlier it was reported that the Moscow marmots sleep Groundhog Day.

Flu hunt: how to address the growing epidemic of the virus

Flu hunt: how to address the growing epidemic of the virus The health Ministry announced new vaccines against infectious diseases. Wednesday, January 30, at the meeting with members of the government, the Minister of health Veronika Skvortsova reported on a significant excess of an epidemiological threshold incidence of influenza in the 23 regions of the country. The epidemic was waiting. If last year the Ministry of health did not guess the vaccine didn’t match the circulating strain of influenza, this time I got to the point. There is nothing surprising — the virus is constantly just “flirting” with the doctors, changing modification. But the struggle continues. About the epidemiological situation in the country, measures and ways of preventing virus — see the article “Izvestia”. Help is on the way According to forecasts, the global epidemic this year will be of medium intensity and eventually subside by April. Already recognized type

Avakov has promised to suppress the new Maidan

Avakov has promised to suppress the new Maidan MOSCOW, February 3 — RIA Novosti. The head of the MIA of Ukraine Arsen Avakov said that law enforcement agencies will not allow a new Maidan in the upcoming presidential elections, he told about it in interview to the edition “Left coast”. “Candidates must understand that in their desperate struggle, they should not derail statehood. And civil servants should be clear. I say: if the final will be Poroshenko and Tymoshenko, and win the Poroshenko — Tymoshenko will make the Maidan. Conversely, if Tymoshenko wins, Poroshenko will bring people to the street. And I say to those dreamers that in case any of these scenarios, our government will be under tremendous risk,” — said Avakov. According to the Minister, his function as interior Minister is to prevent the election system disorders, which can begin the protests. If a citizen supported the loser