In Arshakovich there were two suspects

In Arshakovich there were two suspects In the case of theft of gas has already arrested seven people, including Senator Rauf Arashukov and his father Raul Arashukov. Russia’s investigative Committee announced the Federal wanted list two more people suspected of involvement in a criminal case on theft of gas from Gazprom for 30 billion rubles. The RF IC is looking for the acting Executive Director of JSC “Budennovskaya” Wali Evgamukov and Executive Director of the branch of OOO “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Stavropol” in the city of Nevinnomyssk Umar Kalmykov. Both entities are subsidiaries of “Gazprom”. Have in the case of the theft of gas of OJSC “Gazprom” for the sum more than 30 billion rubles are wanted: – Wali of Evgamukov, acting Executive Director of JSC “Budennovskaya”;– Umar Kalmykov, Executive Director of the branch of LLC “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Stavropol” in Nevinnomyssk — Investigative Committee (@sledcom_rf) 6 Feb 2019 “In the

Russia was covered with false reports about the mining

Russia was covered with false reports about the mining Why can’t I calculate the telephone terrorist. Hundreds of letters with bomb threats, tens of thousands evacuated and no arrests. In Moscow hosted a regular series of messages on mining of buildings. On the eve of the letters and calls threatening of explosion in Moscow and the region had to evacuate more than 50 thousand people. The experts have checked two hundred buildings, schools, commercial and office buildings, even residential homes. Explosives, they are never found. And this is not the first mass mailing of messages on ostensibly mined buildings in Moscow. Why the message about “mining” continue to come? And why intelligence agencies can’t stop this wave? Figured Alexander Rassokhin. The next wave of mining continues for a second week. What is the evacuation on the eve of experienced employees and visitors to the tower “City of capitals” in “Moscow-city”,

The leader of Kosovo is willing to sacrifice part of the territory for the agreement with Belgrade

The leader of Kosovo is willing to sacrifice part of the territory for the agreement with Belgrade BELGRADE, 6 Feb. /TASS/. The leader of the unrecognized Kosovo Hashim Thaci is ready to sacrifice part of the self-proclaimed education for a final agreement with Belgrade. He stated this during his visit to Washington, said on Wednesday the Kosovo Gazeta express. “If a small correction of the border — the price of the final agreement, then this should be acceptable,” said Thaci. At the same time, he stressed that the most important objects in the North of Kosovo — the Northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, Gazivode reservoir with a power station and mining complex Trepca will be Albanian, and it is not discussed. Thaci also said that Russia “is ready to accept the agreement, which will reach” side. The leader of the unrecognized Republic does not conceal that the main purpose of

Military buildup and a meeting with Kim Jong-UN: what’s to tell Donald trump during the annual message to Congress

Military buildup and a meeting with Kim Jong-UN: what’s to tell Donald trump during the annual message to Congress The American President delivered a message of “state of the Union” in the U.S. Congress. During his speech, the head of States reported on the development of the latest missile defense system, has announced a meeting with the leader of North Korea, and also did not rule out the possibility of a new agreement on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles with Russia. The President of the United States Donald trump delivered his annual message “state of the Union” in Congress. It has been broadcast on the White house website. In his speech, the head of the States have paid much attention to the country’s military might. According to him, in the last two years, the United States “began full recovery” of its armed forces. For these purposes, the Pentagon

The finalists of the contest “Leaders of Russia” told about the impressions of the victory

The finalists of the contest “Leaders of Russia” told about the impressions of the victory “I have ideas that I can implement. Among the mentors of the competition, there are those people who I can help,” — said the newspaper “VZGLYAD” about their goals, the finalist of the contest “Leaders of Russia” Pavel Shevchenko, commenting on his preparation to the final stage of the competition. The final contest of managers “Leaders of Russia” took place on 2 and 3 February in Nizhny Novgorod and Samara. For pre-selection were 40 residents of the Kama region. According to the results of testing the semi-finals was made 30 Perm. In the finals it’s only been two Pavel Shevchenko and Snezhana Krepieva. This year the contest “Leaders of Russia” appeared an interesting innovation — the contestants were asked to perform the task “Heart of a leader”, the essence of which consisted in the implementation

Tyumen student made a snowman two-storey house

Tyumen student made a snowman two-storey house And wants to receive 100 thousand rubles. In the village of Moscow Tyumen region there was a giant snowman with a height of five meters. Author snow giant for 19 — year-old student Alexander Miller. According to him, he “built” a snowman alone and spent a week. Frosty has not collapsed, the student had to build a three-tiered frame, which he filled with snow. The entire process Alexander took video and did it all not for fun. Young man wants to win the competition, which organizers promised to pay 100 thousand roubles to the one who manually build the tallest snowman. And one of the conditions of the contest is to capture it on video. During the download an error has occurred. See also: How to look 20 best snowmen this winter (photos) In the United States in the video were “fighting” inflatable

A fit of laughter helped the patient to undergo an operation on the brain

A fit of laughter helped the patient to undergo an operation on the brain For some neurosurgical interventions, it is important that the patient remains conscious so that you can avoid errors and damaging key areas of the brain. However, anxious patients can worry and even panic, which complicates the operation. So when the doctors of Atlanta have discovered a new way to reassure the patient, they decided immediately to try it. 23-year-old girl suffered from seizures for 8 years. To determine the focus of epilepsy, the doctors put her on intracranial EEG. In this procedure, electrodes in contact with the tissues of the brain directly. In the process it was discovered that the stimulation electrode beam waist — cord white matter, extending front to back between the cerebral hemispheres above the corpus callosum — causes involuntary laughter, followed by comfort and (according to the description of the patient) positive

U.S. runner strangled attacking Cougar

U.S. runner strangled attacking Cougar MOSCOW, 6 Feb — RIA Novosti. Cougar attacked the man making a run in the nature Park in the U.S. state of Colorado, the runner was able to defend himself and strangled the animal, the newspaper reports the Denver Post. “On Monday, February 4, a young Cougar attacked a jogger. The victim was able to defend itself from attack, in the result the animal died. Runner subsequently was able to leave the Park and got to the local hospital”, — reported in Facebook organization Colorado Parks and Wildlife, which controls parks and reserves Colorado. On Monday, Feb. 4 at Horsetooth Mountain Open Space, a trail runner was attacked by a juvenile mountain lion. The victim… Published by Colorado Parks and Wildlife Tuesday, 5 February 2019At boot time the error occurred. Writes the Denver Post, a representative of Colorado Parks and Wildlife Rebecca Ferrell said that

Off the coast of Florida encountered two ships of the U.S. Navy

Off the coast of Florida encountered two ships of the U.S. Navy MOSCOW, 6 Feb — RIA Novosti. Two U.S. Navy ship collided on Tuesday during a resupply at the South-Eastern coast of the country, according to a Navy statement. The statement reported that the missile cruiser USS Leyte Gulf and the cargo ship USNS Robert E. Peary faced feeds, as a result of incident nobody has suffered, and the ships were able to continue the voyage. The damage will be assessed when the ships arrive in port. The forces of the US Navy and the command of the Maritime transport will investigate the incident.

Trump admitted the possibility of establishing a new contract after exiting the INF Treaty

Trump admitted the possibility of establishing a new contract after exiting the INF Treaty WASHINGTON, 6 Feb — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump once again stated that the cause of the US withdrawal from the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty) was “repeated violations on the part of Russia,” but did not rule out the possibility of developing other agreements on arms control, which would include China. “Under my administration we will never apologize for advancing the interests of America. For example, decades ago the United States concluded a Treaty with Russia under which we agreed to limit and reduce our missile capabilities. While we fully comply with the agreement, Russia has repeatedly violated its conditions,” said trump, speaking with his annual address to the U.S. Congress on the situation in the country. According to him, so he announced that the United States