The finalists of the contest “Leaders of Russia” told about the impressions of the victory

The finalists of the contest “Leaders of Russia” told about the impressions of the victory

“I have ideas that I can implement. Among the mentors of the competition, there are those people who I can help,” — said the newspaper “VZGLYAD” about their goals, the finalist of the contest “Leaders of Russia” Pavel Shevchenko, commenting on his preparation to the final stage of the competition.

The final contest of managers “Leaders of Russia” took place on 2 and 3 February in Nizhny Novgorod and Samara. For pre-selection were 40 residents of the Kama region. According to the results of testing the semi-finals was made 30 Perm. In the finals it’s only been two Pavel Shevchenko and Snezhana Krepieva.

This year the contest “Leaders of Russia” appeared an interesting innovation — the contestants were asked to perform the task “Heart of a leader”, the essence of which consisted in the implementation of social projects. The vast majority of participants decided to participate in this assignment. The theme of the project, according to Vice-rector Ranepa Alexey Komissarov, was free, that is, the participants were not limited to any particular area within which they would have to implement your project.

Paul and Snezana presented on the contest project intellectual tournament for orphanages and boarding schools of Prikamye. The next step in the progress of the project will be its direct implementation, which should happen on February 12.

Pavel Shevchenko has been previously intelligent organization of tournaments for children. He first began conducting intellectual games for school students in 1993. Now he heads the “Center of giftedness development”, organised for pupils and relevant to their age the students of primary and secondary vocational education, “the subject of the Youth Championships,” the camps “Daring”, intellectual games and contests of research works.

