The causes of lack of patriotism of the Russian textbook on Economics

The causes of lack of patriotism of the Russian textbook on Economics The experts who were called “unpatriotic” and not promoting “love of country” a textbook on Economics for classes 10 and 11, did not like the words that the state earns on the excise duty on alcohol and other examples from the book. About it in interview to “” said the author of the textbook, doctor of economic Sciences Igor Lipsits. In addition, experts did not like that the textbook makes the link between educational level and incidence of AIDS-based African statistics and reproached for the phrase “in 2013 the Russian government made a mistake.” As explained by the source ““, this is the 23rd edition of the textbook for 25 years. Previously, he positively passed the next examination of the Russian Academy of Sciences, examination of the Russian Academy of education (RAO), and “so-called public examination”. However, there

In the Australian Parliament made of bees (video)

In the Australian Parliament made of bees (video) Calming buzz. In the courtyard of the Australian Parliament appeared batalnij hives of bees, called meliponini. Supervised local beekeeper Cormac Farrell. In the Australian Parliament come from the bee hivesAt boot time the error occurred. This species of bees has no sting, so the protective suit and gloves are not needed. Sting deputies insects can not. “We have about 30 hectares of pristine gardens that a whole year full of flowers. The perfect environment. They feel very well”. says Farrell. Scientists around the world are encouraged to create conditions for breeding of bees, populations of which have begun to decline sharply since 1990-ies. The phenomenon is called “syndrome of destruction of colonies”. It is associated with pathogens that cause diseases of bees and use of pesticides. If the bees disappear, the world disappears honey and many species of plants that depend on

Afghanistan want to do without the Islamic ISIS

Afghanistan want to do without the Islamic ISIS Afghan politics and the Taliban signed a Declaration in Moscow. In Moscow the meeting ended with the influential Afghan politicians representing the government in Kabul and the delegation, not the Taliban. The meeting resulted in the signing of the Declaration in which the parties expressed support for the agreement on a total withdrawal from Afghanistan of U.S. troops. The participants also agreed that Afghanistan should not become a refuge for terrorist groups like “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). In addition, the decision “as soon as possible” to hold a second round of “inter-Afghan dialogue.” Venue the conference will be to Doha. The second day of the conference “inter-Afghan dialogue” held in Moscow “President-hotel”, was organized much better than the first (about the opening of the meeting see “Kommersant” on 6 February). Exactly at ten in the morning the participants went

The dispute of Ukraine with Russia has been postponed indefinitely

The dispute of Ukraine with Russia has been postponed indefinitely The ECHR overturned a hearing in the Grand chamber. The Grand chamber of the European court of human rights (ECHR) has postponed indefinitely for “organizational reasons,” hearings on interstate case “against Ukraine”, which was scheduled for February 27. Earlier the court has satisfied himself or herself born in the Ukraine, the Russian judge Dmitry Dedov and rejected made by the government of the Russian Federation the withdrawal of Ukrainian judge Ganna Yudkivska. The Russian judge ad hoc was a member of the UN Committee against torture, judge of the international criminal tribunals of the UN retired and former Advisor to the constitutional court (CC) of the Russian Federation Bakhtiyar Tuzmukhamedov. The cancellation of the hearings in such a short period may be associated with the presidential election in Ukraine, noted the sources. The abolition is scheduled for February 27 hearing

The anarchists call to order

The anarchists call to order The French national Assembly on Tuesday night adopted on first reading “the law against the thugs.” He needs to help law enforcement agencies to establish order in the country, which is every Saturday violate protesters “yellow jackets.” To find a justice on the thugs even in Parliament was not easy, even harder to be on the street, said the correspondent of “Kommersant” Alexei Tarkhanov. “The law against the rioters” adopted by an overwhelming majority. It was supported by 387 people, 92 deputies were against, there was no 74. March 12, he will need approval in the upper house of Parliament — the Senate. For the government’s proposed law voted right-wing “Republicans” (LR), members of the Democratic movement (MoDem) and of course the supporters of the presidential movement “Forward, Republic” (LREM). However, even among them, the law was not met with unanimity. 50 deputies macrosystem did

A note by a Russian doctor called foreigners bewilderment

A note by a Russian doctor called foreigners bewilderment They could not distinguish a single letter. What could be worse than doctor’s handwriting? Only the handwriting of a Russian doctor if it is necessary to disassemble the alien. To such conclusion redditors, seeing photo notes Russian physician. “And it is certainly not the record of the seismograph?” — asks one reader. Russian Cursive. from r/mildlyinfuriating Another user wrote that all the letters in the note are absolutely identical: “how to read this?”. “I — Russian, but even I don’t understand what is written here,” added another reader. Itself note was made in 2012, but in February of 2019 became the property of social networks. The photo quickly went to the top of Reddit less than a day since the publication of collected 700 comments. See also: Old “Volga” took Tesla in tow (photos) PhDs explain your thesis in one sentence

The scientists showed how the Earth looked during the ice age

The scientists showed how the Earth looked during the ice age She was like a little ball to play in the snow. Hard to imagine, but there was a time when our planet was completely frozen. Scientists have shown how it looked this “snow ball” from space. It is believed that the Earth has experienced three to four severe ice ages between 750 and 580 million years ago. Each of them lasted about 10 million years. Snowball Earth: When the Blue Planet Went White Live Science It’s difficult to imagine now, but at certain points in Earth’s history, ice covered the entire planet. This frozen Earth, nicknamed snowball Earth, was a setting of “so … — Bosewell Vandahmier (@Vandahmier) 6 Feb 2019 At this time the main earth mass was located on or near the equator, which led to an increase in weathering. By the weathering of wind

Old “Volga” took Tesla in tow (photos)

Old “Volga” took Tesla in tow (photos) Electrocare needed help. In social networks is gaining popularity is the photo on which “Volga” GAZ-3102, discontinued in 2008, was taken in tow by electric car Tesla. During the download an error has occurred. The Tesla brand is synonymous with advanced technology, as well as the name of Elon musk — flying to Mars. But modern car, which in Russia is from 10 to 16 million rubles, suddenly needed help, “the old man”. “How about this, Elon Musk?” — ask jokers. Readers have suggested that the Tesla battery is dead, and the place for recharging in cities across the country are still hard to find. In the beginning of 2018 in Russia, there were 1,800 electric cars. See also: Elon Musk has his Tesla admired in the Ukrainian Mars RUSNANO may become a minority shareholder in Tesla The head of Tesla kept his

In Ecuador from stab wounds killed Russian tourist

In Ecuador from stab wounds killed Russian tourist QUITO, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. Russian tourist Alexey Dombrovsky died, the victim of an armed robbery in the capital of Ecuador, Quito, told RIA Novosti the representative of the consular Department of the Russian Embassy in a Latin American country. “The victim’s name was Alex Dombrowski,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to local police, the incident with the Russians occurred on Monday evening. Dombrowski, along with his companion was in the quarter Itchimbia (East of Quito), when they were surrounded by four criminals. They tried to take the couple’s personal belongings, but Alex resisted and received a few blows with a knife. He was promptly taken to hospital, but doctors failed to save his life. Thanks to surveillance cameras to law enforcement agencies managed to establish the identity of the attackers, and then began the operation of their search and

The court rendered a second judgment against the ex-President of Brazil

The court rendered a second judgment against the ex-President of Brazil Moscow. 6 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Former President of Brazil, Luiz inácio Lula da Silva on Wednesday sentenced to prison terms of 12 years and 11 months, told the Brazilian TV channel “Globo”. Lula da Silva found guilty of corruption and money laundering. The verdict announced by the judge of the circuit court of the Brazilian city of Curitiba. The TV channel reminds that this is the second sentence against the former President of Brazil. In April last year he was sentenced to 12 years and one month in prison, according to the article, also associated with corruption.