Media: Germany and France reached a compromise on the “Nord stream — 2”

Media: Germany and France reached a compromise on the “Nord stream — 2” MOSCOW, 8 Feb — RIA Novosti. The project on construction of the gas pipeline “Nord stream — 2” will not be blocked due to the fact that Germany and France reached a compromise, reports AFP, citing a preliminary version of the paper presented to EU ambassadors in Brussels. In the case of the adoption of the document France could agree on the approval of new European rules on gas transportation, said the Agency diplomatic sources. NewsEurope cannot survive without Russian gas, estimated by the media In January, Vice-President of the European Commission Maros Sefcovic said that Romania, which in the first half of 2019 presidency of the EU Council introduced new amendments to the gas Directive of the EU. They may affect the projects of Gazprom “Nord stream — 2” and the continuation of the “Turkish stream”

The Kremlin said about the protection of Yanukovych on the territory of Russia by Putin’s decree

The Kremlin said about the protection of Yanukovych on the territory of Russia by Putin’s decree Moscow. 8 Feb. INTERFAX.RU Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that the ex-President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych is in Russian Federation state protection. On a question of journalists, whether is protected in the Russian Federation, Viktor Yanukovych, Peskov said: “By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation it is protected”. NewsIn Ukraine opened a case of treason against a “friend of Russia” Medvedchuk “Public protection is granted by decision of the head of state,” said Sands, answering the question of journalists whether Yanukovych protection in Russia. When asked whether Putin’s decree on granting the protection of Yanukovych, Peskov said: “Yes, Yes, he was, when he (Yanukovych) entered (in Russia) as head of the (Ukrainian) state.” The press Secretary did not comment on what the structure of the FSO or

The last parade: died Sergei Yursky

The last parade: died Sergei Yursky A great actor could find the human even in the roles of villains. 14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий He did not live up to the 84th birthday a month… In his portfolio had a lot of serious, weighty roles, but they made him the idol of millions. It seems that no one — neither on stage nor on screen — did not speak with the same aplomb and as convincing famous phrase “I’ll Command the parade!”. Sergei Yursky has an amazing, even for an actor — and even for a great actor’s gift of finding the unexpected domestic tragedy, even in a seemingly typical Comedy roles. This skill has become rare in the profession; it is a sign not just of talent is a sign of true greatness. Now that the Jurassic is gone, it is difficult to imagine who can stand on a pedestal of fame of

The Hubble spotted a new storm on Neptune

The Hubble spotted a new storm on Neptune NASA released the first images of a powerful storm that has seized territory 11 kilometers in diameter in the Northern hemisphere of Neptune, as well as new images of the storm on Uranus. On Neptune and Uranus the seasons — only they last, unlike earth, for decades. Storms and storm, regularly raging on these planets, scientists believe, just due to seasonal changes. Since 1993, the Hubble space telescope three times already recorded the Neptunian storms, and on the last pictures, taken in September and November 2018, found a new one. Also camera telescope made new pictures of a similar phenomenon in the Northern hemisphere of Uranus. To the right of the dark spots of the storm you can see the bright bright clouds. Similar “Hubble” observed during previous storms. These clouds are formed due to the fact that the vortex drives the

The state office of public Prosecutor asked to go into the excavations in Sandarmokh

The state office of public Prosecutor asked to go into the excavations in Sandarmokh To Yuri Chaika asked about the work of RVIA in the Karelian tract. Prosecutor General Yury Chaika asked to check the legality of excavations conducted by the Russian military-historical society in the Karelian Sandarmokh, where the graves of more than 7.6 thousand politically repressed. Such appeal to the head of Department has written to the Deputy of legislative Assembly of Karelia and Chairman of the party “Yabloko” Emilia Slabunov. She pointed out that the government replace the concept of “monument” and “place of interest” which require a different approach. In today sent the appeal to the Prosecutor General Ms. Slabunov reports on archaeological works, which were carried out by representatives of the Russian military historical society (RVIA) in Sandarmokh from 25 August to 5 September 2018. Local authorities granted the organization a permit for the definition

Ukrainian radicals threw the Russian Consulate with eggs

Ukrainian radicals threw the Russian Consulate with eggs Representatives of the Ukrainian radical organizations staged on Friday, February 8, picket in front of the Russian Consulate General in Kharkov. The action was attended by about 100 people. The protesters pelted the diplomatic mission eggs and green paint, reports TASS. The actions of the radicals was explained by the attempt to prevent planned on the same day the meeting of representatives of the Consulate with the “Pro-Russian organizations” of the city. 2 Feb in Berdyansk (Zaporozhye region) detained a man who doused brilliant green of the candidate in presidents of Ukraine from the Association “the Opposition bloc — the party of peace and development” Alexander Vilkul. The incident occurred during a meeting with voters. Vilkul, commenting on the incident, said that the radicals controlled the security service of Ukraine (SBU) and received the order to organize an attack on him, “preferably

Bloomberg learned all trip participants trump in Moscow in the 90s

Bloomberg learned all trip participants trump in Moscow in the 90s The President of the United States Donald trump in 1996 he came to Moscow, along with three businessmen to discuss the construction of a skyscraper, their names were previously unknown. Mr. trump, investor Bennett Le bow and Howard Lorber then held talks with the Deputy head of the government Vladimir resin. The video report of one of Russian TV channels, the Agency has identified the head of Apollo Global Management Leon black of his presence at a meeting not previously reported. During the download an error has occurred.NewsFuchs said about trump requested $20 million for the tower’s name The source of the Agency noted that Mr. Trump and black failed to negotiate with the authorities of the Russian capital. However, Lord Le bow and Lorber agreed to invest in the reconstruction of downtown Moscow. The Agency said that after

Putin will announce the message to the Federal Assembly on 20 February

Putin will announce the message to the Federal Assembly on 20 February Accreditation of journalists for coverage of the event will be held from 15 to 17 February. MOSCOW, February 8. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin will address the Federal Assembly on February 20. This was reported to journalists the press-Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. “The President will announce the message to the Federal Assembly on 20 February,” he said. According to the representative of the Kremlin, the accreditation of journalists for coverage of the event will be held from 15 to 17 February. Peskov said that the message to the Federal Assembly will be held in Moscow. Answering the question, are there any video presentation during the President’s speech, as it was in 2018, a Kremlin spokesman indicated that “preparation in terms of content of work, related issues are also now addressed.” “As clarification

Deputy Secretary of state accused Russia at the beginning of the arms race

Deputy Secretary of state accused Russia at the beginning of the arms race WASHINGTON, February 8. /TASS/. Russia violated the Treaty on intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty) and thus started the arms race in which the United States was not involved. With such a statement was made on Thursday in an interview with PBS television, Deputy Secretary of state for arms control and international security Andrea Thompson. “We’re not trying to draw Russia into an arms race. We continued to observe the INF Treaty and all other treaties with arms control, while Russia has violated. Russia began an arms race. It started eight years ago when she [Russia] violated the INF Treaty,” said assistant Secretary of state, accused Moscow of the fact that she “initiated this threat.” “If you allow the Contracting party to break it without any consequences, you undermine the efficiency of the whole arms control,” added

“Stood before her on my knees.” Difficult happiness Irina Muravyova

“Stood before her on my knees.” Difficult happiness Irina Muravyova Did not believe in it, but it has proven to be a star, very charming and attractive. And then suddenly changed his life. Irina Muraveva was born 8 Feb 1949 in Moscow. At first she really wanted to be a teacher. And certainly in the younger grades. But then became interested in Amateur and finishing school, has no doubt in choosing their future profession: he saw himself only as an actress. Therefore, applied in all theatrical high schools of Moscow. And I got turned down. In the Shchukin school Muravyova and is advised to forget about the profession of acting in the absence of data. Father at some point tried to remind her about the past dream: to become a teacher. “A teacher without a piece of bread will not stay!” he argued with the daughter. But she stood his