Ekaterina Andreeva has criticized the Zapashny brothers for cruelty

Ekaterina Andreeva has criticized the Zapashny brothers for cruelty TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva accused of Edgard zapashnogo in the brutal methods of training animals. This subject, the journalist touched on, commenting on the murder of poachers endangered leopard in Abkhazia. The presenter of the First channel Ekaterina Andreeva accused the General Director of the Great Moscow state circus Edgard zapashnogo in animal cruelty. Commenting on the killing of endangered leopard, barely released, the journalist broached the subject of poor treatment of animals in the circus. In his instagram Andreev said he did not understand how you can go to “entertainment” events to which predators are trained “lances, whips and fire,” and advised the audience to think about which way achieved the obedience of animals. “In our country for cultural purposes (as compiled by the law passed by deputies) to torture whales and orcas, and then to drive them at a

Times: Britain will send an aircraft carrier into the Pacific to demonstrate the strength of China

Times: Britain will send an aircraft carrier into the Pacific to demonstrate the strength of China LONDON, February 11. /TASS/. The UK will be sent the flagship of its naval forces — aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth — in the waters of the Pacific to demonstrate the strength of China. On Monday the newspaper reported The Times. According to the newspaper, the Minister of defence of the United Kingdom will announce on Monday that London should be ready to use “hard power” to protect their interests. That is why the largest ship of the British Navy will go first in the Mediterranean and middle East regions, and then will head to the shores of China. Total displacement of the Queen Elizabeth is 70,6 thousand t, length — 280 m, width 73 m, the maximum speed — up to 26 knots, cruising range — up to 10 thousand nautical miles (about 19

Senator: trump can get behind bars until the next election of the President of the United States

Senator: trump can get behind bars until the next election of the President of the United States MOSCOW, 11 Feb — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump can sit in jail until the next presidential elections, to be held in 2020, says a democratic Senator from Massachusetts and candidate for President of the U.S. Elizabeth Warren. “By the time we get to 2020, Donald trump may not even be President. In fact, it may not even be a free man” — quoted by Warren on NBC. According to the Senator, every day trump publishes racist or hateful tweets, something “dark and ugly”. She urged the press that the other candidates don’t fall into the trap and do not pay attention to every action trump. On Saturday, the democratic Senator from Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren officially joined the presidential race in the United States, announcing his candidacy. At

Looks like a shopping Mall that became a prison (photo)

Looks like a shopping Mall that became a prison (photo) This is one of the most famous buildings of Caracas. “Helix” is one of the most famous buildings in the capital of Venezuela. A quirky but dilapidated pyramid towering on a rocky hill above the slums of one of the poorest areas of Caracas. View this post in Instagram Publication from Envio de Remesas (@cambiosvzla24) 5 Jun 2018 at 4:50 PM PDT During the download an error has occurred. The building has gained notoriety — now it’s a prison where horrible condition of the prisoners including political prisoners. But initially, “Helix” was conceived as a luxury shopping Mall for wealthy clients. View this post in Instagram Publication from Arquitectura Venezuela (@arquitecturavzl) 17 Dec 2016 at 3:43 PST During the download an error has occurred. The building of the pyramid began in the 1950s, the years under President Marcos Pérez Jiménez.

In Venezuela recorded a video of a huge meteorite

In Venezuela recorded a video of a huge meteorite Venezuelans witnessed the rare phenomenon. They were able to watch the fall of a large celestial body, which, apparently, is a meteorite. Moreover, the Venezuelans were able to shoot this rare sight on video. The meteorite was recorded by different people who have posted spectacular shots on Twitter. Falling celestial body clearly visible against the background of relatively clear evening sky. On one of the rollers of the surveys conducted from the window of a house. Judging by the excited voices overs, witnessed the unusual phenomena were girls. Usuarios en las redes sociales reportan una gran luz en el cielo de Caracas. Me hacen llegar este video pic.twitter.com/GVsnxFb6cP — Miguel Malliotakis (@Malliotakis_) 10 Feb 2019 On another video a meteorite hit the frame during the filming of the holiday with dancing, miraculously reviving the party. Casual #meteorito pic.twitter.com/vEfvZgCvFG — Michelle Mi

Rogozin called the cause of failed launches of Russian rockets

Rogozin called the cause of failed launches of Russian rockets The General Director of “Rosatom” Dmitry Rogozin in an interview to the program “Moscow. The Kremlin. Putin” on the channel “Russia 1” said the reason for the failed launches of Russian rockets. According to him, the problem lies in the technique, which may not be 100% reliable. “Technique is still a technique. And sooner or later it fails. (…) The safety factor of equipment equal to, say, 99 comma, and for some there is still interest,” Rogozin said (quoted by RIA news). Those emergency occasions that happen, and is “the interest,” he added. The head of state Corporation stressed that no single sample technique, which is absolute reliability. Commenting on the autumn crash “Soyuz-FG”, Rogozin noted that “Union” is a very reliable rocket, and crash with it correspond to the statistics of reliability of the missile. “That is, sooner or

Venezuela will invest in weapons, he stated

Venezuela will invest in weapons, he stated CARACAS/BUENOS AIRES, 11 Feb — RIA Novosti. Venezuela will invest in weapons, said the President of the country nicolás Maduro, opening the largest in its history military exercises. Sunday afternoon was the start of a civil-military exercise “Bicentennial Angostura 2019”, which will be attended by the armed forces and people’s militia of the Republic. The exercises will be held from 10 to 15 February. Before beginning the maneuvers, the President arrived in located near the Venezuelan capital of coastal state of Miranda, where he got acquainted with samples of military equipment, including rocket launchers Russian-made, which are in service with the Venezuelan army. “We will invest to soldiers, military and militias had the most advanced weaponry… Venezuela will have “Needles” in the hands of the militia and soldiers to the most modern rockets, because Venezuela wants peace,” said Maduro. “Our armed forces are

Democrat Klobuchar decided to run for US President in 2020

Democrat Klobuchar decided to run for US President in 2020 NEW YORK, February 10. /TASS/. Democratic Senator from Minnesota Amy Klobuchar announced on Sunday about the decision to participate in the presidential elections in the United States in 2020. “Today, on the banks of the Almighty Mississippi river… I am the granddaughter of a miner, the daughter of a teacher and newspaperman, and the first woman elected to the Senate from Minnesota… my candidacy for President of the United States,” she said, speaking at a rally in Minneapolis (Minnesota). Her words brought to broadcaster CNN. Klobuchar in 2006 became the first woman to be elected to the upper house of the U.S. Congress from Minnesota, and took office in early January 2007. In 2012 by a wide margin (65% vs. 35% of votes) defeated Republican Kurt Bills and was re-elected to the Senate for a second term. On Saturday, democratic

Trump rejected accusations of lack of zeal to work

Trump rejected accusations of lack of zeal to work The President of the United States Donald trump responded to the leak of his daily schedule to the media. He said that a lot, and reports that it idles a lie. About this American leader wrote on Sunday, February 10, Twitter. According to the head of the state, it will probably work even more than almost all his predecessors. “The fact that when I took over as President, the country was a mess. The weakened army, the endless war the likelihood of war with North Korea, veterans ‘ Affairs, high taxes and excessive regulation, border issues, immigration, healthcare and more. I had no choice but to work hard!” — wrote trump. 3 Feb portal Axios posted a “leaked” source schedule of trump. Journalists have analysed it and deduced that most of the time (about 60 percent) the President spends on the

In Chile “alive” waterfall, dried up 10 years ago (video)

In Chile “alive” waterfall, dried up 10 years ago (video) The reason — a major flood. In the Atacama desert in Chile was revived 60-foot waterfall, a dried up ten years ago. During the download an error has occurred. It was after severe flooding in the North of the country. Due to heavy rains the river overflowed, many people fled their flooded homes. In the Andes, was destroyed buildings and roads. Authorities reported the deaths of at least 9 people. President Sebastian Pinera declared a state of emergency in a province. During the download an error has occurred. The Atacama desert on the Western coast of South America is one of the driest places on the planet. In some places it only rains once in a few decades. View this post in Instagram Publication of atacama trips (@atacama_trips) Feb 3 2019 3:01 PST During the download an error has occurred.