In Chile rescued 59 drugged parrots (video)

In Chile rescued 59 drugged parrots (video) Chicks stolen from nests. Customs officials in Chile seized from a smuggler 59 Chicks of rare macaws. Birds were transported in the trunk of a taxi. First found 29 Chicks, and then during the inspection, was discovered another 30. Were they taken from nests in the city of Osorno. In Chile, the customs officers found a large consignment of rare parrotsDuring the download an error has occurred. Birds were transported in terrible conditions, Ara was dirty and seemed barely alive. Later it turned out that parrots are drugged and later planned to sell to clients. The attacker faces a term of 5 years for the catch of endangered species and another 3 years for cruelty to animals. See also: Parrots could make a cost-effective solution The girl made friends with a chicken and takes her with him to the beach What animals come

Lanovoy was not allowed on the flight “Victory”

Lanovoy was not allowed on the flight “Victory” MOSCOW, 14 Feb — RIA Novosti. People’s artist of the USSR Vasily Lanovoy was not allowed on the flight “Victory” in Rostov-on-don, reports the Moscow 24. Coffer and one of the suitcases of the artist exceed the requirements of the airline size hand Luggage. They said that you have to pay a fine. We say we are willing to pay, but we need to fly, we have two concerts.Vasily Lanovoy However, as the actor told one of the employees of the company “even won’t talk” and did not take the money. In the end Lanovoy missed the landing, and he had to buy tickets for the next flight. News“Victory” has proposed to introduce a pay-check at the airports At the end of December last year the Moscow city court found the ban of the airline “Victory” to carry in the cabin of

In Canada, the unknown stole the water from the iceberg more than $9 thousand

In Canada, the unknown stole the water from the iceberg more than $9 thousand In the canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador police are investigating a case of theft unknown waters of iceberg more than $9 thousand. On 13 February, reports CBC News. We are talking about the theft of about 30 thousand liters of water from melted icebergs, which was intended for the production of vodka. “We consider the version with the tanker or trailer for tractor,” said the policeman Andy Renwick. The representative of the company (his name is not called), which deals with the transfer of fresh water in icebergs reported that during transport the water is probably already spoiled. Because of this, it lost its properties and is now almost useless. “Lord, what are they going to do with this?” he asked. Water from icebergs is valued for its purity and is used to make alcoholic

At the inspection in Krasnoyarsk, found the body of a woman

At the inspection in Krasnoyarsk, found the body of a woman KRASNOYARSK, February 14 — RIA Novosti. Under the rubble at the site of a partial collapse of the house in Krasnoyarsk, found the body of a woman, reported RIA Novosti head of the press service of the regional Glaucus Ministry of internal Affairs Vladimir Yurchenko. Now set the identity of the deceased. MIA also finds out how many people lived in the house and checks the documents. As reported by RIA Novosti to SUCK on the edge, “according to preliminary data, the victim is an elderly woman.” In the regional Ministry of health added that the medical teams continue to be on duty in the emergency. Earlier in the Pokrovka district of the cotton, domestic gas and partially collapsed three-storey private cottage. The house was evacuated ten people. In result, cotton domestic gas badly damaged walls of the second

Bolton: opposition in the Board of Citgo prevent Maduro to Rob Venezuela

Bolton: opposition in the Board of Citgo prevent Maduro to Rob Venezuela WASHINGTON, 15 Feb — RIA Novosti. Advisor to the President for national security John Bolton stated that the appointment by the opposition in Venezuela of the Board of us oil company Citgo prevents the President Nicolas Maduro to plunder Venezuela. “The United States is pleased to see that the interim President Juan Guido have taken steps to protect Citgo assets for the people of Venezuela. Maduro and his corrupt cronies don’t allow to plunder the resources of Venezuela,” wrote Bolton in Twitter. The decision of the National Assembly (unicameral Parliament) of Venezuela, members of the Board of Directors of Citgo, owned by Venezuelan state company PDVSA, began Louis Palacios, Edgar rincón, Luis Urdaneta, angel Olmeto, Andres Padilla and Rick Esser. Was also appointed the members of the Board at PDVSA itself: they were Simon Antunes, Gustavo Velasquez, Carlos

Georgia’s opposition fears of a “Russian trap.”

Georgia’s opposition fears of a “Russian trap.” The statement of the Minister of economy of Georgia Giorgi of Cobolii about the negotiations with the Russian company “Gazprom” has drawn sharp criticism from the opposition. From 2017, the country is provided with gas from Azerbaijan, but Tbilisi is counting on the resumption of supplies from Russia. However the opposition have warned the ruling party “Georgian dream”: an attempt to reduce its dependence on Baku may lead to the “enslavement of the country by Russia”. About the negotiations with “Gazprom” George Kobulia expressed during the hearings in Parliament. “We need to have a few gas suppliers to create competition between them in our energy market”, — said the Minister. He is confident that the import of gas from Russia “will help to maintain energy security and independence of Georgia.” Mr. Kobelia suggests that negotiations with “Gazprom” can be completed at the end

Gorbachev responded to the state Duma plans to revise the assessment of invasion of Afghanistan

Gorbachev responded to the state Duma plans to revise the assessment of invasion of Afghanistan MOSCOW, 15 Feb — RIA Novosti. Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev criticized the intention of the state Duma to declare invalid the resolution of the Congress of people’s deputies, which denounced the decision to send troops to Afghanistan. The Duma Committee on defence on 22 January, endorsed the corresponding draft statement of the Duma on the political assessment of the participation of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in the conflict in Afghanistan. The document was prepared by the Deputy Nikolai Kharitonov, the head of the state Duma Committee on defense Vladimir Shamanov, together with veterans ‘ organizations. MPs propose to “recognize irrelevant to the principles of historical justice moral and political condemnation of the decision to send Soviet troops into Afghanistan in December 1979, and expressed in the resolution of the Congress of people’s

Artist “humanized” dolls with makeup (photo)

Artist “humanized” dolls with makeup (photo) They both live. Ukrainian artist Olga ‘ have long attracted the attention of collectors dolls. Her original works are like no other. Olga uses a brush and paint in order to “humanize” Barbie dolls or Monster High, giving them resemblance to living people. View this post in Instagram Publication from Olga Kamenetskaya #VogueWorld (@oli.krolik) 2 Nov 2018 at 2:54 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Scientists have long criticised manufacturers of the dolls for what they offer children the unrealistic images of women, forming in the girls subconscious desire to “look like Barbie”. The proportions and beauty of these dolls is unnatural when compared with human beings. But the creation of the Kamenetz can boast of freckles, moles, realistic complexion. View this post in Instagram Publication from Olga Kamenetskaya #VogueWorld (@oli.krolik) Oct 26, 2018 at 9:18 PDT During the download an error

As modern technologies make life easier for lovers

As modern technologies make life easier for lovers A few years ago, we thought about this and think I didn’t. To have romance in our day has become much more comfortable. Now there are phones, video conferencing, online Dating services and much more. In honor of Valentine’s Day we have collected for you a selection of the most unusual and interesting fixtures that will appeal to lovers. Smart mattress Many couples who already live together, are often faced with the problem of “night of the capture area” — when a partner in a dream almost pushes you off the bed. Specifically for such cases automotive company Ford has developed a unique smart mattress called Lane-Keeping Bed. During the download an error has occurred. This miracle thing works on the principle of automotive technology that helps keep the car in the center lane. The mattress reacts to the weight shift and

The salt of the Earth: how electric vehicles will help to survive the Quechua Indians

The salt of the Earth: how electric vehicles will help to survive the Quechua Indians Bolivia and Russia begin joint development of one of the largest deposits of lithium. 14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий See also: Cave hunger: how houses disappear troglodytes How to live Escobar — the poorest city in the United States Where is one of the largest underground cities in the world (photos)