Looks like the lake known as “Big Blue Hole” (photo)

Looks like the lake known as “Big Blue Hole” (photo) Very picturesque place. In the village of Lotofaga on the island of Upolu in Samoa is an important tourist attraction — lake-Sua or “Big Blue Hole”. It was formed in the crater of an extinct volcano and is surrounded by lush rainforest. View this post in Instagram Publication of Hannah shipman (@hannah_shipman) 1 January 2019 at 5:58 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of mariashotelcheck | Travel (@mariashotelcheck) 20 Oct 2018 12:32 PDT During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of Travel • Lifestyle • Nature (@iloveplaneta) 2 Aug 2018 4:35 PDT During the download an error has occurred. The AMS are connected by groundwater to the Pacific ocean, located a few dozen meters. Due to this, the lake is constantly maintained the same water level.

Love to the grave

Love to the grave Valentine’s Day is accepted to speak about the absolute sense, the end of which was capable of only death. Archaeologists also know something about it. From time to time in the ancient tombs, they encountered a pair of burial: two skeletons lay, touching, embracing or holding hands — well, how here not to remember the vows of eternal love. Just want to know the age of “lovers”, the details of their life, the cause of death. But what really thinks about these pairs is science? Read more about it in the blog dedicated to the feast of Saint Valentine, says Ulli uletova, author of Pompeii: the step-by-step. A young couple from Rakhigarhi In 2013, a joint expedition of the Indian archaeologists of the Deccan College and anthropologists from the South Korean Institute of criminology at the faculty of medicine of Seoul University began work on the

The “island of love” in the form of heart shown from space

The “island of love” in the form of heart shown from space And it is not all right. The European space Agency (ESA) released the taken with the satellite Sentinel-2 the island of Moorea in French Polynesia, calling it “a love message from Earth”. The Heart Of Climate Change: New ESA Image Shows ‘Island Love’ Under Threat https://t.co/CrWF2pFkoU pic.twitter.com/rIqY85ruCZ — SPACE.com (@SPACEdotcom) 14 Feb 2019 Volcanic island in the Pacific ocean has a triangular shape, a bit like a heart shape. It is sometimes also called the “island of Love”. The painted red. But it is not done in honor of Valentine’s Day. Red color appeared in the image post-processing in areas of lush vegetation on the island. Moorea is home to a rich ecosystem, reminiscent of scientists. People have inhabited this island for 1200 years and continue to change it: the red in the picture (but the green really)

Information about the detection in Afghanistan shot down in 1987, the pilot turned out to be false

Information about the detection in Afghanistan shot down in 1987, the pilot turned out to be false The Chairman of Committee on Affairs of warriors-internationalists Alexander Kovalev said that none of the pilot. MOSCOW, February 15. /TASS/. The information found in Afghanistan a Soviet pilot who was shot down in 1987, still alive and wants to return to Russia, were false — none of the pilot. This was on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, said in an interview with TASS Alexander Kovalev, Chairman of Committee on Affairs of soldiers-internationalists at Council of heads of governments of States — participants of CIS. “This false information, not confirmed,” said Kovalev, adding that “a person is not really alive, no one, the pilot was never found, no one saw him”. “Even today the subject not on the agenda discuss, because there is no fact,” he

Medvedev has proposed to create a social portrait of the poor

Medvedev has proposed to create a social portrait of the poor The Prime Minister believes that this will help to improve the situation of millions of Russians living below the poverty line. Moscow. 15 Feb. INTERFAX.RU Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has proposed to create a social portrait of Russian citizens living below the poverty line to help make them more focused. “We have more than 19 million people whose income is below the subsistence level,” — said Medvedev at a meeting with regional leaders on Friday. “Decisions about compensation are made on the basis of dry figures. This is a standard set of data, impersonal picture. We need to make a more detailed social portrait of poverty in our country”, — said the Prime Minister. According to Medvedev, to “help people get out from such a situation, it is necessary to understand the specifics of his living situation, his needs.”NewsGolikova

“Sovereign Internet” in Russia will allow not to include, if the state does not supply the necessary equipment

“Sovereign Internet” in Russia will allow not to include, if the state does not supply the necessary equipment The resonant draft law on “sovereign Internet” in Russia provides for the provision of telecommunications operators with equipment to route traffic. It is claimed that it will provide the state. But in that case, if the authorities will not be able to provide private business with the necessary equipment will be permitted to work “as before”. The relevant amendment will be considered at the second reading of the bill, February 15, reports RBC. “If the state will not be able to provide the operator with the equipment for traffic control, necessary in the framework of implementation of the law on the sustainable operation of Runet, the operator will still be able to continue their work the old-fashioned way,” said the anonymous source. Similar information as well, citing an anonymous source told the

United States eases potential sanctions against Russian state-owned banks

United States eases potential sanctions against Russian state-owned banks In the new version of the bill on anti-Russian sanctions of the USA softened the paragraph on restrictions against Russian banks, according to The Bell and RBC with reference to the document. From the document removed the list of banks against whom the President proposes to impose restrictions. Instead, the sanctions threaten the state banks, which, as defined by the President of the United States, “provided financial or other support with the purpose of the intervention of the government of the Russian Federation in the democratic process or elections of any other country”. Recall, February 13, U.S. senators Lindsey Graham and Robert Menendez, prepared a new, tougher version of the bill on sanctions against Russia, which has not passed in the past year. He, like the previous one, involves the prohibition of investments in Russian debt, projects for the extraction of

Astronomers have discovered a new “oceanic” planet of the Solar system

Astronomers have discovered a new “oceanic” planet of the Solar system MOSCOW, 14 Feb — RIA Novosti. Traces of eruptions of cryovolcanism on Ceres helped scientists to prove that under the surface of this dwarf planet, there is almost “eternal” ice of the ocean, filled with thick brine. Estimated dates of his life were revealed in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. First images of Ceres obtained by the Dawn probe in March of 2015 after his arrival to the dwarf planet, revealed two unusual structures that no one expected to see — a mysterious white spot in the crater Okkator caught traces of a thick “brine”, and the unusual pyramidal mountain of Akhun, towering over Ceres for four kilometres. Later Dawn and his research team found that the Sea actually is an ancient, already “extinct” cryovolcano, and white spots were the traces of the eruptions of its “brothers”. In addition,

Editor-in-chief of the game “Who wants to be a millionaire?” said another cheating Friends

Editor-in-chief of the game “Who wants to be a millionaire?” said another cheating Friends The chief editor of the program “Who wants to be a millionaire?” Ilya ber said that he has proof of another fraud on the part of master Alexander Friends. He declared it on air of radio station “Silver rain”. According to Bera, he knew for certain about one unfair win Friends in one of the games. “While I’m not ready, can not disclose”, — he said. NewsPlay Friends and Sidneva: try to pass the same quiz “Who wants to be a millionaire” Ber said that friends in General is not completely clean reputation. He said that 20 years ago many people personally familiar with the master, doubted the merit of his winnings. Earlier, the chief editor of game show “Who wants to be a millionaire?” Ilya ber said that friends tried to bribe him. Master allegedly

Manatee “kiss” the diver during the dive (video)

Manatee “kiss” the diver during the dive (video) Perhaps the cutest video on Valentine’s Day. 33-year-old diver named Casey Tomasiak during navigation in National wildlife refuge crystal river, Florida managed to make friends with a group of manatees. Animals are so imbued with the feelings of his land to a friend that every now and again joyfully greeted him during the dives. During the download an error has occurred. In February, Casey went back to snorkeling and videotaped meeting with his marine friends. One of the manatees swam up to him and planting a kiss right on the lips, then rolled over to Casey stroked him. See also: Savvy fish are inside jellyfish (video) Sea elephants “captured” tourist beach in California (video) Diver found on the bottom of the Mediterranean sea live “stone”