Why in Siberia ships “freeze” from ice (video)

Why in Siberia ships “freeze” from ice (video) Such work requires huge physical strength. With some delay in the Siberian town Zhatay came severe frosts. With them finally came time to “wynorski” ships. In Siberia to repair ships “freeze” from iceDuring the download an error has occurred. This is the old way to repair the ships: with chainsaws and axes workers free of ice underwater part of ships is about 20 cm and Then waiting for the water in the judgments would freeze, and release a new space. Then the bottom can be repaired. Such work requires great physical strength and endurance. The temperature at this time of year on the river Lena is lowered to minus 46 degrees. But for the season, workers can earn up to 400 thousand rubles. Chitayte also: Why the Chinese are buying up land in Siberia and the more they irritate the Russians Invented

Media: the gunslinger from Illinois opened fire after the news of resignation

Media: the gunslinger from Illinois opened fire after the news of resignation MOSCOW, 16 Feb — RIA Novosti. Officer Henry Pratt, started a fire in the company building in Illinois in which 5 people were killed, opened fire at a meeting where he was informed about the dismissal, informs television channel ABC 7 with reference to sources in law enforcement bodies. According to the channel, the shooter was 45-year-old employee Gary Martin. “Law enforcement sources said the team ABC 7 that on Friday, Martin said that it is fired from the company where he worked for about 15 years as a collector, and that he began shooting during a meeting about his dismissal, then left the premises and continued to shoot” — said the TV channel. At the moment the police are continuing to investigate the motives of the perpetrator and trying to determine whether the attack planned in advance.

The British showed how to drink vodka in Russian

The British showed how to drink vodka in Russian In recent years the relations between the West and Russia are strained almost the same as during the cold war, and the growing lack of understanding and rejection of cultural sensitivity, according to the BBC. They chose “the most recognizable” in the world of Russian ritual and went to the immigrants from Russia, to more to study it. It is, of course, about the Russian vodka and traditional snacks to go with it. To dedicate the British in the features of Russian feast has agreed Natasha ward, half English, half Russian. She worked as a translator for the UN, Mikhail Gorbachev, Angelina Jolie and others. One thing you learn: do not try to keep up with the Russians when drinking vodka https://t.co/SXLrVVKgHv — Steve Smith (@spsmith1) 14 Feb 2019 “The study of why sniffing Russian bread, drank a glass of vodka,

In Pompeii found Narcissa. He has no face

In Pompeii found Narcissa. He has no face Archaeologists found in the ancient Roman city of Pompeii perished due to the eruption of the volcano, a new artifact — the depiction of Narcissus, the hero of Greek mythology who fell in love with his own reflection. The Roman town of Pompeii was destroyed in 79 ad due to the eruption of the volcano mount Vesuvius. Lava and ashes covered the city and everyone in it was conserved Pompeii for centuries — so there is a unique archaeological monument, the excavation of which is still going on. Newsfound In Pompeii erotic fresco depicting Leda and the Swan Archaeologists have been working in the V area of the city, in one of the villas belonging to noble families. In November 2018 in the bedroom of this Villa already found a fresco depicting Leda and the Swan. It illustrated a story from ancient

The tattoo artist showed the life cycle of a rose, making the tattoo 70 people (video)

The tattoo artist showed the life cycle of a rose, making the tattoo 70 people (video) Amazing project. Tattoo artist the First Bercheni from Hungary on St. Valentine’s Day was invented and carried out an interesting project called “Little rose”. The entire life cycle of a flower (from the first germ to the decay) he depicted in separate drawings, and then transferred in the form of tattoos on the body 70 volunteers. View this post in Instagram Publication of BB (@balazsbercsenyi) 14 Feb 2019 5:34 PST During the download an error has occurred.The project was about 600 people, so the selection was tough. All tattoo Bercheni managed to do in one week. And on Valentine’s Day he gathered them into a small video, which happened the same life story of a single rose. View this post in Instagram Publication of BB (@balazsbercsenyi) February 14, 2019 at 5:17 PST During the

Texas landowners have filed a lawsuit against trump

Texas landowners have filed a lawsuit against trump MOSCOW, 16 Feb — RIA Novosti. A non-profit organization for consumer protection Public Citizen sued Donald trump on behalf of the landowners of Texas, the territory of which can be built border wall. The lawsuit was filed after the decision of the US President about introduction of state of emergency on the border with Mexico that could speed up construction. Trump on Friday signed the decree on state of emergency on the border with Mexico. This would enable it easier to get the necessary $ 8 billion for the construction of a wall on the border, opposed by Democrats in Congress. “Public Citizen has filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Frontera Audubon and three landowners in South Texas, which the government has said that it intends to build a border wall on their property, if they receive funding in 2019,” —

Looks like swamp is the largest swamp in the world where people live (photos)

Looks like swamp is the largest swamp in the world where people live (photos) Just this region is very fertile. In the Central part of southern Sudan in the valley of the White Nile is a huge swamp called Sudd. It occupies the territory of about 30 thousand square kilometers, but during the rainy season, which lasts here from April to September, the swamp becomes even more overflowing to 130 thousand square kilometers. View this post in Instagram Publication of Aviator/Adventurer/Traveler (@helicopter_aviator) 20 Sep 2017 6:57 PDT During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of Noga Malkin (@nogamal) 20 Jun 2016 at 9:44 am PDT During the download an error has occurred. It would seem that this area should be empty due to adverse conditions, but not. Here people live. Yes, right in the middle of the swamp. View this post in Instagram Publication

Putin awarded the Vladimir Kovtun the title of Hero of Russia during the Afghan war

Putin awarded the Vladimir Kovtun the title of Hero of Russia during the Afghan war The President of Russia Vladimir Putin awarded the participant of operations in Afghanistan Vladimir Kovtun the title of Hero of Russia. About it reported in a press-service of the Kremlin on February 15. “For heroism, courage and bravery shown in the performance of special tasks in conditions involving a risk to life, to assign the title of Hero of the Russian Federation Kovtun, Vladimir Pavlovich,” — said in the text of the decree of the President. 30 years ago — February 15, 1989, was officially completed the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. This date was a memorable day. Vladimir Putin was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian GRU officer, Vladimir Kovtun (center), whose group in Afghanistan has captured the first samples of MANPADS “stinger”, the US supplied the Mujahideen. Despite the promise

Scientists: because of the depression, the aging brain 10 years earlier

Scientists: because of the depression, the aging brain 10 years earlier But this can be dealt with. Depression can accelerate the aging of the brain, found researchers from Yale University. Using a new technique of brain scanning, they were able to establish that the synaptic density — the number of connections in the brain — in people with depression start to decline 10 years earlier, on average at age 40 years rather than 50. Memory impairment, slowing of speech, “fog” in the head and age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, such people comes first. Synapses — the most important and the most “elusive” parts of the brain. It is the contact points between neurons that allow information to navigate through the areas of the brain and between them. In the brain of about 100 billion neurons, each of which is associated with about 10 thousands of others. When we are

The state of emergency trump found violations

The state of emergency trump found violations The Democrats have launched an investigation because the declared U.S. President Donald trump of the state of emergency. This is stated on the website of the legal Committee of the house of representatives. The authors drew the attention of the President that his decision represents a reckless disregard for the principle of separation of powers and its own responsibilities. The U.S. Constitution vests Congress is the “power of the purse” and therefore the money cannot be spent on are not statutory appointments, reminded Democrats. They noticed that the President may declare a state of emergency only in case of military conscription for national defence. However, the military is forbidden to enforce the immigration laws of the country they claim. “No sane man thinks that South of the border have an emergency. Illegal immigration is at a record low level, and families with children