Maslyakov responded to rumors about a trip to the presidential administration because of the “Game” show

Maslyakov did not go to the presidential administration because of the “Game”, but “a couple of conversations took place” Leading and head of KVN Alexander Maslyakov responded to allegations that he complained to the presidential administration on the TNT show “Game” because of its resemblance to the “Club of the cheerful and resourceful.” He denied rumors about going to officials in an interview with TASS. “I was not in Staraya Square (on Staraya Ploschad Street in Moscow there is the building of the Presidential Administration of Russia – approx.” “). But a couple of telephone conversations on this topic took place, ”Maslyakov said. The head of KVN added that he first called, and then – him. Maslyakov did not specify with whom and when he spoke. When asked if he had complained about the “Game” in these telephone conversations, the host of the program replied in the negative. “[I]

Putin supported the extension of the validity of certificates of COVID-19 patients

Putin supported Golikova's idea to extend the certificate after COVID-19 to a year Russian President Vladimir Putin supported Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova's proposal up to a year the validity of the certificate after the transferred COVID-19. This is reported by TASS. “We will do so,” the head of state said after listening to the report of the deputy chairman of the government. Earlier, Golikova noted that the share of re-ill with coronavirus in Russia was 0, 74 percent of their total. According to Golikova, in this regard, there was a proposal to extend the validity of such certificates from six months to one year. “In the near future, the relevant amendments will be made to the methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health, and the corresponding changes will be taken into account by the Ministry of Digital Science on the Unified Portal of Public Services in the certificates of

The doctor invited the Gamaleya Center to give lectures to anti-vaccination doctors

Doctor Kondrakhin: antivaxer medics can be lectured at the Gamaleya Center “to the employees of the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after N. F. Gamaleya to read a course of lectures for anti-vaccine doctors. ” It would be great if the Gamaleya Center prepared an explanatory and informational work especially for doctors, scientifically based. That it was a lecture under the auspices of the CME – continuous medical education, so that the doctor was certified that he took this course and received points for it, “Kondrakhin noted. In his opinion, if after receiving additional education from a doctor -antivaxer repeatedly doubts about the need for vaccination, he can be sent for an internship in the “red zone”, “to understand what problems colleagues face, to be told there how prophylaxis is carried out, how and what they are treated”. < p> Earlier, the regional divisions of Roszdravnadzor

The head of the Belarusian church compared migrants stuck at the border with aliens

Patriarchal Exarch in Belarus: Migrants should be treated like aliens migrants with aliens, Interfax-Zapad reports. “They should be treated like” aliens “. This is how the Old Testament calls to treat all pilgrims in our lives. The Bible says that we are aliens on this earth, like many of our fathers, “- said the head of the Belarusian church during a press conference in Minsk. According to him, one should show mercy to strangers and aliens. compassion, support them and “nourish them with bread” in difficult times. Earlier, the State Border Committee of Belarus said that the Polish security forces tried to stop refugees trying to break through the border using automatic bursts. В In early November, several thousand migrants from the Middle East gathered on the border of Belarus with Poland and Lithuania, who are trying to break into the EU. The West claims that the migration crisis was

Minsk reacted to the Ukrainian special operation on the border with Belarus

Oleg Gaidukevich: the Polesie special operation is an attempt by Kiev to provoke a conflict The Polesie Ukrainian special operation is a conflict on the border with Belarus … Oleg Gaidukevich, deputy chairman of the Belarusian parliament’s commission on international affairs, said this in an interview with Izvestia. The deputy reacted to the message about the deployment of a special operation in the border zone and noted that Belarus never sent any or threats. In his opinion, by its actions Kiev is trying to provoke Minsk into a conflict, as well as to find those responsible for the problems of Ukrainian society and government. Related materials15: 25 – 19 November Border stand. Migrants on the border of Poland and Belarus – about a breakthrough to Europe, life in a camp and fear of deportation 00:01 – 18 November ” They would rather die in Europe than return home “How migrants

The head of the Belarusian church compared migrants stuck at the border with aliens

Patriarchal Exarch in Belarus: Migrants should be treated like aliens migrants with aliens, Interfax-Zapad reports. “They should be treated like” aliens “. This is how the Old Testament calls to treat all pilgrims in our lives. The Bible says that we are aliens on this earth, like many of our fathers, “- said the head of the Belarusian church during a press conference in Minsk. According to him, one should show mercy to strangers and aliens. compassion, support them and “nourish them with bread” in difficult times. Earlier, the State Border Committee of Belarus said that the Polish security forces tried to stop refugees trying to break through the border using automatic bursts. В In early November, several thousand migrants from the Middle East gathered on the border of Belarus with Poland and Lithuania, who are trying to break into the EU. The West claims that the migration crisis was

Honored coach of Russia detained for refusing to wear a mask explained

Honored swimming coach of Russia said that he nearly suffocated after being arrested at the St. Petersburg airport Pulkovo. The expert's explanation is given by Match TV. He stated that he did not resist the law enforcement officers, but only asked them not to use physical force, as he was ready to follow them on his own. Ilyin also said that his refusal to wear the mask was due to his health condition. “I have shortness of breath, arrhythmia, I cannot wear a mask. I'm suffocating. I almost suffocated in my cell – my pills were taken away from me, ”the coach said. The incident became known on November 23. The video recording of the arrest of Ilyin, who refused to wear a mask, was published by his ward, the European swimming champion Vitalina Simonova. Later, a criminal case was opened against her. The Russian woman is accused of insulting

Galkin had breakfast with sandwiches and showed the kitchen in the castle

Comedian Maxim Galkin filmed the interior of the kitchen in the castle at breakfast with children with kids. The artist captured the interior of the castle kitchen. Galkin posted a video to his Instagram story. Galkin showed in the video how he and his children – Elizabeth and Harry – have breakfast with sausage sandwiches before they go to school. Some of the walls in the kitchen were painted light yellow, and for the work area they chose a bright shade and tiles with floral and geometric patterns. The artist and his children are seated at an oval table covered with a white tablecloth. Furniture in the kitchen, including chairs and a wardrobe, is made in a milky shade. In a cupboard-like cabinet, crockery is arranged behind glass doors. A dark colored slab with bronze elements is installed next to it. “We have a traditional early breakfast before school,” Galkin