The passenger of the plane threw his legs on the adjacent armrest and embarrassed the fellow traveler

A man filmed a companion who threw his bare feet on the adjacent armrest them on the net. This is reported by The Sun with a link to the corresponding thread on Reddit. The published picture shows how an unknown man threw his bare feet on the adjacent armrest. “Is there an orthopedist on the plane?” – indicated in the signature to the publication. Netizens condemned the act of the unknown in the comments under the post. “You could call the flight attendants and they would ask the man to put on shoes or to be transferred to another place”, “The flight attendants should have called the damn police” help from flight attendants, “they wrote. Earlier in September, the unhygienic actions of a passenger on board were caught on video and angered netizens. The footage posted on the web shows an unknown girl sitting by the window and filing nails

Bangladesh sentenced 20 students to death for political murder

Deccan Herald: Bangladesh Executes 20 People for Murder of a Student Who Criticized the Government a man who criticized the country's government on social media. This is reported by the Deccan Herald. According to the newspaper, the mutilated body of 21-year-old Abrar Fahad was found in a hostel. A few hours earlier, he posted a post on Facebook criticizing Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina over an earlier agreement with India. According to the investigation, the young man was beaten with a cricket bat for six hours. 25 of the victim's fellow students were found guilty in this case, five of them received life sentences. Fahad's father said he was satisfied with the court's decision. He hoped that the sentences would soon be executed. On September 10, it became known that a military tribunal in Cameroon had sentenced to death four people who were found guilty of killing seven schoolchildren in the

Putin congratulated the new chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany on assuming office

Russian President Putin congratulated German Chancellor Scholz on assuming office Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a congratulatory telegram to Olaf Scholz on the occasion inauguration of the Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). The corresponding letter was published on the Kremlin's website. The Russian leader noted that relations with the FRG are of great importance not only for the peoples of our countries, but for the whole of Europe. He expressed hope for the establishment of a constructive dialogue between states and joint work on topical issues of the bilateral and international agenda. Earlier, the Kremlin representative Dmitry Peskov expressed hope for constructive relations between the head of state and the new German chancellor. According to him, the authorities also hope that Berlin will continue to proceed from the understanding that there is no alternative to dialogue for resolving the most difficult differences. The election of the

US to make new investments to protect journalists around the world

NEW YORK, December 8 & nbsp;/TASS /. The United States is set to provide significant new funding to & nbsp; fund efforts to & nbsp; protect independent journalists and & nbsp; the media around the world. This was announced on & nbsp; Wednesday by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on the eve of the & nbsp; Summit for & nbsp; Democracy, which will take place on 9 & mdash; 10 & nbsp; December. & laquo; In & nbsp; nbsp; investments in & nbsp; support of independent media experiencing financial problems. Our contribution to the & nbsp; recently launched International Foundation for & nbsp; Supporting Public Interest Media will be the largest of any nation & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said Blinken. Washington-initiated 'Summit for & nbsp; Democracy' scheduled for & nbsp; 9 & mdash; 10 & nbsp; December. It & nbsp; will be held in & nbsp; videoconference

Kyrgyz parliament left without Russians

For the first time in the history of independent Kyrgyzstan, the parliament was left without Russian deputies … The information was published on the official website of the commission. Six parties enter parliament: Ata-Zhurt Kyrgyzstan (17.3 percent), Ishenim (13.62 percent), Yntyma to (10, 99 percent), Alliance (8.33 percent), Butun Kyrgyzsta (7.03 percent) and Yiman Nuru (6.15 percent). The rest of the parties did not overcome the 5% barrier. Materials on the topic00: 01 – October 7, 2020 And the thunder burst out Kirghiz again smash the house of the government and the prison. Why do elections in the country end in revolutions? 00: 03 – October 21, 2020 A quick revolution The Kyrgyz changed power in ten days. Why is it so easy to carry out a coup in the republic? For the first time in the history of independent Kyrgyzstan, the parliament was left without Russian deputies. Among other

Putin congratulated the new chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany on assuming office

Russian President Putin congratulated German Chancellor Scholz on assuming office Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a congratulatory telegram to Olaf Scholz on the occasion inauguration of the Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). The corresponding letter was published on the Kremlin's website. The Russian leader noted that relations with the FRG are of great importance not only for the peoples of our countries, but for the whole of Europe. He expressed hope for the establishment of a constructive dialogue between states and joint work on topical issues of the bilateral and international agenda. Earlier, the Kremlin representative Dmitry Peskov expressed hope for constructive relations between the head of state and the new German chancellor. According to him, the authorities also hope that Berlin will continue to proceed from the understanding that there is no alternative to dialogue for resolving the most difficult differences. The election of the

In Belarus, assessed the damage to the European Union from the food embargo

Political scientist Dzermant: Russia and Belarus will damage the West by tens of millions of euros The United States for tens of millions of euros. This effect will be obtained if we evaluate the new Belarusian restrictions together with the existing Russian measures, political scientist Aleksey Dzermant told BELTA. Related materials00: 01 – 13 August 2020 And from our window Belarus is visibleEurope and the United States do not recognize Lukashenka's victory and accuse him of repression. How does it threaten his regime? 00:02 – June 23 Insatiable. Russian retail chains are buying each other. Why can food prices rise because of this? “There are Western players on our market who have serious interests here. If this [food embargo imposed by Russia in 2014 – approx. “” ] add our sanctions, Western exporters will feel the cumulative damage that will not even amount to tens of millions of euros, ”Dzermant

National Geographic has marked the 20 most beautiful places in Russia

National Geographic has installed 20 installations in popular tourist spots in Russia popular places in Russia. Writes about this TJ. Thus, the organization decided to draw the attention of travelers “to the incredible and unusual places that are in Russia.” According to National Geographic representatives, the installations will inspire people to travel more and appreciate the surrounding beauty. It is noted that the frames were installed in the Mamison Gorge (North Ossetia), on Mount Bermamyt and Mussa-Achitara (Karachay-Cherkessia), in the marble canyon Ruskeala and in the Kizhi Museum-Reserve (Karelia), in Teriberka (Kola Peninsula), in the mountain village of Gamsutl, near the watchtowers of the Goor village and on the observation deck near the village of Kharachi (Dagestan), in the Nikola Art Park -Lenivets “(Kaluga region) and in the museum-reserve” Divnogorye “(Voronezh region). Also objects appeared in Kamchatka, Baikal, Krasnaya Polyana, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Vyborg, Moscow. Earlier in August, the most

Gas explosion in the apartment of a Russian pensioner

In the Sverdlovsk Region, a gas explosion damaged three apartments in a five-story building … This was stated by the head of the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region Valery Gorelykh. His words are quoted by E1. The incident took place on Lenin Street, 70, on December 8. It is noted that the three-room apartment in which the explosion thundered belongs to a pensioner, but no one has lived in it for several years.