NATO Secretary General to discuss Lukashenko with Lithuanian President

NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg will meet with Lithuanian President Nauseda to discuss Belarus NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and European Commission President Ursula von , November 28, will visit Lithuania to meet with the President of the country Gitanas Nauseda. This was reported by the press service of the Lithuanian leader's administration. According to Vilnius, during the meeting the parties will discuss the security situation in the region, as well as the migration crisis on the border of the European Union (EU) and Belarus, which became a consequence of “ a hybrid attack from the regime of [President of Belarus] Alexander Lukashenko. ” The crisis on the border between Poland and Belarus escalated on November 8, when some migrants once again tried to break into Poland. In response, the Poles used special equipment. Then the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko gave an order to place illegal immigrants in the logistics

Russians were given advice on how to protect themselves from fraudsters during sales

Check Point Research: 178% more phishing sites on sale days Check Point Research (CPR) researchers warn Russians about activation online scammers on sale days and gave advice on how to defend against intruders. The relevant information is contained in a press release from the company, which was received by the editorial board of According to experts, scammers are sending lucrative offers to potential victims by e-mail, offering goods with great discounts. They suggest clicking on a malicious link that leads to phishing resources. It is noted that on the eve of Black Friday, the number of such sites increased by 178 percent compared to the average in 2021. In order not to become a victim of cybercriminals, you must first of all beware of advertising links. Experts recommended to independently enter the names of stores into the search engine and go to the official pages of brands. Experts also

Russians were given advice on how to protect themselves from fraudsters during sales

Check Point Research: 178% more phishing sites on sale days Check Point Research (CPR) researchers warn Russians about activation online scammers on sale days and gave advice on how to defend against intruders. The relevant information is contained in a press release from the company, which was received by the editorial board of According to experts, scammers are sending lucrative offers to potential victims by e-mail, offering goods with great discounts. They suggest clicking on a malicious link that leads to phishing resources. It is noted that on the eve of Black Friday, the number of such sites increased by 178 percent compared to the average in 2021. In order not to become a victim of cybercriminals, you must first of all beware of advertising links. Experts recommended to independently enter the names of stores into the search engine and go to the official pages of brands. Experts also

China refused to compromise on Taiwan

Chinese Defense Ministry: China will resolutely fight US provocations in the Taiwan Strait China will resolutely fight US provocations in the Taiwan Strait allow any room for compromise on the Taiwan issue. This was stated by the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of the People's Republic of China Wu Qian, TASS reports. Related materials 00:02 – July 6 Wars for naval domination are a thing of the past. Why do conflicts over straits and canals continue in the world? 00: 02 – October 15 Perfect storm .China and the United States are pulling military forces into the South China Sea. How will the battle for regional dominance end? “For a certain period of time, the United States made a number of irresponsible statements on Taiwan, the South China Sea and reconnaissance flights of naval aviation, undertook many provocations, in this regard, it would be natural for China to

The immunologist named the requirements for testing drugs for COVID-19 on children in Russia

Immunologist Kostinov: children without diseases are chosen for testing drugs for COVID-19 Children are chosen for clinical trials of drugs for COVID-19 who do not have chronic diseases. Medical lawyer Mikhail Kostinov called this requirement in a conversation with the 360 ​​TV channel. In addition, according to the specialist, the participants should not have a preventive course of treatment at the time of vaccination. Among other requirements, he attributed the lack of vaccinations against other infections in the last month. The immunologist stressed that before studying the effectiveness and safety of the drug for children, he is tested on the adult population. National Research Center epidemiology and microbiology named after Gamaleya previously received registration for the vaccine against COVID-19 for adolescents “Sputnik M”, said the deputy head of the center Denis Logunov. Director of the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Gamaleya Alexander Gintsburg reported on the

The dash cam was forcibly turned on on Tesla cars

Tesla vehicles will forcibly record video Tesla has updated their vehicle's autopilot user agreement by forcing drivers to turn on the dash cam. This is reported by Electrek. In the beta version of the Full Self-Driving (FSD Beta) option, which provides for autonomous driving of an electric car, the company has updated the rules for using the function. Tesla is now asking drivers to agree that every time the autopilot option is used, video will be recorded from the cameras built into the car. The journalists explained that this way the company will be able to use video recordings both inside and outside the car in the event investigation of an accident that occurred with active autopilot. The authors noted that Tesla not only forcibly turns on video recording on cars. The agreement states that the videos will be associated with the unique number of the electric vehicle (VIN) –

The bodies of five Russians were found in different apartments of a residential building

“112”: the bodies of five people were found in Zlatoust, poisoned by carbon monoxide … This was reported by the Telegram channel “112”. Earlier, four young people were found dead in one of the apartments. According to preliminary data, they were poisoned by carbon monoxide. Later, the son of a 60-year-old resident of the house came to visit her, as she did not answer calls. When he came to his mother's home, he found her dead. The woman's apartment was one floor higher. Presumably, the woman's faulty gas water heater caused the mass suffocation. Earlier, at school # 26 in Novokuznetsk, 11 students were poisoned by an unknown gas. The schoolchildren were taken to a medical facility. Presumably, an unknown substance was sprayed from a can.

The dash cam was forcibly turned on on Tesla cars

Tesla vehicles will forcibly record video Tesla has updated their vehicle's autopilot user agreement by forcing drivers to turn on the dashboard. This is reported by Electrek. In the beta version of the Full Self-Driving (FSD Beta) option, which provides for autonomous driving of an electric car, the company has updated the rules for using the function. Tesla is now asking drivers to agree that every time the autopilot option is used, video will be recorded from the cameras built into the car. The journalists explained that this way the company will be able to use video recordings both inside and outside the car in the event investigation of an accident that occurred with active autopilot. The authors noted that Tesla not only forcibly turns on video recording on cars. The agreement states that the videos will be associated with the unique number of the electric vehicle (VIN) – thus,

Bolshunov disclosed the details of the accident that led to the operation

Russian skier Bolshunov about falling from a bicycle: it is surprising that I avoided fractures Russian skier Alexander Bolshunov spoke about a fall from a bicycle in the off-season. He disclosed the details of the incident in an interview with TV2 reporters. The athlete said that he was driving at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour, which is why he had an accident, and then to the hospital. “It's amazing that I avoided fractures. But my teeth were badly damaged, and I had to undergo an operation. Preparations for the Olympic season did not go the way I wanted, “he stressed. On November 14, Bolshunov said that he was not training at full strength due to an operation on his jaw that had been transferred in October. It was originally planned that the Russian will be able to return to full preparation for the season in ten days. Bolshunov

The political scientist spoke about the export of migrants from Belarus

Political scientist Bolkunets: The EU can compromise and pay for the export of refugees from Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, political scientist Dmitry Bolkunets believes. In a conversation with, he suggested that this could become a reasonable compromise for the EU and another way of earning money for Lukashenka and his entourage. Belarus will not keep refugees who wish to leave the country and return to their homeland, to Iraq, but the European Union must participate in the evacuation of migrants. This statement was made by Alexander Lukashenko, commenting on the situation with the cancellation of the flight from Minsk to Baghdad. “We were negotiating with him as with a terrorist” the authorities, who threatened to block one of the checkpoints, including railway transport. According to the political scientist, it was thanks to this statement, according to the political scientist, that migrants finally began to be taken to the airport, where