Russian woman spoke about the benefits of rest in Antalya in the winter season

A Russian tourist talked about resting in hotels with a “winter concept” in Antalya A Russian woman visited Antalya in November and talked about the benefits of rest at the resort during the winter season. The girl's opinion was published by the portal “Subtleties of Tourism” on the Yandex.Zen platform. So, the traveler booked a five-star hotel for 13 days for 68 thousand rubles for two. According to her, you can have a great two weeks in Turkey if you choose hotels with “winter concepts” for your stay, which have heated pools, spas and hammam. As the author admitted, she was lucky with the weather in Turkey – in early November, the air temperature fluctuated within 25-27 degrees Celsius, the water temperature did not drop below plus 20 degrees. The hotel territory impressed the Russian woman – she called her beautiful and well-groomed, separately mentioning a variety of pools, water

In Russia, money was allocated for the first strategic initiatives

The Russian government has allocated 355 billion rubles for the first strategic initiatives the next few years. The bill, which will be voted on in parliament on November 23, and its materials have been posted in the relevant database. According to the document, the budget provides for the distribution of allocations reserved for the implementation of socio-economic development initiatives in the amount of 355 billion rubles. In total, the funds will be allocated in seven blocks: the national economy, education, health care, culture, environmental protection, housing and communal services, and sports. It is noted that the blocks cover more than 30 federal projects within the framework of strategic initiatives. The government allocated 87.4 billion rubles for their implementation in 2022, 125.1 billion rubles in 2023, and 144.8 billion rubles in 2024. Most of the funds in the amendments to the budget are allocated for the implementation of strategic initiatives in

The political scientist assessed the introduction of the US new sanctions against the “Nord Stream-2”

Political scientist Bashirov on the US imposition of sanctions against Nord Stream 2: Kiev was thrown a bone sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. He wrote about this in his Telegram channel. According to him, after the statement by the head of the State Department Anthony Blinken about new restrictive measures against the project, “the Germans shuddered and rushed to buy firewood and fur coats.” “And in vain … Domestic political dances in the United States have a bizarre character,” the expert noted. Bashirov also stressed that Kiev was mockingly thrown a bone so that it did not interfere with the “uncles to negotiate.” According to him, the restrictions will affect one company and two ships that participated in the construction of the gas pipeline. We are talking about the “Russian-related company” Transadria Ltd and the ship “Marlin” owned by it. Blinken did not disclose the name of

The declared dead man spent the night in the morgue and came to life

The man who was declared dead in an accident came to life before the autopsy In India, the man who was declared dead came to life after a night in the morgue and fell into a coma. This is reported by LADbible. On Friday, November 19, Srikesha Kumara got into an accident – he was hit by a motorcycle. The paramedics who arrived at the scene took the man to the hospital, where the chief physician, Rajendra Kumar, pronounced him dead. The body of the deceased was placed in the morgue. Soon, the Indian's relatives and police arrived at the morgue to draw up documents for an autopsy. However, there was no one to open – the man recognized as dead turned out to be alive. At the time of this writing, Srikesha was in a coma and continued treatment in the hospital. The reasons why the living patient was

The White House answered the question about the new meeting between Putin and Biden

White House spokesman Psaki about a new meeting between Putin and Biden: there is nothing to report yet meeting between US President Joe Biden and Russian leader Vladimir Putin. This is reported by RIA Novosti. According to Psaki, she still has nothing to say about plans for a meeting or contacts between the two leaders of the countries. At the same time, she noted that Washington still has serious concerns about the activity of the Russian military near the borders with Ukraine. A White House spokesman called on Moscow to de-escalate and stressed that this issue will also be raised in the course of contacts with Russian representatives. Earlier, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters that online talks between the Russian and American presidents could take place before end of the year. The spokesman for the Russian president also listed possible topics for negotiations: Putin and Biden will discuss Ukraine

Russians were told about an unexpectedly popular scam scheme

Izvestia: the scheme of scammers on online ad services became unexpectedly popular Experts of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF) project borrowers ”made rankings based on complaints from Russians and talked about an unexpectedly popular scheme of fraudsters using online classifieds services. This was reported by the Izvestia newspaper. In total, about 19.5 thousand citizens' appeals were processed. In second place in terms of the number of complaints (11.6 percent) was the scenario using online ad services, which was first recorded only in the spring of last year. For example, attackers, posing as a seller or a buyer, try to take the victim to a third-party messenger, where they convince them to go to a phishing page to allegedly pay for delivery and receive citizens' data. Project manager Evgenia Lazareva noted that the popularity of such a scheme was unexpected … “Before analyzing the incoming requests, we believed that the second

In the USA, a decision was made on the case of payment of compensation to the former shareholders of Yukos

A US court refused to reopen a case on Russia's payment of compensation to former Yukos shareholders to the former shareholders of Yukos. This was reported by RIA Novosti. The court refused to reopen the suit before the end of the proceedings in the Netherlands. The court noted that the suspension of proceedings in this case is appropriate and fully justified, since further proceedings may be fruitless if Russia wins a final victory in Holland or any further appeals to the Supreme Court of the Netherlands. It is noted that Hulley Enterprises, Veteran Petroleum and Yukos Universal applied to the court to resume the process. The department did not agree with the claims of the plaintiffs, noting that their interpretation of what is happening in Amsterdam is erroneous. Earlier it was reported that the Supreme Court of the Netherlands overturned the decision on the payment of more than fifty billion

Urgant came to the “Women of the Year” award in high-heeled shoes

Glamor magazine host Ivan Urgant appeared on stage in heels … This was reported by the NeMalakhov Telegram channel. Urgant was the host of the award, which took place on November 22 in Moscow. On stage, he appeared in a checkered suit with short trousers, a wide striped tie and massive high-heeled shoes. Earlier, the TV presenter on the Evening Urgant program on Channel One spoke about the fine that the court imposed on the TV channel. Muz-TV “for promoting non-traditional sexual relations among minors. He thought the fine was illogical and joked that it would leave artists with little money to buy clothes.

Ukraine declared bankruptcy of the country

Economist Stepanyuk: Ukraine is unable to pay off its external public debts Ukrainian expert on political and economic issues Vsevolod Stepanyuk announced the bankruptcy of the country and its inability to pay off external public debts. He spoke about this during a press conference in Kiev, RIA Novosti reports. The economist recalled that at the end of September the current account deficit was 1.4 billion – dollars or hryvnia, he did not specify. “That is, we have a minus in the ability of the state to pay its obligations,” he stated. In addition, those who want to buy Ukrainian securities are becoming less and less, despite the fact that interest rates on bonds have increased, Stepanyuk added … He explained that the interest is “something that all Ukrainians will definitely pay.” In his opinion, no country in the world gives such interest on its securities. In September, Vladimir Shapovalov, deputy

World's fastest electric transport named

Rolls-Royce has reported that its electric aircraft has broken the world speed record Rolls-Royce is the fastest electric vehicle in the world. This is reported on the company's website. Representatives of the company noted that after recent flight tests, their aircraft Spirit of Innovation (“Spirit of innovation”) can be called the fastest electric transport in the world. The plane managed to accelerate to a speed of 623 kilometers per hour. The company also said that Spirit of Innovation set two more world records. The aircraft reached a top speed of 555.9 kilometers per hour at a distance of three kilometers. The aircraft also climbed to an altitude of over 3000 meters in 202 seconds, breaking the previous world record by 60 seconds. Spirit of Innovation is equipped with a 400 kilowatt electric motor. Rolls-Royce engineers note that it is equipped with the most powerful battery ever in the aerospace industry.