In the suburbs worried about housing for migrants

Governor Vorobyov: Migrants should be provided with comfortable living conditions The Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov urged to improve the living conditions of migrants working in the region. An uncivilized organization is causing concern among local residents. This was reported on the website of the regional government. During a government meeting, the governor clarified that the companies that hire them are responsible for the comfortable living conditions of migrants. Vorobyov asked to provide large logistic complexes with hostels for workers. “People who come from different territories and regions should live in a civilized manner, and not randomly in” rubber “apartments, because this causes concern for our residents.” , – said the governor. Earlier, the Moscow department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs found out that the owner of one of the apartments in the village of Rogovo in the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky districts of Moscow (TiNAO) registered hundreds

Doctors talk about the connection between sleep and severe course of coronavirus

Doctors Tsareva and Poluektov: people suffering from apnea are prone to severe COVID-19 People who suffer from snoring or sudden stops – apnea, more susceptible to severe COVID-19. Neurologist-somnologist Elena Tsareva and somnologist Mikhail Poluektov spoke about the connection between sleep and the form of coronavirus, reports URA.RU. Tsareva explained that patients with respiratory arrest during sleep are seriously ill, because coronavirus, affecting the lungs, is a risk factor for worsening respiratory arrest during the period of illness. “And with apnea, oxygen drops, and with coronavirus, oxygen drops. We treat such patients with special attention, “the doctor added. Somnologist Poluektov confirmed that COVID-19 aggravates apnea. According to him, respiratory arrest during sleep is associated with a problem of the upper respiratory tract, and the coronavirus affects the lower respiratory tract. Earlier, doctor Cheremushkin named factors complicating the course of COVID-19. According to him, any concomitant disease or pathology increases the

Keanu Reeves announced his desire to star in Marvel films

Actor Keanu Reeves: it would be great to join the MCU Hollywood actor Keanu Reeves responded to a question about possible participation in Marvel films interview on the YouTube channel of Esquire magazine. He announced his desire to appear in MCU films and added that it would be an honor for him. “Isn't this more than just the universe? It's almost a multiverse. And it is special: in terms of scale, ambition, production. So it would be great to join that, ”Reeves said. He also noted that Marvel films are directed by directors who do things that no one else has done before. In February it was reported that Sony Pictures had offered Keanu Reeves a role in a new Marvel comic-book movie. The star of “The Matrix” can play the role of the supervillain Craven the Hunter, whose real name is Sergei Nikolaevich Kravinov. Craven directed by JC Chandor

Ridley Scott, 83, blames “damn millennials” for his film's failure

Scott said that the fucking millennials made The Last Duel flop at the box office Hollywood director Ridley Scott blamed and their cell phones “in that his film” The Last Duel “failed at the box office, writes The Hollywood Reporter. 83-year-old Scott said that the coronavirus pandemic and the difficult situation of cinemas did not affect the box office in the same way as “An audience raised on these fucking cell phones.” Millennials don't want to be taught anything unless they use a smartphone, he said. According to the director, young people with social networks are heading in the wrong direction. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the film received high marks from critics and moviegoers, but it flopped at the box office. The Last Duel, which starred Matt Damon, Adam Driver, Jodie Comer and Ben Affleck, grossed just $ 27 million on a budget of $ 100 million. Previously, Ridley

The girl received an unexpected message before the date and canceled the meeting

The guy made a mistake in his chat with the girl and sent her a message criticizing her appearance Blogger with the nickname @uhmeagzing on the eve of the date received an unexpected message from the guy. The young man made a mistake in the chat and accidentally sent her a text in which he spoke unflatteringly about the girl. After the interlocutor revealed his true thoughts about her to the blogger, she canceled the meeting. Many TikTok viewers supported @uhmeagzing and found the guy's behavior illogical. In her video, the author of the post published part of the correspondence in the dating application Hinge with a boyfriend Danny. According to the screenshot, the young people made an appointment, and the failed boyfriend at first made a strange joke about the upcoming event. “Looks like I’ll need to prove that I’m not going to kill you [on a date],” he

Former South Korean President dies

Ryonghap: Former South Korean President Jung Doo Hwan dies at 90 Former South Korean President Jung Doo Hwan dies in age 90. This was reported by the South Korean agency Ryonghap. According to the agency, the former head of the Republic of Korea died at his home in western Seoul after a long struggle with chronic diseases. It is noted that Jung Doo Hwan's last wish was to be buried “on a hill overlooking the territory of North Korea.” Jung Doo Hwan came to power in the country in 1979 as a result of a military coup. He was the head of South Korea until 1988. In 1996, he and another former Korean president, Ro Dae Woo, were convicted on corruption charges and their role in suppressing the 1980 uprising. Ro Dae Woo, who was in power from 1988 to 1993 and established diplomatic relations with the USSR, died at

Gunzburg spoke about the reaction of scientists to the change in COVID-19

Head of the Gamaleya Center Gunzburg: scientists know how to respond to changes in the coronavirus Director of the Gamalei National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Alexander spoke about the reaction of scientists to changing strains of COVID-19. He told RIA Novosti about this. According to him, researchers understand how to act in such a situation: on the one hand, it is necessary to create universal vaccines, on the other hand, it is necessary to develop technologies that will allow adapting existing drugs for new strains. “All this is in progress, we are all doing this,” the head of the center emphasized. In addition, Gunzburg said that one of the main goals is to create a medicine that can help those who are already sick. The director of the center added that research is also underway in this direction. Starting next year, tests of a cocktail of antibodies with

Rosaviatsia called the reasons for the errors of aircraft pilots

Izvestia: Rosaviatsia pointed out flaws in aircraft cockpits pilots can make mistakes. Izvestia writes about this. According to the department, the close location and the same shape of the controls of various systems can lead to engine shutdown, landing gear retraction and wing mechanization. Among other shortcomings, the regulator named the inconvenient location of the toggle switches, as well as the lack of protection against accidental button presses. However, the Federal Air Transport Agency also pointed out errors that occur due to the human factor. Thus, there is a risk of an accident due to a lack of interaction between pilots, or the pilot may deviate from standard operating procedures. In addition, an error may appear due to the lack of mutual control and confirmation of operations, overloading operations of one of the crew members in the absence of assistance from the other, inaccuracy, inattention, distraction, as well as haste

Doctor Myasnikov spoke about a prohibited product for colds and flu

Doctor and TV presenter Myasnikov advised not to drink alcoholic beverages for colds and flu Doctor and TV presenter Alexander Myasnikov use for colds and flu. He stated this on the air of the Russia 1 TV channel, RIA Novosti reports. According to him, it is forbidden to drink alcohol during illness. “As soon as you thought:“ should I drink a glass? ”, Then you are recovering,” the doctor noted. At the same time, Myasnikov advised to drink chicken broth rich in zinc and magnesium for colds or flu. Warm drinks such as cranberry juice or honey tea can also be consumed, he added. In addition, the doctor emphasized that one should not take “horse” doses of vitamin C, because, contrary to popular belief, it does not accelerate recovery. Earlier, Myasnikov warned of the mortal danger of taking certain drugs in a mild form of coronavirus. According to the TV