Ukraine appreciated the possibility of the appearance of its own “Vladimir Putin”

Political scientist Zolotarev: there is no person in Ukraine who can rein in the oligarchs .ru “appreciated the possibility of the appearance in Ukraine of his analogue of Vladimir Putin, capable of repelling the oligarchs and restraining them, as well as withdrawing the country from external control. In his opinion, given the current political situation in the country, this is impossible. “Under current conditions, it is not, since the Ukrainian political and business elite is by definition comprador. Even if such a person is found, he will be knocked down on the outskirts, “the political scientist noted. Earlier, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba accused Russia of allegedly wanting a” failure “of the Minsk agreements, which would” unleash hands ”and ensured freedom of action. According to him, Ukraine has never violated these agreements, and “there is nothing better than the Minsk agreements.”

An unexpected secret of health and youth was named

American biologist Lee: malnutrition protects the body from disease and aging to a group of scientists. As explained by the American biologist Mitchell B. Lee from the University of Washington, we are talking about the fundamental biological mechanism of regulation of the aging process. Lee studied ketogenic, low-protein and fasting diets, intermittent fasting, and time-limited meals. An unexpected secret to health and youth was named. Lee noted that intermittent fasting has been tested on animals and has shown promising results. The diet that mimics fasting has been the most prolonged diet for rats during the experiments. Scientists believe that during fasting there is an inhibition of the mTOR protein. The study found that fasting, low-carb diets and intermittent fasting can lead to longer, healthier lives. Scientists have yet to study the link between fasting and age-related changes, Lee said. scientists have called nutrition, mental health and exercise the secrets of

People able to speak on the phone with Elizabeth II in person

Scaredoti Journalist: Queen Elizabeth II Answers Two People's Calls can speak in person by phone with Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. According to him, she only answers calls from two contacts. So, the head of the British monarchy is talking on a cell phone with his daughter, Princess Anne, and personal race manager John Warren, who is also the son-in-law of a close friend of the Queen. “She also apparently has a mobile phone that is said to be a Samsung model and is equipped with MI6 anti-hacker encryption so that no one can hack her phone,” Scaredoti said. p> He also suggested that Elizabeth II has an account on the social network Facebook, which has long been rumored. The journalist marveled at the 95-year-old queen's embrace of modern technology and recalled that in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, she hosted visitors via video conferencing on Zoom. However,

The Foreign Ministry recalled the “cemetery” of migrants in the Mediterranean after Russia's accusations

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Zakharova on the “cemetery” of migrants in the Mediterranean: the Russian Federation does not wash it Pope Francis' words about the Mediterranean Sea as a “big cemetery” for illegal migrants, reminded that Belarus and Russia are not washed by it. She wrote about these accusations in her Telegram channel. “Pope Francis called for mercy to the refugees and called the Mediterranean Sea a“ big cemetery ”, in whose waters a huge number of illegal migrants perish. Note to partners: the Mediterranean Sea does not wash neither Belarus nor Russia, “the representative of the Ministry of the Russian Federation reminded. Earlier, the Pope called the Mediterranean a” big graveyard “for illegal migrants because of the large number of migrants who died in it … He also noted that in recent years, illegal migrants who land on the shores of Europe, fleeing “war and poverty”, often face not

In the Netherlands, 61 travelers from South Africa diagnosed with coronavirus

The Netherlands tested 61 COVID-19-infected passengers from South Africa for omicron Ten percent of passengers arriving from South Africa to the Netherlands received positive the results of coronavirus tests, writes Reuters. On Friday, November 26, 624 passengers flew from South Africa to Amsterdam Schiphol Airport in two planes. They began to be tested for the presence of COVID-19 in the body. Medical checks continued on Saturday, November 27. 61 travelers have been diagnosed with the coronavirus. “People who test positive will be placed in isolation at or near a hotel in Schiphol,” the authorities said. A number of passengers, presumably, have been diagnosed with a new strain of the omicron coronavirus. Earlier, a lockdown was introduced in the Netherlands due to the coronavirus. As the acting Prime Minister of the country Mark Rutte noted, now the pressure on the healthcare system is again “extremely great” due to the increase in

Ilona Mask named the most popular foreigner in Russia

WP: American millionaire Elon Musk is one of the most popular foreigners in Russia foreigners in Russia. The Washington Post writes about this. “Musk is a rare figure that enjoys almost universal popularity in a country that is not easy to impress, especially to outsiders. But why? Some say that the reason is his adventures in space exploration, this topic for Russians is associated with nostalgia for Soviet times, “the article says. The newspaper reported that in early 2021 the head of Tesla and SpaceX proposed President of Russia Vladimir Putin to talk on the voice social network Clubhouse, mentioning in the publication the official account of the Kremlin. Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for the Russian leader, did not rule out the possibility of such a meeting, but added that negotiations on this are not yet underway. WP quoted Peskov as saying that the head of state is showing great interest

The conditions for the Ukrainian fleet to compete with the Russian

Military expert Zhilin: The Ukrainian Navy will not be able to compete with the Black Sea Fleet the state of the Ukrainian fleet and named the conditions under which the Ukrainian Navy will be able to compete with the Russian Black Sea Fleet. The specialist stressed that Russian sailors have recently acquired high-speed vessels capable of withstanding the Ukrainian “mosquito fleet”. According to him, in the naval sphere it is almost impossible for Kiev to catch up with Moscow. “As for the confrontation at sea, Ukraine is very far from the conditions that could compete with the Russian fleet. In order to keep the fleet in a good condition, you need a lot of money, funds, development, science, engineers, universities and vocational schools. Ukraine has none of this, “the expert said. He added that the Kiev authorities are trying to pass off wishful thinking. According to Zhilin, the Ukrainian infantry

Most radioactive fruit named

WeChat: Banana is the most radioactive fruit due to its potassium-40 content there is radiation in bananas. According to them, the fruit gives off little ionizing radiation due to its potassium-40 content, according to WeChat. Zhang Xiaotian, Ph.D. in Physics, and Liao Jie, Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering, named banana as the most radioactive fruit. It contains potassium-40, a radioactive isotope of salt, which is the largest natural source of ionizing radiation. However, bananas do not harm the human body, since they contain a minimum content of potassium-40. “It is like dust when compared with the dose of radiation that can cause cancer,” the experts emphasize. To measure radiation doses, a banana equivalent is used, which measures the amount of radiation by the number of fruits eaten. So, eating one fruit, a person receives about 0.0778 microsieverts – units of radiation. At the same time, computed tomography of the chest is

The Russians were reminded of the increase in pensions on December 1

“MK”: three categories of Russians will automatically have their pensions indexed from December 1 Since December 1, three categories of Russians will be automatically indexed by the newspaper “MK” with reference to the data of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR). Thus, the increase in payments is also due to citizens who turned 80 in November. Their pension will double – to 12,088.96 rubles. 12,088.96 rubles will be the pension of citizens who turned 80 in November In addition, those pensioners who worked up to August 2021, but quit in the last month of the summer. From December 1, they will automatically receive an increase in their pension with an additional supplement for three months. Russians who have applied for a recalculation can also apply for an increase in their pension. Pension supplements will be credited automatically. Changes in the calculation of pensions In addition, in Russia, from January 1,