Russian street will be named after the deceased head of the Emergencies Ministry

The Kaliningrad City Council decided to name one of the streets the name of the deceased head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Zinichev Evgeniya Zinicheva. This is reported by TASS. Zinichev died during an exercise in Norilsk in September 2021. Earlier, the decision to rename Polskaya Street in honor of Zinichev was made by a toponymic commission. A representative of the City Council said that they plan to build a school and a kindergarten in the area. “Yevgeny Zinichev is a Hero of Russia who died quite recently. This is a person who acted as governor, who did a lot for the Kaliningrad region, “said the head of Kaliningrad, Yevgeny Lyubivy, and stressed that a street in the city has the right to be named after Zinichev. In 2015, Zinichev was the head of the department FSB for the Kaliningrad region, and in 2016 he was acting as the

Russian oil has almost doubled in price over the year

The average price of Urals in November was $ 79.68 per barrel compared to $ 43.32 a year earlier Average price of Russian Urals crude in November it was $ 79.68 per barrel, oil prices almost doubled over the year, compared to $ 43.32 a year earlier, the Ministry of Finance reported. In January-November, the average price was 68, $ 66 per barrel, while in the same period a year earlier it was about $ 41.04. The low base last year is associated with the coronavirus crisis and the collapse of the OPEC + deal on production cuts in March 2020.

Member of Basayev's gang was imprisoned for 25 years

A member of Basava's gang was sentenced to 25 years in prison for attacking police officers in 1999 al-Khattab, were sentenced for the attack on the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Novolaksky district of Dagestan in September 1999. This was reported to “” in the Investigative Committee of Russia. He was found guilty of participation in a gang, an armed rebellion and encroachment on the life of law enforcement officers. According to the investigation, in In September 1999, Umakhanov, under the leadership of Basayev and Khattab, tried to carry out an armed seizure of power in the republic. As a result of the attack of the militants in the Novolaksky district, six villages were seized. In addition, it was established that the defendant fired on the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs department, in which there were more than 20 policemen, on September

Fire breaks out in Iranian parliament

A fire broke out in the building of the Iranian parliament, deputies were evacuated A fire broke out in the building of the Iranian parliament. It is reported by Arab News. According to the newspaper, after the fire, the MPs were evacuated. The victims and the causes of the fire are not reported. On November 20, it became known that a strong fire broke out in the historic center of Paris. The fire began on Boulevard des Capucines near the Opera Square, the fire engulfed several buildings at once. Emergency workers urged local residents to avoid the area of ​​the fire.

Beauty queen and wife of Mexican drug lord sentenced to prison

Emma Coronel Aispuro was sentenced to prison for drug trafficking Coronel Aispuro was sentenced to three years in prison. Reported by Reuters. On Tuesday, November 30, the US Capital District of Columbia court sentenced the 32-year-old wife of a Mexican drug lord to prison for drug trafficking and money laundering after pleading guilty to assisting Sinaloa. According to the story , before sentencing, Ispuro appealed to US District Judge Rudolph Contreras to show clemency. “With all due respect, I appeal to you today to express my sincere regret for any harm I may have caused, and I ask you and all citizens of this country to forgive me,” she said. Despite the remorse of the criminal, the judge sentenced her to three years in prison. In addition, after her release, she will be under the supervision of law enforcement agencies for another four years. Contreras also ordered the confiscation of

$ 1,000 Bail Accused of Mass Murder During Parade

In the US, a person accused of killing Christmas parade participants will be released for a thousand dollars the city of Waukesha, Wisconsin, may be released from custody, as he was given a thousand dollars bail. This is reported by Fox News. Related materials 00:01 – November 6 “White is not culture!” with racism in the US led to harassment of white people and a split in society? 00:01 – November 10 Houston, we have canceled. How to fight for justice in Western society turned into a war on free speech The mass murder suspect received the maximum risk of committing new crimes. However, Assistant District Attorney and Court Commissioner for the case, Cedric Cornwall, still set bail in the amount of thousands of dollars. The Commissioner declined to comment on the reasons for the bail amount. District Attorney John Chisholm called the amount “inappropriately low” and announced an investigation

The political scientist named a probable solution to the crisis in diplomatic relations between Russia and the United States

Political scientist Dudakov said that Putin and Biden should touch upon the topic of diplomatic relations at the summit American political scientist Malek .ru “a probable solution to the crisis in diplomatic relations between the United States and Russia. ” I would like to hope that at the upcoming summit of the presidents of the two countries, which, apparently, will be held online, this topic will be raised, and we will see certain agreements that will nevertheless be respected, because, as we understand, those agreements on the work of diplomats that were concluded at the Geneva summit were not implemented in the end, “Dudakov said. The political scientist named US and Russian actions to expel each other's diplomats with “typical diplomatic ping-pong”. He also noted that in the current situation there are no right and wrong, and they lose from the fact that they do not organize the work of

The European Commission will help Poland because of the situation with migrants

The European Commission approved an aid package to Lithuania, Latvia and Poland due to the refugee situation , Latvia and Poland against the background of the migration crisis on the border with Belarus. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the EC press secretary Dana Spinant. “The European Commissioners' Board approved proposals for temporary emergency measures for Latvia, Lithuania and Poland related to the situation on the border with Belarus,” she said during the briefing on Wednesday. What will be included in this aid package will be known later. In early November, German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said that the European Commission should take measures to secure the Polish-Belarusian border from the flow of migrants from Belarus. He also expressed support for the Polish authorities, which, according to him, responded correctly to the migration crisis.

The political scientist called the deterioration of diplomatic relations between the United States and Russia unprecedented

Political scientist Dudakov: the deterioration of diplomatic relations between Russia and the United States is unprecedented He stated this in a conversation with “”, commenting on the statement of the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova about the possible expulsion of a number of US diplomatic missions from Moscow if the United States does not compromise on Russian diplomats in Washington. “This is undoubtedly an indicator of how badly diplomatic relations between Moscow and Washington are now, even against the backdrop of the Cold War. I think that this is an unprecedented story, if you do not take the hottest periods, “- said Dudakov. In the history of relations between the Soviet Union and the United States, there were precedents of this kind, but they always took place in conditions of some serious international conflicts, for example, the war in Afghanistan or the Cuban missile crisis, the

Panin remembered his drunken speeches and advised Bilan not to drink

Panin commented on Bilan’s drunken concert with the words “if you don’t know how to drink, you don’t want to take it” the words “if you don't know how to drink, you can't take it.” He advised the singer to give up alcohol, being a guest of the Thistle program, a recording of which was published on the RTVI Entertainment YouTube channel. “I just want to say one thing. Now I looked at this tearful repentance of Dima Bilana – it certainly looks ridiculous … There is such a sunny sufferer who wants to be pitied, they say, how much he works. What Bilan said, these are crocodile tears, this is all in favor of the poor, “said the artist. He recalled his drunken performances on stage, but stressed that he had never disrupted a single performance. Panin noted that after 50 grams of brandy, his own eyes burn. According