Duterte told about received from Putin’s invitation to visit Russia

Rodrigo Duterte The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte accepted the invitation, received from his colleague Vladimir Putin, to visit Russia for a visit. About this Philippine leader said at the airport in Davao city after returning from Peru, where he attended a summit of the Asia-Pacific economic cooperation (APEC), reports Update.ph. Duterte noted that before the trip, he would send to Russia foreign Ministers and defense of the country to ensure that they “discussed with Moscow the agenda”. Commenting on his meeting with Putin on the sidelines of the summit in the Peruvian capital Lima, the Philippine President said they talked about bilateral economic cooperation. The leaders held talks on November 19. Duterte they said the wrong policies of Western countries who “are trying to attack small countries and bully them.” Putin, in his turn, congratulated his colleague with the victory in the presidential election that took place on

Clinton is ahead of trump by two million votes

Donald trump and Hillary Clinton The isolation of the candidate in US presidents from Democratic party Hillary Clinton from Republican Donald trump, who won the election, exceeded two million votes. This is according to the online Cook Political Report, which monitors the counting of votes continued in several States. For Clinton, according to November 22, voted 64.2 million voters, whereas in trump — 62,2 million. In this case the gap may grow even more, because in those States where the winning candidate of the Democrats, including in California, the vote count is not completed, noted, “Voice of America”. At the same time, advantage Clinton will not change the outcome of the elections. This is the fifth in the history of the United States when the winner gets less votes than the loser. The last time this happened in 2000, when the President was Republican George W. Bush, far behind rival

Clinton urged to seek a recount in three States

Hillary Clinton The team of specialists on election law and computer experts called on the staff of the former candidate in US presidents from Democratic party Hillary Clinton to seek a recount in three States. According to them, in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania could be a cyber attack in order to manipulate the election results, the Associated Press reports. One of the authors of the initiative, Director of the Center for computer security at the University of Michigan Alex Halderman found no evidence of cyber attacks or any other election irregularities. At the same time, he called for a recount to rule out the possibility. “The only way to know if it had any effect on the result of a cyber attack is to carefully examine the available evidence: the ballots and voting equipment,” said Halderman, in an article published on the portal Medium. The expert acknowledged that “most likely

Media reported about the plans of the EU to take measures for Russian fuel supplies to Syria

The European Union takes action in connection with the supply of Russian fuel tankers in Syria, contrary to the EU sanctions against Damascus. About it reports on Wednesday, November 23, Reuters with reference to the informed source. A spokesman said that Brussels is aware of the situation and “react to it”, but did not specify what measures can be taken. According to Reuters, the EU rules provide that the violation of the sanctions regime being discussed with the countries-members of the EU, responsible for enforcing them. November 22, the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia Igor Konashenkov said that operating within the EU sanctions on the supply of fuel to Syria does not relate to the air group of the Russian HQs. Earlier, Reuters reported, citing sources, that the Russian tankers were supplying Syria with fuel, going at the same time in the Cypriot and Greek ports.

The foreign Ministry called the resolution, the EU crime information

Maria Zakharova The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia called the European Parliament resolution on countering Russian media information crime. On Wednesday, 23 November, said the official representative of the foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, RIA Novosti reported. “This is a crime, when the real threat of terrorism, fundamentalism, moreover, the nutrient medium in the form of nationalism, xenophobia, to divert the gaze of the international community in a completely different way,” she said, noting that Western politicians do not give people the opportunity to analyze and think on the basis of alternative sources of information. “Only in a dispute born truth, only when there are multiple arguments, you can understand how to proceed,” — concluded the diplomat. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday called the resolution degradation of the conception of democracy in Western society. On 23 November, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on countering hostile to the EU’s

Belgian media reported the threat of terrorist attacks on the Christmas market in Brussels

Traditional Christmas fair “Winter fun” in Brussels, may be subject to terrorist attacks. On Wednesday, November 23, reports the newspaper La Derniere Heure, citing unnamed sources. It is noted that information about a possible threat from extremists arrived at the same time as the US state Department on 22 November, warned about the increased risk of terrorist attacks throughout Europe, especially during the holidays. At this statement, the American foreign Ministry stressed that the danger may come not only from extremist groups but from people who are “sympathetic to the militants.” In turn, the newspaper Le Soir, citing the statement of representatives of Ministry of internal Affairs reports that while there is evidence of real terrorist threats. Christmas fair in the Belgian capital, which will be held from 25 November to 1 January traditionally attracts more than 1.5 million people, notes TASS. The terrorist threat level in Belgium is maintained

The European Parliament approved a resolution on countering Russian propaganda

The European Parliament (EP) adopted a resolution on countering hostile to the European Union’s external propaganda emanating in particular from Russia. This was reported on the website of the EP. The document States that the hostile propaganda against the EU and its member States are aimed at distorting the truth, a split between the EU and its North American partners, the difficulty of the decision-making process, the discrediting of the institutions of government, intended to cause fear and uncertainty among citizens Association. “The Russian government uses a wide range of instruments: analytical centers […], multilingual television channels (RT), pseudo-news Agency (Sputnik) […], social media and Internet trolls, with a focus on the division of Europe and creating a false impression about the disagreements between the EU countries and their Eastern neighbours”, — the document says. The resolution States that Moscow is funding political parties and other organisations within the EU,

Former CIA chief Petraeus expressed the desire to enter a team in the trump

David Petraeus The former head of the CIA David Petraeus announced his agreement to enter into a new administration if he gets an offer from the elected President of the USA of Donald trump. About it reports BBC News. Answering the question about willingness to take the post in the emerging us administration, the General replied: “I was in such a situation, when the President called me into the Oval office [the White house] and asked to lead the international security assistance force in Afghanistan. The only answer can be: “Yes, Mr. President””. November 20 this year, trump confirmed reports that it is considering the candidacy of a retired General of the marine Corps James Mattis to head the Pentagon. A day earlier, the newspaper The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that one of the potential candidates for the post of head of the defense Department is Petraeus. Among other

Trump expressed a desire to get along with Putin

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump expressed a desire to get along with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. He stated this in an interview with The New York Times. The trump rejected the idea of naming any warming of relations “reset”, referring to the unsuccessful attempt of former Secretary of state Hillary Clinton. “I would not use that term after what happened,” — said the politician. He also confirmed that he had a telephone conversation with Putin, but did not disclose its details. Turning to the issue of the Syrian settlement, trump said that “we must put an end to the craziness that is going on in this country.” Putin’s conversation with the tramp took place on 14 November. They are, as noted in a press-service of the Kremlin, agreed that Russian-American relations are in “extremely poor condition”. Also the two leaders spoke in favour of active collaboration in their

The state Department has condemned Russia’s ratification of the military agreement with Abkhazia

John Kirby The United States strongly opposed Russia’s ratification of the Treaty with Abkhazia on the establishment of the United forces. About this like reported on the website of the Department of state, said his spokesman John Kirby. “We do not recognize the legitimacy of this so-called “contract”, which is not an existing international agreement”, — he stressed. “The United States position regarding Abkhazia and South Ossetia remains clear: these regions are integral parts of Georgia, and we continue to support Georgia’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity,” said Kirby. The state Department believes that Russia should fulfill all its obligations under the agreement on a cease-fire of 2008 and withdraw its troops to positions corresponding to the period before the conflict. In addition, U.S. demand “to reverse its recognition of the Georgian regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia as independent States”, as well as to ensure free access for humanitarian