Suffering from smog, the Chinese have proposed a clean air for 17 cents a breath

Suffering from the smog to the people of China had offered to new Zealand a breath of fresh air for 17 cents per breath. About it reports The South China Morning Post. “Packed manually clean, disinfected and oxygenated” air new Zealand is sold in bottles of 7.7 litres and is worth 219 yuan (just over $ 30). The sellers claim that each bottle will allow the owner to make a 180 sighs. For better residents provided air from Canada — it costs 108 RMB ($16), for the most economical Chinese city of Weihai (5 yuan, or 0.7 dollars). For the Chinese living in the most polluted smog cities (e.g., Beijing), discounts are available. The novelty, however, is appreciated by all. “Breathe this air, large do not feel the difference”, — shared his impressions one of the users of social networks. In China, the difficult situation with the environment. Due to

In Turkish dormitory fire killed 11 girls

As a result of a fire in a hostel for girls in the city of Sochi in the province of Adana in southern Turkey killed 12 people — 11 students and one worker. On Tuesday, November 29, reported on the website of the newspaper Daily Sabah. The incident occurred on 29 November in a three-storey building, where students lived boarding school. The dead children were from 10 to 16 years. Another 22 people were injured, they were hospitalized. The Governor of the province of Adana, Mahmut Demirtas said that people got out of the hostel through the Windows, bringing the injured with the shards of glass, some of them have poisoned with burning products. The representative of the province of Adana in the Turkish Parliament Omer Celik said that the cause of the fire could be electrical problem. Demirtas said, fired up the meter, from it the flames spread through

Erdogan revealed the true purpose of the invasion of Syria

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkish army launched a military operation in Syria to put an end to the rule of the President of the Arab Republic Bashar al-Assad. This was stated by Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan, according to Reuters. “We don’t want Syrian land (…). We are there to restore justice and to put an end to the domination of a cruel tyrant Assad, which supports state terror,” Erdogan said. On 26 November it was reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin held a telephone conversation with Erdogan during which the two leaders continued exchanging opinions on the situation in Syria, said in an official statement. Materials on теме00:08 25 Aug 2016a New twist to the old vohnyshche Turkey entered the territory of Syria A month earlier, Erdogan announced the promotion of the Turkish army in the direction Manuja and Raqqa. On August 24, the Turkish Armed forces with the participation

Cuban artist arrested for celebrating the death of Fidel Castro

Danilo Maldonado Artist-the graffiti artist Danilo Maldonado, known as El Sexto (the Sixth), was arrested in Cuba for publishing videos in social networks with the celebration of the death of the leader of the Cuban revolution Fidel Castro. On Tuesday, November 29, according to Reuters. Information about the detention of journalists was confirmed by the bride artist Alexandra Martinez (Alexandra Martinez), a citizen of the United States. She stated that she visited him in prison. The video was published on November 26, the day after the death of Castro. Her 33-year-old Maldonado rejoices in the death of the leader of the Cuban revolution and insults him. Cuban authorities have not confirmed the arrest of the artist. According to the Agency, they also do not provide such information to human rights organizations, sponsored by the United States. Fidel Castro died on November 25. He was 90 years old. The country declared

The authorities of the Italian Trieste was thinking about a complete ban on begging

The authorities of the Italian city of Trieste in the North-East of the country is thinking about a complete ban on begging. About The Local reports Tuesday, November 29. It was specifically noted that the penalty would be not only beggars, but also to give them alms. But that’s not the only innovation: according to the rules proposed by the newly elected city administration, people will be banned for a long time to sit on the ground or lying on the benches — it will be a penalty from 150 to 900 Euro. It will be impossible to pitch tents in the parks and on the streets. Will be increased and the fines for Smoking and drinking alcohol in parks — for such an offence will have to pay from 100 to 600 € and for illegal Parking (from 25 to 250 Euro). As told Deputy mayor, a member of

France initiated the convening of an emergency meeting of the UN security Council

Jean-Marc Ayrault The Minister of foreign Affairs of France Jean-Marc Ayrault has demanded convocation of an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council because of the situation in the Syrian city of Aleppo. About it reports Reuters. “We must urgently take all measures to end hostilities and ensure the unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance [in Aleppo]”, — reads the statement of the foreign Minister of France. A French diplomatic source added that Eero and his German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier to discuss the situation in Aleppo with the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov on the sidelines of the meeting in Minsk on Tuesday, November 29, during the negotiations in the “channel format” to resolve the Ukrainian crisis. The operation to liberate Eastern Aleppo from militants began 21 Nov. Government troops and militia with the support of the Palestinian brigade “Liwa al-Quds” for three days broke the defense of

In the Bundestag, he called for sanctions against Russia over Syria

The deputies of the German Bundestag asked the Federal government and the leadership of the European Union with a call to impose new sanctions against Russia because of the situation in Aleppo, Syria. They also propose to establish an “air bridge” to this city. This writes the magazine Spiegel. The authors of the initiative made by the Chairman of the Committee on foreign Affairs Norbert Röttgen from the CDU and a representative of the Green party of Francis Brantner. They refer to the fact that, according to incoming reports, the capture of Aleppo by the government forces of Syria, “apparently inevitable.” Allegedly the Syrian army with the help of Russian troops moving further and further into rebel-held areas of the city. “Every day there are reports of dead and wounded among the civilian population, under attack be including schools and hospitals,” — says the publication. According to the authors ideas,

Massacre in Ohio student was bothered by the attitude of the society towards Muslims

Abdul Razak Ali Artan In Columbus, law enforcement officials announced the name of the young man of Somali origin, attacked with a knife on the students of the Ohio state University. It turned out to Abdul Razak Ali Artan, reports CNN. As reported in social networks, he complained about the attacks on Muslims. Investigators are examining his correspondence, to determine the motives of the crime. They do not exclude that the crime can be an act of terrorism. The attacker, as it turned out, was a student of the same University. Prior to that, he moved from the located a few kilometers College Columbus state. On the pages of the local student newspaper in August, was given his word. A student told me that struggled trying to find the campus place where they could quietly pray under the open sky, but was afraid of how the media portray Muslims, like

The media learned about the Somali origin attacked people in Ohio criminal

The attacker attacked people on the campus of the American, Ohio and subsequently shot, by birth was a Somali, according to broadcaster CBS News. According to preliminary data, the culprit of the incident was about 20 years old. His name not yet named. Authorities said that the incident, perhaps a terrorist act. Connected to the investigation, the FBI. Law enforcement officers according to witnesses revealed that the suspect in the car ran into a group of students returning to the building, then went and started to put victims of stab wounds. The security officer of the University shot an intruder. Only the attack injured nine people, one of them in critical condition. They have either blunt trauma or puncture stab wounds. Ohio University was founded in 1870, there are around 45 thousand students and 13 graduate students.

Canada imposed sanctions against 15 more people from.

Mid Canadaprocardia: In Crimea, invited Canada in response to sanctions pressure reducing drug The government of Canada under a policy of exerting pressure on Russia over the situation in Ukraine has imposed sanctions against 15 people, including six state Duma deputies from the Crimea. This was reported on the website of the canadian Ministry of foreign Affairs. Also given the surnames of the additions to the sanctions list. The list includes state Duma deputies elected from Crimea and Sevastopol — former Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic Ruslan Balbec, the former Deputy speakers of the state Council Konstantin Bakharev and Andrei Kozenko, as well as Svetlana Savchenko, Paul Speraw and Dmitry Belik. In addition, the list mentioned Anna Anokhina, Svetlana Borodulina, Valentin Demidov, Irina Kiviko, Mikhail Nazarov, Victor Palagin, Dmitry Polonsky, Oleg Shapovalov and Andrew Vasyuta. As noted, the decision was made “to maintain the necessary pressure on Russia until