The head of the Pentagon stated the reduction of opportunities of cooperation with Russia

Ashton Carter Washington should continue to seek ways of cooperation with Moscow, despite dwindling opportunities. This was stated by the head of the Pentagon Ashton Carter in an interview with Bloomberg. According to him, the number of areas in which to work with Russia, over the last 10 years has decreased. “I see areas where we can cooperate, but with time they are becoming more and more limited,” he said. Among them, the Minister of defense, called North Korea’s nuclear programme and Iran. “The Russians, like us, believe that it is not in their interests of war and a new nuclear weapons on the border with North Korea,” explained Carter. The fight against international terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia) in the areas of joint work is not included, said the head of the Pentagon. January 12, potential Secretary of defense James Mattis during a conversation with senators

McCain has recognized Russia’s role as the main player in the middle East

John McCain Russian President Vladimir Putin has made to his country place as a leading player in the middle East, while the United States has to settle for an invitation to attend the negotiations in Astana. About the same time Senator John McCain said on air of the TV channel MSNBC. According to him, the Russian leader did not hide his ambitions, and “has succeeded in a very clever way, despite the bad hand of cards”. “The Russian economy is only a 15-th place in the world, despite this, it is now the biggest player in the middle East”, — declared the Senator. McCain called a very significant result that “the Russians, the Iranians and the Turks invited the United States to come to the talks in the capital of Kazakhstan”. “The U.S. is not a leader. Even the United States are not parties, they were simply invited,” he said.

The former contestant on “the Candidate” filed on trump’s claim about harassment

Donald Trump The former participant of the reality show “Candidate”, chaired by the President elect, Donald trump, sued him in new York court claim for harassment. This writes the newspaper USA Today. Summer, Zervos said claim 14 of October of last year, among several other women. She accused trump that he tried to kiss and grab her in a hotel room in Beverly hills. When trump denied the charges, counsel, Servos, Gloria Allred, demanded a retraction. Because it is not followed, a lawyer said that “time is out”. “If he just retracted his statements and admits that he behaved with Mrs. Servos, the case will be dismissed,” said Allred. On the question of why the lawsuit against the elected President submitted it now, Allred said that it takes a lot of courage to lay claim to the most powerful man on the planet. In turn a press-the Secretary of the

Obama commuted the sentence of Chelsea manning

Chelsea Manning US President Barack Obama three days before his retirement from office has mitigated the sentence to the WikiLeaks informant Chelsea manning, sentenced to 35 years in prison for passing classified information. About it reports Reuters. Manning it will be released on may 17 of this year. In addition to manning, Obama reduced the sentence of 208 prisoners and pardoned 64 people. The informant of WikiLeaks, U.S. army private Bradley manning, later had a sex change, was arrested in may 2010. He was accused of transfer of about 700 thousand classified documents relating to US military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The most famous leak was a 39-minute video showing the killing of American military Iraqi civilians. In August 2013, manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison. Later in prison he made a judicial decision that is legally a woman named Chelsea. During the time spent in custody,

The white house has called untrue statements about the attempts to undermine the legitimacy of the trump

A spokesman for the White house Josh Ernest called a lie the allegations that the US is trying to undermine the legitimacy of the elected President of Donald trump. This statement he made on Tuesday, January 17, in the course of the traditional briefing, reports RIA Novosti. One of the journalists asked Ernest what he could to respond to “accusations” of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the administration of outgoing President Barack Obama in an attempt to delegitimize the incoming administration trump. “Of course, that’s not true,” replied Ernest. Earlier, Putin said that certain forces in the US trying to undermine the legitimacy of the election of a trump, thus causing damage to their own country. “The impression is that they practice in Kiev, ready at home in Washington to organize the Maidan, but would not give the Trump to take office,” — said Putin. According to the President, in

Marine Le Pen called the main mistakes Hollande in relations with Russia

Marine Le Pen The leader of the French “National front” marine Le Pen called the main mistakes committed by President Francois Hollande in relations with Russia. She told about it in interview to REN TV. According to Le Pen, Hollande from the outset took a course on strain of relations with Moscow. “(…) the refusal to sell two helicopter carrier “Mistral” in November of 2014, support imposed by Brussels, sanctions, negative response to operation of Russia in Syria and, the worst, the refusal to accept a visit of Vladimir Putin”, — stated the politician. According to her statement, “all of these solutions — not just error, they will place a heavy stain on France itself, discrediting it as an independent country(…)”. 11 October 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin canceled a visit to Paris, which was to be held on October 19. In an interview with French TV channel, the Russian

Russia will appeal the verdict of the ECHR on the illegality of the “law Dima Yakovlev”

Russia will appeal the decision of the European court of human rights (ECHR), which recognized illegal the ban on adoption of Russian children by Americans. About it on air of radio station “Echo of Moscow”, said Deputy head of the Ministry of justice Georgy Matyushkin. At the same time, the head of the social policy Committee of the Federation Council Valery Ryazansky in an interview with RIA Novosti expressed confidence that Russia ignores the ECHR decision. “We have the sovereign right to make decisions within the framework of his understanding of how to build inter-state relations in this sensitive humanitarian sphere”, — he said. According to Ryazan, the closeness of the system of control procedures over the custody of children in the United States does not allow Russia to monitor how full the rights of children, despite the fact that some of them have retained Russian citizenship. As explained by

The search for the missing Malaysian “Boeing” suspended

The operation to search for missing in 2014 the Malaysian airliner MH370 is suspended, reports BBC News on Tuesday, January 17. The representatives of Australia, Malaysia and China in a joint statement said that the decision was made “with sadness” after the operation carried out on an area of 120 thousand square kilometers, have not crowned success. The countries agreed to cease in 2017, the search in the suspected areas of the crash, if not there will be new information, “credible”. On 6 January the Minister of transport Malaysia LIOU Tiong Lai said that the search can be terminated after two weeks, RIA Novosti reported. He also added that the authorities hope to find the plane. According to the Minister, soon to be published report on the search operation. In March 2014 the plane Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines, EN route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, disappeared from radar screens. On

CNN recalled Trump’s harsh statements against Russia

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump to participate in the presidential race called Russia the “biggest” problem of the United States and advocated sanctions against Moscow. With this statement made by CNN, after reviewing a series of interviews billionaire, which he gave in March 2014 in the midst of the Crimean spring. In particular, the billionaire agreed with the former candidate for US President MITT Romney, who called Russia a “geopolitical enemy of the U.S. number one”. “MITT was right, and he was also right when he said in one of our discussions about Russia: “Our biggest problem is Russia”. It turned out that he is absolutely right. Look what Russia did with Iran, as she took control of the situation in Syria and almost all other places. We thrown out from everywhere,” he said March 24. March 3, trump expressed the view that the United States could use

Among the visitors in town in attacked club in Mexico by the Russians

Playa del Carmen The number of visitors to Mexican nightclub, which killed five people, were Russians. On Tuesday, January 17, RIA Novosti reported with reference to eyewitnesses. According to them, came to the festival a few living permanently in Playa del Carmen citizens of the Russian Federation, and the two women were a few meters away from the scene of the shooting. As a result of incident anybody from Russians has not suffered, this information was confirmed by the Russian Consul in Mexico Dmitry Bolbot. Late night Sunday, January 15, during a music festival in one of the clubs of Playa del Carmen skirmish. Killed five citizens of Canada, Italy, Colombia and Mexico, another 15 people were wounded. The incident is under investigation. According to the preliminary findings, the cause of fire could become a struggle between criminal groupings for spheres of influence or attempted extortion. Three people were detained,