Rival of Merkel in the elections will be the former head of the European Parliament

Martin Schulz The leader of the Social democratic party of Germany (SPD), economy Minister and Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel proposed to nominate in the parliamentary elections as a candidate in chancellors, former Chairman of the European Parliament Martin Schulz. About this reports Deutsche Welle. The Gabriel refused to run. According to him, Schultz also will lead the party. The main rival of Schulz’s election will be the current Chancellor Angela Merkel, who will run for a fourth term from the conservative Christian democratic Union. Elections to the German Parliament — the Bundestag is scheduled for September 24, 2017. Schulz 60 — year-old German politician, member of the European Parliament since 1994, was head of the EP with 2012.

Israel announced construction of new homes in the West Bank

Israeli defense Ministry announced the construction of a 2.5 thousand new homes in the West Bank of the Jordan river. About it reports Reuters. According to the statement of the Ministry, the project has been approved by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman. The houses will be built mostly within existing settlements. The goal of this project is “to meet the demand for housing to maintain a normal process of life”. 100 of the total number of houses will be built in Beit El, the money for the extension which distinguishes the son in law of the President of the United States Donald trump Jared Kushner. January 22, Netanyahu has lifted a ban on the construction of houses in East Jerusalem. “You don’t need to coordinate construction in the Jewish neighborhoods, he said. — We will build where you want and how you want to.” Then he

Russia, Iran and Turkey agreed on a mechanism for monitoring the truce in Syria

Russia, Iran and Turkey at the meeting in Astana agreed to establish a tripartite mechanism for monitoring observance of the truce in Syria. About it reports Reuters. As follows from the joint statement, read out by Minister of foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Kairat Abdrakhmanov, this body “will monitor and ensure full compliance with the cease-fire to prevent any provocations and to determine the modalities of the cease-fire.” In turn, the Syrian opposition expressed hope for a cessation of hostilities due to further Russia’s role in resolving the conflict. It is reported TASS with reference to the statement by the head of delegation of the opposition Mohammed Alloush. “We hope and want Russia to continue to play a positive role in establishing peace and in support of real fair political process, the purpose of which would be a settlement in Syria, he said. — We welcome that Russia is moving from

Robbed a Bank because of the quarrelsome wife, the American admitted his guilt

Lawrence Rippl A resident of Kansas, robbed a Bank, not to return home to a grumpy wife and sit quietly in prison, pleaded guilty during the trial. On Tuesday, January 24, reports The Kansas City Star. The accused, 70-year-old Lawrence Ripple, faces up to 20 years in prison. As follows from the materials of the case, the man in September 2016 came into one of the city banks and handed the teller a note that demanded money and warned that he had a gun. A Bank employee gave Ripplu money — he took about three thousand dollars, sat in lobby and waited protection. When the security officer of a financial institution came to him, the robber said that he is the very person wanted by the police. Investigators found that shortly before the robbery rippl wrote to his wife that he would prefer a prison sentence back home. The publication

The Russian foreign Ministry has predicted a collapse in Afghanistan in case of us withdrawal

If the administration of U.S. President Donald trump will decide to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, the situation there becomes critical. As reported “Interfax”, said the Director of the Second Asia Department at the Russian foreign Ministry Zamir Kabulov. “As far as I know, trump is nothing is not going to withdraw, which makes sense, because if in the present circumstances he will make the decision on the withdrawal of troops, then all will definitely collapse, — explained the diplomat. — We talked about this repeatedly”. While Kabulov said that at the moment contacts in Moscow with the new us administration on the Afghan problem is not, as Washington has not yet made the appointment, and a partner in dialogue. “Trump inherited a catastrophic situation from a bygone administration, and it is a big headache for him, — said the diplomat. — Such crazy money spent in Afghanistan that he’s probably

In Italy crashed flown to the aid of the skier to the rescue helicopter

In Italy crashed rescue helicopter, on Board of which was six people. About it reports Reuters, citing local media. According to them, the aircraft picked up the injured skier, flew to the hospital and then crashed. Data about victims did not arrive yet. The helicopter was not involved in the rescue operation, which is carried out in the same region after an avalanche on the hotel Rigopiano.

Syrian opposition refused to sign the communiqué following the meeting in Astana

Event in the framework of the international meeting on Syria The representatives of the Syrian opposition involved in the negotiations in Astana, do not sign the final communiqué of the countries-guarantors of the truce. On Tuesday, January 24, said a member of the delegation, Yahya al-Aridi, reports TASS. “The guarantor countries — Russia, Turkey and maybe Iran — just circulate the document,” he said. At the same time, al-Aridi stressed that the opposition is working on the details of the armistice agreement. “We take the truce very seriously. We pay very much attention to the smallest detail”, — quotes its words “Interfax”. Source TASS stressed that the representatives of the Syrian government in the talks also would not sign the communiqué. The two-day talks began in the capital of Kazakhstan on January 23. They are attended by representatives of the official Damascus, the Syrian armed oppositions, Russia, Turkey, Iran and

On the site of the avalanche in Italy discovered three more victims

On the site of the avalanche at the hotel “Rugapiana” in Italy, found three more victims. The total number of victims thus rose to 12. About this reports Deutsche Welle. Thus, according to DW, the fate of 17 people yet. He managed to save only nine. January 23, firefighters managed to break one of the walls of the hotel, which gave hope for the discovery of other victims. A few hours before the avalanche, the hotel owner Bruno di Tommaso, who at that time was on the Adriatic sea, authorities sent an urgent letter with a request to clear the road to the hotel and the staff were able to evacuate. Avalanche has covered “Rugapiana” 18 Jan, the hotel fell 120 thousand tons of snow. At this point there were 40 people. The cause of the collapse of the snow masses was a series of tremors that occurred in the

China will close more than a hundred Golf courses

Chinese authorities ordered the closure 111 of the currently existing 683 Golf courses. On Monday, January 23, reports The South China Morning Post. Some of the facilities were built on illegally acquired arable lands and nature reserves. In the construction of several sports facilities were severely damaged the ecology of the country. Campaign against illegal construction of Golf courses is conducted in China since 2011. In China, Golf is considered a “sport for billionaires,” from 2004 officially banned the construction of new fields. However, many continue to do so, using loopholes in the law, wanting to satisfy the demand from rich people and to attract China tourists. In 2015, members of the ruling Communist party has banned the country to join the Golf clubs, the newspaper notes. It is believed that there are discussed corruption in the business looking for the right connections among the officials and reported by the

Russian woman arrested in Thailand for smuggling cocaine from Brazil

The Suvarnabhumi International Airport In Bangkok arrested arrived from Sao Paulo, Brazil, the Russian for importing 600 grams of cocaine. About it RIA Novosti said head of the consular Department of the Russian Embassy in Thailand Vladimir Sosnov. According to him, a woman born in 1985 was arrested at Suvarnabhumi international airport on January 17. In its stomach was found more than 10 small rubber containers with a drug. Monday, January 23, the court chose the measure of restraint in form of detention. As explained by a retired Thai police officer, during such transportation the only way of detection is x-ray or ultrasound examination and it is conducted only by solid suspicion. “Most likely, this woman was a secret message or information through international cooperation in the fight against drug trafficking,” — said the Agency interlocutor. He added that sometimes drug dealers themselves are “renting” their couriers with small quantities,