The Minister of defense of France fell asleep on the debates of the socialists

Political journalist Tom Wambui (Thomas Vampouille) photographed by French defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian asleep during the debates of the socialists. The he published in his microblog on Twitter. — Thomas Vampouille (@tomvampouille) 25 January 2017, 20:07 In the foreground depicted potential presidential candidates — former Prime Minister Manuel Valls and Minister of education of Banoi Amon, and leading. Behind them in the audience sits Le Drian with his head bowed and his eyes closed. “Le Drian is already sleeping,” commented Wambui. Waltz and Amon was found in the debate on the night of Thursday, December 26, the live broadcast was led by the TV channel France2. The primaries of the socialists in France are held in two rounds, the first was held on January 22, then defeated Benoit Amon, he was supported by 36.03% of voters. Waltz was second — 31.48 percent, the third — former Minister of economy

The President of Mexico condemned the decree trump the construction of the wall on the border

Enrique Peña Nieto Mexican President Enrique peña Nieto expressed his regret and condemned the signing of the American leader Donald trump decree on the construction of the wall on the border between the two countries. About it as reports Associated Press, he said in a televised address to the nation. “I’ve talked about this many times: Mexico does not pay for any wall,” — said the head of state. Nieto, according to RIA Novosti, said that the decision on the construction of the wall taken at the moment when Mexico began talks with Washington about new rules of cooperation, trade, investment, border security and migration. “These negotiations are very important for the strength, confidence and future of our economy and society,” he said. According to Neety, the decision about what to do next, he will take after receiving a report from the government delegation currently holding talks in Washington with

A member of the U.S. Congress met with Assad

Ms. Gabbard, Tulsi Member of the house of representatives, Democrat Tulsi Ms. Gabbard, which was previously considered as a candidate for one of the key positions in the administration of President Donald trump, was found during a trip to Syria with the country’s leader Bashar al-Assad. She told about it on Wednesday, January 25, in an interview with CNN. “When the opportunity came to meet him [Assad], I did it, because I believe that it is important: if we claim that we do care about the suffering of the Syrian people, we must be willing to meet with anyone if necessary to achieve peace,” said Ms. Gabbard. Member of Congress noted that, regardless of the relationship, Assad remains President of Syria. “For the sake of any peace agreement, for any possibility of reaching a peace agreement need to carry on with it dialogue,” she said. Ms. Gabbard also said that

Madeleine Albright declared readiness to enroll in Muslim women

Madeleine Albright Former U.S. Secretary of state Madeleine Albright said it was ready to enroll in Muslim women, so she reacted to the tightening of the US President Donald trump policies towards refugees and migrants. She wrote about this in his microblog on Twitter on Wednesday, January 25. — Madeleine Albright (@madeleine) 25 January 2017, 18:18 “I grew up Catholic, became a member of the Episcopal Church and later found out that my family was Jewish. I’m ready to register as a Muslim in solidarity,” wrote the 79-year-old politician. She noted that “the statue of Liberty’s no small print”, so the United States must remain open to “people of all faiths and origin.” — Madeleine Albright (@madeleine) 25 January 2017, 18:18 Near the statue of Liberty in new York, for many years was a main immigration point for entry into the United States. Previously, on 25 January, trump has signed

The NYT learned about reducing the US role in the UN the draft decree trump

The administration of the President of the United States Donald trump is preparing decrees that can lead to a drastic reduction of the role of the United States to the United Nations (UN) and other international organizations. According to The New Yotk Times (NYT), citing documents at the disposal of edition. One of the edicts provides for the cessation of funding for all UN agencies and other organizations, if they grant full membership to the Palestinian authority or the Palestine liberation Organization. Also without funding should remain all who support the programme of abortion or any activity to bypass sanctions against Iran and North Korea. In addition, the project document envisages the cessation of funding of any organization that is “controlled or substantially influenced by any state sponsoring terrorism” or accused of persecution of minorities or any other systematic violation of human rights. The decree in the case of its

Trump thought about the resumption of secret CIA prisons

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump instructed to explore the possibility of resumption of secret CIA prisons outside the country. About it reports Associated Press with reference to the disposal of the President. The document requires high-ranking intelligence officers to make recommendations about the need for the continuation of a program of interrogation, an influential terrorists-foreigners who will be held outside the USA in special places of detention, and the expediency of such prisons run by the CIA. In the request of the President of the United States emphasized the need to respect American laws, precluding the use of torture. As indicated earlier, the order of the head of state also may lead to rejection of the idea of closing the Guantanamo Bay prison. On 15 November last year, the international criminal court (ICC) accused the us military and CIA in war crimes in Afghanistan. According

The Russian foreign Ministry has condemned the kidnapping in Poland, a memorial plaque in honor of Soviet soldiers

The official representative of the foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova In the Polish city of Gniezno (greater Poland Voivodeship) stolen a memorial plaque, installed in honor of the red army, liberated it during the Second world war. This is stated in the statement of the MFA of Russia. The document stresses that the attackers had much time for blasphemous actions: on January 21 in Gniezno traditionally celebrated the Day of liberation from German occupation. “(…) we are talking about the indisputable fact disrespect to the history of our common struggle against fascism. Furthermore, the Board is in the agreed at the bilateral level, the list of memorable places of Russian (Soviet) defenders of the Fatherland who perished on the territory of the Republic of Poland” — said in a statement. The Russian foreign Ministry recalled that the repetition of incidents of this kind is a direct result of the connivance of

The media learned about the intention of trump to create Syria safe zone

Donald Trump The President of the United States, Donald trump intends to create a Syria safe zone for the civilian population. As reported on Wednesday, January 25, Reuters stated in the draft decree, which was available to the news Agency. The document States that the Secretary of state together with the Minister of defence shall, within 90 days from the date of publication of the decree to develop a plan for the organization in Syria and in the adjacent States of the security zone where Syrian refugees can wait for such procedures, as the potential repatriation or resettlement in a third country. According to the Associated Press, trump is also going for 120 days to suspend the admission of refugees to the United States. It is assumed to impose an indefinite ban on the entry of migrants from Syria. Earlier on January 25 Donald trump signed Executive orders that authorize

Presidential candidates urged Chile to deal with migrants

Sebastian Pinera The question of dealing with immigrants has become one of the key ahead of presidential elections in Chile. About it reports Reuters. Usually, as indicated earlier, Latin American politicians not to resort to such rhetoric. However, this time the right-wing and left-wing parties stated the need to restrict immigration into the country. For example, former President Sebastian Pinera, the candidate of the center-right party “National update”, said that the Chilean migration laws are outdated and only serve to “import problems, including crime and drug trafficking”. “Many gangs in Chile consist of foreigners, he said. — Particularly penalized in regions where immigrants constitute a large percentage of the population.” Its main rival, the candidate of the left Alejandro Giler, suggested that Chile needed a “more selective migration policy”. Human rights groups have accused both candidates in the exploitation of nationalist rhetoric and the desire to make migrants the scapegoats

The Philippines will ask the US to remove the fugitive leader of the Communists from the list of terrorists

Jose Maria The Season Manila asked Washington to exclude the fugitive leader of the Philippine Communist from the list of terrorists. About it reports Reuters. “The Philippine government will recommend that the President of the United States to exclude the leader of the Communist party of the Philippines Sison from the list of international terrorists, said Silvestre Bello, responsible for the talks Manila Communist guerillas. It is necessary that he was able to return to the Philippines without the risk of being arrested”. Jose Maria the Season, the founder and leader of the Communist party of the Philippines and its armed wing the New people’s army (NPA) left the country over 30 years ago. Since he lives in the Netherlands, fearing to return home due to the fact that in 2002, the United States included him in the list of terrorists, thereby effectively blocking him the opportunity to enjoy air