In the primaries of the French socialists defeated Benoit Amon

Benoit Amon In France in the primaries of the Socialist party defeated former Minister of education Benoit Amon, reports Reuters. 49-year-old politician received 58,65% of the votes. His rival, former Prime Minister Manuel Valls, received 41,35 percent, conceded defeat. The primaries of the socialists in France are held in two rounds, the first took place on 22 January, was then also defeated Amon, he was supported by 36.03% of voters. Waltz was second — 31.48 percent, the third — former Minister of economy Arnaud Montebourg (17.52% of the votes). Presidential elections will be held in two phases on April 23 and may 7. In addition to the candidate from the ruling socialist party in the struggle for the presidency will meet former Prime Minister Francois Fillon, who won the primaries of the centre-right, and the leader of the far-right party “national front” marine Le Pen. As noted, because of the

On Mont Blanc found the body of a Russian skier

Russian skier died in France after falling into a crevasse near Mont Blanc. The man’s body was discovered on Sunday, January 29, at the height of three thousand meters, according to Le Parisien. According to the publication, 28 January the 30-year-old Russian fell in a crevice, descending from the Aiguille du MIDI. His 60-year-old father also fell into a crevice when he tried to catch the phone and call the rescuers. About the missing, rescuers said one of the friends of the Russians. Representatives of the emergency services flew over the mountainous area by helicopter, but have not been able to detect. Sunday in search of advanced group of rescuers composed of 14 people, she found the deceased and his father. As noted, an elderly man is in a state of shock. In the Russian Embassy in Paris could not confirm this information, saying that the checks appeared about this

Zakharov declared competition on the best caricature of Johnson

Maria Zakharova The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said the publication in the newspaper Daily Mail that the British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson was furious after learning that she was invited to a reception at the House of Commons. On his page on Facebook she announced a contest for the best cartoon of the Minister. “Newspaper a whole page dedicated to this topical subject. Imagine what would happen if I went… Announce a competition of cartoons on the theme “Boris Johnson was furious over the call to Maria Zakharova at the gala evening in the house of Commons”,” wrote Zakharov. She also promised to award the prize to the winner. About Zakharova invitation to the reception in the lower house of the Parliament of the United Kingdom newspaper Daily Mail reported on Sunday, January 29. The event was the Deputy from Conservative party Daniel Kawczynski, known for

The Daily Mail learned of the fury of Johnson’s inviting Zakharova in the House of Commons

Boris Conceptului: Zakharov declared competition on the best caricature of Johnson The Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain, Boris Johnson was furious upon learning that the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova was invited to a reception at the House of Commons — the lower house of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. This writes the Daily Mail; in the printed newspaper this topic was covered the whole strip. The event at the site of the British Parliament was the Deputy from Conservative party Daniel Kawczynski, known for its loyalty to Moscow. It is also reported that the reception was attended by the chief editor of RT Margarita Simonyan. Materials on теме00:26 19 July 2016Boris Nederjanii language brought a new head of the British foreign Ministry to diplomatic scandals Zakharova in Facebook reacted to the publication. “They are ridiculous, of course: London has long been a haven

Lawyer Yanukovych has called the conditions for his return to Ukraine

Viktor Yanukovych Former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych is ready to arrive home to attend the court if he will provide security and will also be investigated case about attempt at it. On Sunday, January 29 in an interview to television channel “112 Ukraine”, the lawyer said the fugitive head of state Vitaly Serdyuk. “The defense is doing everything as quickly as possible had completed investigation in the case of the attempted murder of Yanukovych. If this is the case will still be investigated, will be installed face and the government can provide security, he will participate personally in this matter”, — said Serdyuk. He added that while the former President in court proceedings will participate remotely. January 18, Ukrainian media published photos of a letter of Yanukovych to Russian President Vladimir Putin, dated March 1, 2014. In it, the politician is asking the Russian leader to send troops into

The defense Ministry disclosed details of the Russian project of the Constitution for Syria

The draft Constitution for Syria, developed by Russian specialists, provides for the establishment in the country the Republican form of government. On Sunday, January 29, said Deputy head of the main operations Directorate of the General staff of armed forces major General Stanislav Gadzhimagomedov, who headed the group of Russian military experts at the talks in Astana, transfers “Interfax”. “It is important to note that the draft Constitution is a framework designed to outline the basic principles of a possible state structure of Syria as a sovereign state,” — said the Gadzhimagomedov. It is envisaged that the Syrian state should be based on the principles of democracy, rule of law and equality before him, and the only source of power must be the “multinational and multi-confessional Syrian people”. According to Gadzhimagomedova, the document takes into account “as a modern democratic principles and norms of the secular state, and existing for

Dutch investigators have found it difficult to decrypt the data from Russia on MH17

Briefing of the international investigation team Dutch investigators were unable to decipher the materials on accident “Boeing” in the Donbass, transferred from Russia to the Netherlands in October 2016. It is reported by the Austrian newspaper Standard. On 28 January, the representative of the Dutch Prosecutor’s office said in Amsterdam that the data was provided in a format different from international standards. To decode the experts need more information from Moscow. As stated in the Ministry of security and justice of the Netherlands, investigators must determine whether these technical data primary radar information from the disaster area. Materials on теме18:18 28 Sep 2016“the Intelligence was clear that he was hit by a Ukrainian pilot” Russian politicians responded to the new findings regarding the death of “Boeing” in Донбассе16:55 13 Oct 2015Not the “Buk”Concern “Almaz-Antey” and the security Council of the Netherlands think differently The Dutch-led international investigation team, establishing the

Ninth-graders will have to pass an oral speech

Olga Vasilyeva From 2017, the Russian ninth-graders within the State total certification (GIA) will take the oral speech. The head of the Ministry of education and science Olga Vasilyeva said in an interview with NTV television, published on Sunday, January 29. “While this pilot project. In a year it will be all country”, — said the Minister. According to her, now a few selected pilot regions, and then this part of the GIA will be introduced everywhere. Vasiliev said that now “we are back essentially to what we have to say, we have to explain to their thoughts, we got to speak in their native language.” Minister of education and science also said that in 2017 the test part of the assessment was only in a foreign language. Vasilyev added that knowledge of subjects necessary to train for exams, and learn to learn. In November 2016, the Minister supported the

German Finance Minister admitted mistake a massive intake of refugees

The Minister of Finance of Germany Wolfgang schäuble acknowledged that government adopted the decision on the mass admission of refugees in 2015 was incorrect. He told this in an interview with Welt am Sonntag. The Minister stressed that the authorities are currently trying to fix many things that “got out of control in 2015.” Schaeuble added that politicians are people too and make mistakes. “But, at least, the mistakes you can learn from,” he said. In early January the interior Minister of Germany Thomas de Maiziere said that the number of refugees arriving in Germany in 2016, amounted to 280 thousand people, three times less than the previous year (890 thousand). “This suggests that the measures taken by the Federal government and the authorities of the European Union, was sufficient,” said the Minister. Speaking about the measures he was referring to the agreement between the EU and Turkey, under which

“La La land” won the main award of Guild of producers of the USA

The musical “La La land” won the main award of Guild of producers of the USA (Producers Guild Awards). On Sunday, January 29, reports The Washington Post. The ceremony was held in Beverly hills, California. The jury selected the best tape of the ten nominees. Competition “La La Land” amounted to “Manchester by the sea”, “Moonlight”, “lion”, “Hidden figures”, “Fence”, “Arrival”, “Deadpool”, “conscientious” and “at Any price”. Prize of Guild of producers of the USA awarded annually since 1990, the Guild noted as work in film and production achievements on the silver screen. The award is considered an indicator of sentiment for the upcoming Oscar ceremony. In the musical “La La land” tells the story of an aspiring actress and musician. The main roles are played by Ryan Gosling and Emma stone. The film became the leader on number of nominations on the award “Oscar”. The picture presented in 13