The Prime Minister of Canada called the shooting in the mosque cowardly attack

Continued: Police said the number of victims of the shooting in Quebec The Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau has called the attack on the Islamic cultural centre in Quebec cowardly attack. The incident he commented in his microblog on Twitter. “Today, Canadians mourn the victims of the cowardly attack on the mosque in Quebec. My thoughts are with the families and friends of those killed in the attack,” wrote Trudeau. The head of government of the province of Philip, Cuyar, in turn, urged residents to unite against violence. Three armed criminals broke into the Islamic cultural centre in Quebec city, which is called “great mosque” of the city during evening prayers on January 29. The attackers, shouting “Allah Akbar!” opened fire. At this point in the room, according to various estimates, there were from 40 to 100 people. According to Reuters, the victims were five people in police information

Secretary Goebbels died at the age of 106 years

Brünnhilde Posel In Munich at the age of 106 years died brünnhilde Posel Secretary to the Minister of public enlightenment and propaganda of Germany Joseph Goebbels. According to the Associated Press, the woman died on Friday, January 27, in his home. Death Posel confirmed Director and producer Christian Cranes, starred on her documentary called “the Life of one of the Germans,” notes The Washington Post. According to him, the woman died in her sleep. In August 2016, Pomsel first told details about his work on Goebbels. According to the Germans, she had to follow the stocks of alcohol in Hitler’s bunker. Alcohol was used by the inhabitants of the shelter in order to preserve the “insensitivity”. Among its tasks was also to changes in the statistics of the fallen soldiers, whose number she downplayed, and exaggeration of the number of rapes of German women by Soviet soldiers. Brünnhilde Pomsel was

The title of “Miss universe” was won by the French

Iris Mitchiner The title of “Miss universe” was won by the representative of France, iris is a friendly and informal, reports Reuters. The top three finalists, in addition to a friendly and informal, composed of representatives of Haiti and Colombia, 25-year-old Raquel Pelissier and 23-year-old Andrea Product. “Miss France,” the native of Lille, 23 years old, she is studying to be a dental surgeon, according to the contest website. She told me that she loves extreme sports, including skydiving, bungee jumping and hang gliding. The French only once before won the crown “Miss universe”, it happened in 1953. The final three-hour show, which was attended by 86 contestants from around the world, was held in the Philippine capital Manila on Monday, January 30. Winner of the previous contest, Filipina Pia Alonzo Wurzbach gave host Steve Harvey points so he could carefully consider the printed information on the outcome of the

Slovenia expressed readiness to organize a meeting of Putin and trump

Karl Erjavec Slovenia is ready to provide a platform for negotiations of presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump. This was stated by foreign Minister Karl Erjavec in interview to portal According to him, the initiative he discussed with the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov in December 2016. “Given the fact that we successfully organized a meeting of the George Bush — Vladimir Putin (the meeting was held at the brdo castle in June 2001 — approx. “Of the”), Lavrov said that he sees no reason not to repeat the talks at this level. All this, of course, depends on the leaders of the USA and Russia,” said Erjavec. 23 Jan Prime Minister of Finland, Juha Sipilä said about the readiness to organize a meeting with trump and Putin. He admitted that the conversation the heads of States could take place “if

Five people were killed in a shooting in the canadian mosques

In the Islamic cultural centre in Quebec shooting occurred, in which five people died and several more were injured. On Sunday, January 29, according to Reuters. Three armed gunmen stormed a mosque during evening prayers at about 20:00 (04:00 GMT on Monday, January 30). At this time, according to the Agency, in the building there were about 40 believers. The attackers shouted “Allah Akbar!”. As told the head of the center Mohammad Yangi, a skirmish occurred on the first floor, then criminals managed to climb to the second floor. According to him, the victims were taken to hospitals in the city. The exact number of casualties, he said. Arrived at the scene, law enforcement officers detained two suspects in the attack, reports the Huffington Post Québec. The Islamic cultural centre in Quebec city called “great mosque” of the city, said RIA Novosti.

Kadyrov said on the elimination of recruiter-led ISIS militants

Ramzan Kadyrov In Chechnya during the elimination of three militants killed two law enforcement officers. As reported by RIA Novosti, said the head of the Republic Ramzan Kadyrov. The special operation was conducted in the town of Shali, where law enforcement officers attempted to stop a suspicious persons approaching post. In response to the proposal to submit the documents they opened fire and threw a grenade. “From the received wounds and shrapnel injuries, died Shalinskomu employee OMVD on the area, a police Sergeant Ali Alimhanov, and came home with fellow PPP Ministry of internal Affairs on the city of Grozny, born in Shali Islam Hadjiev. Also wounded two local residents,” — said Kadyrov. Three militants were killed. Liquidated group was chaired by recruiter “Islamic state” of Syria, a native Shawl Magomed Rashidov. Earlier, on 11 January, conducted a special operation in Kurchaloy district of the Republic. Security forces blocked a

Trump has accused the senators of trying to unleash a third world war

Donald Trump U.S. President Donald trump has accused two Republican senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham trying to unleash a third world war. He wrote about this in his microblog on Twitter. “Joint statement of the former presidential candidates John McCain and Lindsey Graham — delusion, they are sadly unconvincing on immigration,” wrote trump. According to him, “instead of constantly trying to start world war III” these senators should focus on combating the international terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), to pay “attention to illegal immigration and border security”. Earlier, McCain and Graham issued a statement in which it criticized the decree of the President of trump to toughen immigration policy. In their opinion, the order of the President “was not checked properly”, because it was not discussed with the state Department, ministries of defence and justice, reports ABC News. “We fear that the decree will contribute

Canada will provide the migrants with temporary shelter in connection with the decree trump

Ahmed Husen (left), Justin Trudeau Canada will give temporary residence to all persons because of the decree of the American President Donald trump, restricting immigration, will be denied entry to the United States. About it reports Reuters. At a press conference the Minister of immigration Ahmed Houssen, he does not know how many people will get this right, however, according to him, only a small number of passengers trying to fly to the US from Canada, were denied boarding. The canadian government, led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the Liberal spokesman, has so far refrained from criticizing the United States. However, Canada emphasizes that opened for refugees. However, a number of politicians have condemned the ban trump. The decree of the trump signed on January 27, applies to nationals of the seven countries with a predominantly Muslim population. We are talking about Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia and Sudan.

Prosecutors in 16 States condemned the decree trump to tighten immigration policy

Donald Trump Chief prosecutors 16 US States, including California, new York and Pennsylvania, have issued a joint statement condemning the measures to tighten immigration policy, which his decree was introduced by President Donald trump. About it reports Reuters. “We are ready to work in order to from the chaotic situation that has arisen as a result of this, suffered as few people as possible”, — said in a statement. The decree of the trump signed on January 27, applies to nationals of the seven countries with a predominantly Muslim population. The list of those States were not disclosed, but, as expected, the sanctions will affect the citizens of Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia and the Sudan. The presidential decree has led to the fact that some flights that flew in the USA, was withdrawn by the citizens of the States included in the list, despite the fact that they

Trump called the condition of the lifting of restrictions against migrants

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump said that the issuance of visas to citizens of all countries will resume as soon as steps will be taken to the security policy within 90 days. About it reports Reuters. “To be clear — this is not a ban for Muslims, the media misinterpreted,” said trump. “It’s not about religion — but about the terror and about how to ensure the security of our country” — he stressed. He recalled that in the world there are more than 40 different countries in which Muslims constitute a majority, but which restrictive measures are not affected. The decree the President signed on January 27, applies to nationals of the seven countries with a predominantly Muslim population. The list of States not disclosed, but, as expected, the sanctions will affect the citizens of Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia and the Sudan. The decree has