Former Vice-President of trump spoke about his narcissism

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump is suffering from narcissism. This was stated in an interview with the tabloid the New York Daily News Barbara Rees, who served in the 1980-ies the position of Vice President in the construction company of billionaire Trump Organization. In 1982, according to the companion publication, The New York Times published an article about narcissism, which is brought to the office one of the employees. “We were a team, engaged in the construction of the [skyscraper] the Trump Tower, and knew Donald trump, especially me. We all agreed that the characteristics described in the article, one to one suitable Donald,” said Rees. “I pray that America has gone through his presidency, no matter how much anyone it didn’t last,” added a former employee of trump company. The author of the book “In search of bill Clinton: a Psychological biography” psychotherapist John

The Memorandum criticized trump signed the 900 employees of the state Department

Donald Trump About 900 employees of the US State Department has signed an internal Memorandum, which criticized the decree of the President of Donald trump, prohibiting entry into the United States immigrants from seven countries with a predominantly Muslim population and to refugees. On Tuesday, January 31, reported Reuters citing a source familiar with the document. A senior state Department spokesman confirmed that the Memorandum was transmitted to the leadership. January 30, White house spokesman Sean Spicer said that he knows about the document, but warned the Agency’s employees — they have to “put up or quit.” According to the website of the US state Department, it employs about 69 thousand employees. Earlier on 31 January Minister of foreign Affairs of Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif stated that the Islamic Republic is to stop issuing entry visas to Americans in response to the decree of the trump. In addition, Tehran will

Juncker was considered the abolition of anti-Russian sanctions premature

Jean-Claude Juncker European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said that the time for the abolition of anti-Russian sanctions has not come yet. He stated this during a joint press conference with President of Bulgaria Rumena by Radium, reports New Europe. “We touched on relations between the European Union and Russia in the negotiations. I don’t think the President [of Bulgaria] and the Commission there are serious discrepancies, when it comes to sanctions against Russia. We made our decisions, these decisions are fair, and when we want to return to the discussion of this question, we will do so. But that time has not yet come”, — said Juncker. As writes in turn, The Sofia Globe, on the eve of his visit to Brussels the Bulgarian leader said that he sees no benefit from anti-Russian sanctions, while the losses from them are obvious. “I’m afraid that the new US administration to restore

The state Department announced the deaths of dozens of Ukrainian military near Avdeevka

The United States is concerned about the deteriorating situation in Eastern Ukraine and call for the immediate restoration of the ceasefire. This is stated in a statement issued on Tuesday, January 31, on the website of the US state Department. As noted in the foreign Ministry, the fighting has already led to the deaths of “tens of Ukrainian military” (Kiev has officially recognized eight dead soldiers APU — approx. “Of the”), as well as ten civilian casualties. The state Department also said that as a result of aggravation of the situation without water, heat and light there are 17 thousand civilians, including 2.5 thousand children. “To prevent an even greater humanitarian crisis, we call for an immediate cease-fire, steady, full and unhindered access of OSCE observers. We also reiterate the support of the U.S. implementation of the Minsk agreements”, — said in a statement. Running for several days the

The UN has called for the immediate cessation of hostilities in the Donbass

The parties to the conflict in Eastern Ukraine should immediately stop “all hostilities” and abide by the truce. As reported on Tuesday, January 31, TASS said the official representative of the Secretary-General of the world organization Stefan Dujarric. The clashes on the contact line in the Donbas are a direct violation of the Minsk agreements, he said. “We urge all parties to immediately cease all hostilities, fully respect the ceasefire, to provide immediate and unhindered humanitarian access to the population, to ensure safe access of Special monitoring mission of the OSCE, which will allow it to report on the situation on the ground, and to resume efforts towards a peaceful settlement of the conflict”, — said Dyuzharrik. In addition, he expressed deep concern about the UN escalation of fighting near Avdeevka, Yasinovataya and Donetsk, which led to casualties and the fate of civilians. Earlier on January 31, the U.S. state

In Austria, banned from wearing the burqa in public places

In Austria will be a ban on wearing the burqa in public places such as schools and courts. About it reports BBC News. The corresponding agreement was reached between the parties within the ruling coalition. In addition, the possibility of a ban for civil servants on the wearing of the niqab, burqa and other types of clothing that can be considered religious symbols. “We reaffirm our commitment to an open society, which, in turn, implies open communication between people, — says the official statement. — Clothes that cover the face, prevent to reach this goal and therefore will be prohibited.” Thus, the publication, the representatives of the centrist coalition plan to deprive the trumps right Austrian freedom party, candidate Norbert Hofer lost in the second round of the presidential elections in December 2016, but promised to run again for the presidency. The Ministry of tourism has expressed concern that the

The Congolese military reported the deaths of two Russian pilots at the hands of the rebels

The armed forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has reported that two Russian pilots died at the hands of the rebels. The corresponding statement quoted by La Voix de l’amérique. In the words of General of the army of the DRC Leon Musale, two Mi-24 helicopter crashed during a patrol flyby in North Kivu due to the difficult weather conditions. At the crash site found the bodies of three people — one of the Congolese military and the two pilots — Russian citizens. According to some, they fell into the hands of rebels from the militant group M23 (the”March 23 Movement”) and was killed after being tortured. Another Russian is allegedly held captive by the rebels. Near the scene of the disaster, UN peacekeepers found five people injured — three of them citizens of Russia. They are all taken to the hospital. While RIA Novosti, citing the Russian

Elizabeth II posthumously pardoned almost 50 thousand homosexuals

Elizabeth II Queen Elizabeth II granted a posthumous pardon thousands of homosexuals 49. About it reports The Guardian. She signed the law on Tuesday, January 31. The document is called the “law of Alan Turing” by the same name of the Royal pardon given to a famous mathematician homosexual, who committed suicide in 1954. “This is truly a memorable day, — said the Deputy Minister of justice Sam GIMA. — We will never be able to heal the harm caused, but we apologize for it and tried his best to fix it. I’m very proud of that “Turing’s law” received by our office.” In total, under the Royal forgiveness fell 49 thousand people — they were charged on articles which are not now in the legislation. Homosexuality in the United Kingdom was a criminal offence until 1967, but in some parts of the country and longer in Scotland until 1980,

In Italy arrested selling helicopters and MANPADS smugglers

MANPADS Italian police arrested three citizens, suspected of trafficking in 2011-2015 portable air defence systems (MANPADS) and combat helicopters under international sanctions on Libya and Iran. About it reports Reuters. Charged 51-year-old resident of Rome, the head of the firm on repair of helicopters and a couple from Naples. The fourth suspect is a Libyan — declared in the international search. According to investigators, the criminal group was engaged in illegal deliveries of weapons and equipment produced in the countries of the former Soviet bloc, through the third countries — Ukraine and Tunisia. In addition, the head of the firm of Rome is also charged with selling dual-use technology. August 17, informed journalists Sky News reported on the results of own investigations concerning the smuggling of weapons from Ukraine to the countries of Western Europe. According to them, the criminals know that they are going journalists, but was hoping at

In India, a man was sacrificed on the altar of the beloved goddess

In India, a man was sacrificed on the altar of the goddess Chinnamasta. About it reports The Hindustan Times. The incident occurred in the state of Jharkhand. 30-the summer inhabitant of the neighboring state of Bihar Sanjay Nath, the son of a police Sergeant, came to the temple early in the morning before dawn. As told by the clergy, he prayed a few hours, then went up to the altar, where usually kill sheep and sheep, took out a knife and stabbed himself. The temple had two hours to close because of the cleansing rituals. When the police contacted the parents of Nathan, they said they are not surprised of what happened: Sanjay was a devoted follower of Chinnamasta, prayed constantly and repeatedly stated that he wants to leave this world and reunite with his beloved goddess. “Chinnamasta” literally translated from Sanskrit means “beheaded”. Hindus consider her one of the