The white house has been allowed into the United States to all holders of green cards

The US administration explained that legal permanent residents, holders of green cards will not face refusal of entry into the country, reports Reuters with reference to the official White house spokesman Sean Spicer. In the instructions for execution of the decree of the President of Donald trump has made the appropriate clarification. The question, is prohibited entry into the United States citizens who have fallen under the restrictions of the countries, if they have a green card, remained by far the most confusing, the Agency said. Initially it was assumed that restrictions will affect, and this circle of people. 27 Jan trump has signed a decree according to which the territory of the USA prohibited the entry of citizens of seven countries: Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia and the Sudan. In addition, for a period of 120 days suspended accepting Syrian refugees. As explained by the American President, this

Marine Le Pen called anti-Russian sanctions “an absolutely stupid”

Marine Le Pen The leader of the French party “national front” candidate for President marine Le Pen called anti-Russian sanctions “an absolutely stupid”. Such a statement she made to CNN Wednesday, February 1. According to her, the restrictive measures did not solve any problems and have not improved the situation. “Everything that made the sanctions — this has created large economic problems for the countries of the European Union”, — said Le Pen. According to her, you need to “step back” from the looks of the cold war. Le Pen has repeatedly advocated the restoration of relations with Russia. So, on January 17, the politician stated that in case of victory on elections of the President of France recognize Crimea as Russian. In her opinion, the affiliation of the Peninsula Ukraine “was merely an administrative issue Soviet times.” She also expressed regret that the past in 2014, a referendum “was

The Russian Embassy explained the refusal of entry to the Norwegian MPs

Embassy of Russia in Norway Two Norwegian MPs, who sat on the parliamentary event in Moscow due to non-issuance of visas, refused entry as a response to the accession of Norway to the EU sanctions and the discriminatory procedure of admission of Russian citizens to Svalbard. This was reported in the Russian Embassy in Oslo, reports RIA Novosti. Parliamentarians listed, said the Embassy. There also expressed regret over the postponement of the visit of the delegation of Norwegian MPs to Moscow. In connection with the refusal of entry parliamentarians cancelled a trip to the Russian capital. During the visit, the head of the Committee on foreign Affairs and defence of the Norwegian Parliament Ms. Huitfeld was supposed to meet with the President of the international Federation Council Committee Konstantin Kosachev. The talks were scheduled for 2-3 February and was to become the first at this level for the last three

In Slovakia, created the anti-fascist police

In Slovakia there is a special police unit whose aim is to combat extremism and calls to him. About it reports Reuters. According to Prime Minister Robert fico, the squad will consist of 125 people, his goals include the investigation of crimes related to the support and financing of terrorism and extremism, as well as statements instigating ethnic hatred, including on the Internet, and crimes on this basis. As explained by fico, the main focus of the unit will be paid to the fight against far-right ideology. “New wave of fascism is rising not only in Europe but also in Slovakia, the Prime Minister said. We ignored the lessons of history, because no one believed that they can be repeated. But now we see that in Parliament and local government people use the Nazi salute, every day we hear remarks that cast doubt on the outcome of the Second World

The media reported on a possible coordination of attacks on the United States and Russia in Syria

The Pentagon and the US state Department is studying the possibility of coordinated strikes by Russia to Syria. It is reported by The Washington Times, citing its own sources, involved in planning operations in the middle East. According to the publication, the order of the American President Donald trump to strengthen the fight against “Islamic state” (IG; the activities of the group banned in Russia) will lead to an increase in the supply of weapons to Syrian Kurds, to increase air strikes against the Islamists and the more active work of special forces in the Arab country. The previous administration refrained from increasing aid to the Kurds, fearing to anger Ankara, which considers them terrorists. The us military is now holding consultations with Turkish counterparts, trying to convince them of the validity of this step. “If we need for several months to take Raqqa, no one but the Kurds can

Poland will try to return the wreckage of Kaczynski through the Hague

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Poland Witold Waszczykowski said Warsaw will be sent to the international criminal court (ICC) in the Hague against Russia. On Wednesday, February 1, according to “Radio Poland”. According to the Minister, this will happen in a few weeks. The Polish party intends to try to return through court the wreckage of the government plane Tu-154 that crashed near Smolensk in 2010. As said Waszczykowski, Warsaw about a year unsuccessfully sought to obtain from Moscow the wreckage. “The Russians, as you know, respond in the negative, sometimes very boldly, — said the Minister. — Our possibilities are exhausted.” Tu-154 of the Polish air force crashed near Smolensk on 10 April 2010. The accident killed all 96 people on the plane, including the head of state Lech Kaczynski with the spouse. The interstate aviation Committee called the cause of the incident was pilot error. The Polish

Norwegian MPs has cancelled a trip to Moscow because of the refusal of Russian visa

Berg Renderowanie: due to non-issuance of visas to Norwegian deputies broke down the event in the Federation Council The deputies of the Norwegian Parliament were forced to cancel a trip to Moscow due to the fact that are unable to obtain a Russian visa. This is stated in the message published on Wednesday, February 1, on the website of the Norwegian foreign Ministry. According to the Minister of foreign Affairs børge Brende, “it is regrettable that some members of the parliamentary Committee on foreign policy and defense was not allowed to visit Russia, despite the invitation.” The Minister noted that it was received from the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs. In this regard, the Norwegian foreign Ministry summoned the Russian Ambassador and expressed Moscow protest through diplomatic channels and called for a review of the decision. “We believe Russia’s decision unfair and groundless,” added Brenda. The

Israel announced the construction of thousands of homes on the West Bank of the Jordan river

Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the construction of three thousand homes in the West Bank of the Jordan river. About this politician wrote on his Twitter page. — Benjamin Netanyahu (@netanyahu) 31 January 2017, 21:38 “I supported the proposal of the Minister of defence about the construction in Judea and Samaria, three thousand houses,” — said the head of the Cabinet of Ministers. On 24 January, the Israeli defense establishment announced the start of construction of 2.5 thousand housing units in the region. As reported, the houses will be constructed mainly within existing settlements. Two days before Netanyahu lifted a ban on construction of houses in East Jerusalem. “You don’t need to agree on the construction of Jewish neighborhoods. We will build where they want and how they want,” said he. On December 23 last year, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution demanding that Israel stop building

Lavrov invited the Arab countries to impose an embargo against the ISIS controlled land

Sergei Lavrov Russia called on Arab countries to support the initiative about introduction of embargo against the territories that are under the control of the “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). On Wednesday, February 1, said the foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov, reports RIA Novosti. “We call on our Arab friends to join Russia’s initiative that on the basis of article 41 of the Charter of the UN to impose a comprehensive trade embargo in respect of all territories that remain under the control of the so-called Islamic state”, — said the Minister, speaking at the opening session of the Russian-Arab cooperation forum in Abu Dhabi. Lavrov also reminded that the fight against the terrorist threat “remains a priority of all countries in the world, and, of course, the UN.” He stressed that Moscow believes “fundamentally important” to implement resolutions of the UN Security Council. The economy of

A former police officer with a gun caused quite a stir a psychiatrist in Istanbul

A former policeman, who came for a visit to the psychiatrist in one of Istanbul hospitals, inappropriately responded to the offer of admission. It is reported Hurriyet. According to the chief physician of the hospital, proposed to lie on the examination of the patient, armed with a gun, pushed carried out the doctor out of the office, locked the door and declared his intention to commit suicide. Arrived on the scene specialists of the crisis center are trying to convince the man not to commit suicide. The clinic cordoned off by police, all the patients and staff of medical facilities evacuated. On June 21 last year in Brussels the police detained the young man suspected of preparing a terrorist attack. He was wearing the object that looks like a suicide belt. After the examination revealed that the device is a dummy, filled with table salt and biscuits. According to law