Trump said XI Jinping, the intention to develop constructive relations

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump on Wednesday, February 8, sent a letter to Chinese President XI Jinping, Reuters reports. The message of the American leader said that he hoped for cooperation with his Chinese counterpart to “develop constructive relationships” that benefit both countries. Trump also thanked XI Jinping for his congratulatory letter on the occasion of the inauguration and wished the people of China prosperity in the new year on the Eastern calendar. The relations between China and the United States deteriorated after trump spoke by phone with the leader of Taiwan Cai Invent that caused outrage Beijing. 12 December 2016, the Republican said no to Beijing to decide with whom to communicate. 4 Dec trump in his Twitter criticized the economic policies of China and its military activity in the South China sea. A month later, Cai Inven met with several Republican politicians in Houston. Despite a

Sessions approved by the attorney General of the United States

Jeff Sessions Jeff sessions appointed to the office of the attorney General of the United States, reports Reuters. The decision adopted by the Senate of the Congress. Proposed by the President for Donald trump’s candidacy voted 52 Senator, against — 47. Sessions, to date, the Republican Senator representing the state of Alabama, known for its tough stance on immigration enforcement. 30 years ago the Senate rejected the nomination and Roman sessions for the post of a Federal judge after he was accused of racism. In particular, it was found that he called one of the black officials “nigger”, and another explained that he needs to be careful when talking to white. In 2016, sessions criticized the movement “black Lives matter”, calling it radical and accused of inciting violence in US cities. His appointment has already sparked numerous protests by civil society activists and lawyers.

Member of Congress told about the “attack” of Russia in Korea

Maxine Waters Member of the house of representatives of the U.S. Congress from the state of California, a Democrat from Los Angeles Maxine waters said that President Donald trump provoked his own impeachment that does nothing in response to the Russian offensive in Korea. According to Daily Express, she said this during a press conference shown on TV channel C-SPAN. Waters, in particular, noted that calls for the impeachment of trump, in her opinion, “he makes it himself.” “The bottom line is that it enters into [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s arms, while he continues the offensive in Korea. I think he’s [trump] behaves to this position when people begin to ask: “What do we do?”. And the answer in the end will be: “We must do something with it”,” said a member of Congress. She added that the US cannot have a President who behaves this way because it is

Media reported on the approximation of an unknown aircraft with the Board of trump

The unknown aircraft flew closer to put the Boeing 747, on Board of which at the time was the President of the United States Donald trump. On Wednesday, February 8, reported ABC, citing its own sources. According to the channel, the incident occurred on 3 February in the sky over the palm beach (Florida). That day the tramp went to his residence Mar-a-Lago, to spend the weekend. One of the interlocutors spoke about the “visual contact” between the crews. Another claimed that the aircraft followed in parallel, and the distance between them is less than the interval of three nautical miles (5.6 kilometers). The pilots of both sides were in constant communication with air traffic control and danger of collision arose. ABC adds that the competent authorities investigate the reasons of unacceptable convergence, which implies the channel is probably produced surveys of dispatchers and pilots. In mid-January it was reported

Churkin reported late the idea of the tramp to enter the Syrian security zone

Vitaly Churkin The idea of the American authorities about how to enter in Syria safe zone for the refugees was too late. On Wednesday, February 8, said the permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vitaly Churkin, Interfax reports. “The events in Syria have overtaken the idea of creating security zones”, — he said. The diplomat said that currently in Syria there is a regime of cease-fire and “fastened the process of negotiations” between the Syrian government and the opposition, including armed. Churkin added that the time is approaching when we need to raise the question of the return to their homes of refugees and displaced persons. According to him, currently they are returned in the Eastern Aleppo liberated by government troops. The Ambassador believes that if at this time to begin to organize the security zone, “this will distract the attention, forces and resources from the essential task of

The head of the Italian interior Ministry invited the refugees to work for free

Marco Minniti The interior Minister of Italy Marco Minniti proposed to grant the refugees unpaid jobs. On Wednesday, February 8, according to Il Sole 24 Ore. “You need to use applying for refugee status for public works that can be financed by the European funds”, — said the Minister, speaking in Parliament. According to him, “it will not create an imbalance in the labor market, because such work will be free”. Minniti noted that in every region of the country will open a detention centre for those who are going to send home. Such institutions will be able to accommodate 1.6 thousand people. The Minister added that the hospitality “cannot be infinite”. “We need to reduce the processing time of asylum applications, two years is too long for those who are for it and for society,” he concluded. As noted by RIA Novosti, for the year 2016 in the country

In the United States in the explosion at the plant killed three people

The explosion at the plant in the us state of Louisiana killed three people, reports KPLC. The incident occurred at the company manufacturer of packaging materials, Packaging Corporation of America in the city of Beauregard in the first half of the day on Wednesday, February 8. Confirmed the death of three people, one unaccounted for. Several people were injured. For their evacuation involved, including helicopters. The causes of the incident are being investigated. On-site work by representatives of the emergency services.

The house of Commons of the UK Parliament adopted a bill of Brexit

The house of Commons of the UK Parliament adopted the bill on introduction of procedure of exit from the EU (Brexit). On Wednesday, February 8, reports TASS. According to the news Agency, a government bill was in the third and final reading and adopted without a single amendment by an overwhelming majority of votes in his favour 494 deputies, against — 122. Now the document will go before the upper house of the British Parliament-the house of lords. On 2 February it was reported that the UK government has published a plan for Brexit — the so-called “White book”. In it, 77 pages sets out 12 main points, formulated by Prime Minister Theresa may on 17 January. In November 2016, she announced the intention to start at the end of March 2017, the official negotiations with the EU Brexit. In January, Britain’s Supreme court ordered her to first obtain the

The Crimean Tatars have urged the United Nations to recognize the Peninsula as part of Russia

The Crimean Tatar public organization “kyrym birligi” called on the UN to recognize the occurrence of the Peninsula in structure of Russia the relevant rules of international law and to abolish imposed by the West anti-Russian sanctions. As reported on Wednesday, February 8, TASS, this is stated in the appeal to the world organization. A document attached to a letter from the permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vitaly Churkin, President of the 71st session of the General Assembly, Peter Thomson. In treatment “qırım birligi”, in particular, it is noted that in Ukraine “for the years of independence there was not a single law aimed at rebuilding the political, economic, social and cultural rights of the Crimean Tatar people, which encouraged the government to commit acts of tyranny and violence against the returnee Crimean Tatars, disregard their rights in the political, spiritual and socio-economic development”. In public organizations emphasized

Trump has criticized us retailer for refusing to buy goods of his daughter

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump expressed dissatisfaction with the decision of the us fashion retailer, Nordstrom not to renew the contract with his daughter Ivanka for the purchase of manufactured under its brand name products. On Wednesday, February 8, the American leader wrote in his microblog on Twitter. “Nordstrom is so very unfair to my daughter Ivanka. She is a great person — always encouraging me to do the right thing! Terrible!” — says the publication. Later, on 8 February, White house spokesman Sean Spicer explained that trump’s statement is not connected with the business interests, he enrolled as a loving father. “I think it was not about business, but the attacks on his daughter. He was elected to the presidency, he won, he runs the country, and, I think, when the concern over his actions and his decrees transferred to members of his family,