The US plans to increase military spending by 54 billion dollars

The US administration has planned to increase the military spending of 54 billion dollars. About it reports on Monday, February 27, Reuters. To increase the military budget planned primarily due to the reduction of international aid programs. Earlier on February 27, it was reported that funding cuts could affect U.S. state Department and the Agency for environmental protection. One of the sources of the Agency said that the proceeds will go, in particular, for the construction of warships needed for the US presence in the crucial sea lanes, including the Strait of Hormuz and the South China sea (SCS). In turn, the representative of management and budget the White house John Czwartacki (John Czwartacki) said that it is only the draft of the financial plan and yet do not give comments on specific items of expenditure. Now the document passes coordination in different departments, the final version must be submitted

Trump told about the calls to Russia

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump said that for ten years “is not called in Russia”. He said this on Monday, 27 February, at a meeting with businessmen, which was broadcast on the Fox News channel. Reporters asked trump whether it supports the appointment of a special Prosecutor to investigate the influence of Russia on the results of presidential elections in the United States. The head of state did not answer the question, but turning to businessmen, said: “I didn’t call Russia a decade.” White house spokesman Sean Spicer said Monday that the Bush administration opposes the appointment of spectracolor “in Russia”. “The intelligence community deals with the issue of involvement of the Russian Federation in the election, members of the Senate and house of representatives do it. How many more people have to say that there is nothing that you understand that there’s nothing?” — quoted Spicer RIA

Vienna opposed the holding in Austria events with the participation of Erdogan

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Austrian authorities on the eve of a referendum on changes to Turkish Constitution are not welcome the events with the participation of the President of this country Recep Tayyip Erdogan. On Monday, February 27, said the foreign Minister of Austria Sebastian Kurz, reports The Local. “Of course, the Turkish President, like any senior politician, may make bilateral visits to Europe and to Austria for talks with top officials (…) But we are categorically against the transfer of the Turkish campaign in Austria and polarization [of society],” explained the Minister. Kurtz noted that previous visits of the Turkish leader in Germany and Austria led to a “tension” between living in these countries supporters of Erdogan and Turks of Kurdish origin. As notes the edition, the Prime Minister of Turkey, Binali Yildirim, speaking on 18 February in the German city of Oberhausen to representatives of the Turkish Diaspora, said

The Israeli air force attacked Hamas positions in the Gaza strip

Aircraft of the Israeli air force struck the air strikes on the positions of Hamas in the Gaza strip. It is reported by The Jerusalem Post. The attack was carried out in response to the launch of several missiles, which exploded in the desert area of Israel. In a statement, the Israel defense forces (IDF) said that such attacks threaten the lives and safety of citizens, and violate state sovereignty. As a result of bombardment nobody has suffered. According to Palestinian sources in the Gaza strip, the shelling injured four men. On February 6 the result of the same RAID, injuring one Palestinian, was damaged three facilities: training camp, the building of the security forces and the observation point. Hamas is an Islamist political party and paramilitary in power in Gaza since 2007. Recognized as a terrorist in several countries: Israel, Egypt, Canada, USA and the European Union.

The Pentagon sent the Trump proposals for strengthening the fight against ISIS

Donald Trump The U.S. defense Department sent the White house proposals on strengthening the fight against terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). About it reports CNN with reference to its sources. The document contains the measures of military, financial and diplomatic nature. For discussion of these initiatives is assigned to a special meeting, which will be attended by high-ranking officials of the us administration. As the source said, the preparation of these proposals the President of the United States Donald trump requested the experts from the Pentagon a month ago. On 23 January it was reported that the American administration does not rule out joint operations in Syria, in particular against ISIS. “If there’s a way that allows us to fight with ISIS together with any country, be it Russia or any other country, and we have a common national interest, of course, we will use it,”

In Sweden arrested spied the refugee alien

Employees of the security service of Sweden, SAPO has arrested a man, spied refugees in the Kingdom. On Monday, February 27, The Local reports. As explained in law enforcement bodies, the malefactor has resided in the country for several years and collected data on immigrants from Tibet. The information he passed on to foreign intelligence. As noted by the representative of special services Nina Odermalm Shay, capturing data on immigrants from a particular country in the territory of the Kingdom of responsibility, in which “respect for human rights and freedom of speech”. Shay explained that espionage activities are carried out for the sake of understanding attitudes among migrants, as well as to prevent critical statements about the authorities of the country of origin. In October 2013 the court of the Swedish city of örebro has sentenced a native of the African nation of Burundi to eight months in prison for

Le Pen launched an attack on the French media in the style of trump

Marine Le Pen The candidate in presidents of France and the leader of “National front” marine Le pen accused the French media in the support of only one candidate for the presidency of Emmanuel Macron. About it reports The Local. Speaking at a rally in Nantes, politician likened the actions of French press with the work of the American colleagues during the election campaign in the United States that led to the conflict, U.S. President Donald trump with the media: “the media has chosen their candidate and hysterically campaigning for the elect”. According to Le Pen, the journalists only talking about high moral standards, followed by a claim that only analyzing the facts, but when they start to criticize, then start screaming about the attack on freedom of the press. 26 Feb Donald trump refused to attend the traditional dinner of White house correspondents (WHCA). About the reasons for his

Trump has hit a record low of popularity

The activities of Donald trump as President positively estimated 44 percent of Americans. This is evidenced by the results of a survey by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal. According to the study, 48 percent of respondents unhappy with the new occupant of the White house. In addition, a third of Americans believed that the new President can not cope with their responsibilities. For the first time in U.S. history the President has a negative level of support a month after the inauguration. According to Gallup, the forerunner to trump Barack Obama early in his first term, was supported by 83 percent of Americans. The popularity of George W. Bush and bill Clinton’s was 61 percent and 68 percent, respectively. The survey also demonstrated the persistence of party division in American society. So, the trump positive about 85 percent of Republicans and nine percent of Democrats. The latter believed

In a government building in Indonesia, an explosion occurred

Police at the scene In a government building the Indonesian city of Bandung, the explosion occurred. On Monday, February 27, according to Reuters. Information about victims did not arrive. The attacker himself was shot. As the Agency notes, citing a police source, the perpetrators of the attack could be linked to one of the local cell of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). “It is likely that this is a “Jamaa Ansharut Daula”,” — said the representative of police of West Java province Yusri Yunus. Extremist Islamist group “JAMA Ansharut daulah’s tomb” is available in Indonesia from 2015, and announced the oath of allegiance to the leader of the IG Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. In 2016 in Indonesia have been prevented 14 terrorist attacks on suspicion of involvement in the preparation arrested about 150 people.

Seoul named suspects in the murder of his brother, Kim Jong-UN, officials from the DPRK

The murder of Kim Jong-Nam, half-brother of the current leader of North Korea Kim Jong-UN, was organized by the Ministry of state security (MGB) and the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the DPRK. On Monday, February 27, representatives of the South Korean authorities, citing intelligence data, reports Reuters. It is noted that among the eight suspects, four members of the MGB and two from the foreign Ministry. Kim Jong-Nam, was killed on 13 February at the airport of Kuala Lumpur where he was going to fly to Macau to his family. According to the Minister of health of Malaysia, the death occurred due to a “serious paralysis”, caused by the action of highly toxic chemical known as nerve agent VX. On suspicion of involvement in the crime was arrested a citizen of Indonesia a citizen of Myanmar (according to other sources — Vietnam), citizen of Malaysia, as well as a