Putin and Rouhani condemned the US action in Syria

Vladimir Putin and Hassan Rouhani Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani expressed readiness to deepen cooperation against terrorism with a view to ensuring stability in the middle East. On Sunday, April 9, the official website of the Kremlin. Telephone conversation between the two leaders was held at the initiative of the Iranian side. The presidents also exchanged views on the situation in Syria. The sides noted the inadmissibility of the actions of the United States against Damascus and their inconsistency with international law. In addition, both Putin and Rouhani acknowledged the importance of further cooperation in political and diplomatic settlement of the armed conflict in Syria and called for an objective and impartial investigation of the circumstances of the incident with chemical weapons in the Syrian province of Idlib. The United States accused Syrian government forces in the use of sarin during an air attack made

Assad commented on the missile strike the US on the Syrian airfield

Attacking a military airport in the Syrian province of HOMS, the U.S. sought to raise the morale of their supported terrorist groups, but has not reached its goal. This was stated by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in a telephone conversation with Iranian leader Hassan Rouhani, reports on Sunday, April 9, the Agency SANA. Assad confirmed that the Syrian people and army are going to eradicate terrorism in any part of the Syrian territories. The President of Iran in turn expressed their “strong condemnation of the outrageous aggression of the USA”, which is a gross violation of Syrian sovereignty and all international laws and conventions. Rouhani emphasized that Iran supports the Syrian government in the war against terrorism, and stated that he considered it necessary to strengthen cooperation between Tehran, Moscow and Damascus, reports TASS. In his view, missile U.S. attack on Syrian airbase was intended to raise the morale of

A suicide bomber blew himself up at the entrance to the Church in Alexandria

The explosion occurred at the entrance to the Church in Alexandria, Egypt, reports Reuters. We are talking about the Cathedral of St. Mark. With reference to local television Agency reported two dead and 21 wounded. Bashayer newspaper said that the undermining was carried out by the suicide bomber. According to the publication, he detonated the bomb after security personnel prevented him to go inside the building. The incident occurred on Sunday, April 9, several hours after the double attack in the city of Tanta. There is a first explosion occurred near the Coptic Church of Mar-Girgis, where many believers gathered on the occasion of palm Sunday, and then another device detonated at the local police training centre. In the first case, according to available information, the death toll reached 30, the second reported the death of one person. While no group has claimed responsibility for the attack either in Tanta

The Russian foreign Ministry commented on the cancellation of the visit of Boris Johnson

Cancellation of visit to Moscow Minister for foreign Affairs of great Britain Boris Johnson is due to “a fundamental misunderstanding or ignorance of what is happening in Syria, Russian efforts to resolve the crisis.” This is stated in the commentary of the Russian foreign Ministry, published on the official website on Sunday, April 9. “Judging by statements made by B. Johnson, now he’s got other priorities, namely the discussions with the partners in the “seven” of the situation in Syria and “Russian support of B. Assad’s regime” a”, — stated in the message of the Russian foreign Ministry. During the visit it was planned to discuss the state of Russian-British relations, “essentially cornered the British side in the impasse,”-stated in a press release. “The decision to cancel the visit of Johnson to Moscow once again confirms the doubts about the availability of added value from talking with the British, which

Unidentified car rammed the building of the town hall in the German city of verden

An unknown car drove to the town hall in the German city of verden (lower Saxony). It is reported by news portal HNA. According to the publication, the incident occurred at about eight in the morning. The car struck the glass doors and entered the lobby. As a result of incident nobody has suffered. The damage is estimated at several hundred thousand euros. The person who was driving the car, was detained. A local resident, 47-year-old man. The reasons why he went to the crime being investigated. A police spokesman said that version of the attack, law enforcement authorities shall exclude, probably, the action was directed against the local authorities. On 7 April in Stockholm (Sweden) on the main pedestrian street Drottninggatan drove a truck into a crowd of people and stopped once he crashed into the window of one of the stores. In the attack four people were killed,

In Turkey crashed balloon with tourists

Balloon carrying tourists crashed near the Turkish town of Nevsehir (popular tourist destination Cappadocia). On Sunday, April 9, according to Hurriyet. The cause of the accident was a collision of the balloon with high voltage wires due to strong winds. In result of incident one person died and at least 20 injured. They are hospitalized in nearby hospitals. About the nationality of the tourists Hurriyet reported. At the same time RIA Novosti with reference to the representative of police of the province of Nevsehir clarifies that killed a traveler from France. Among the other balloon passengers were French, Colombians and Turks. Russians among victims are not present. In mid-March, it was reported that in Turkey, as a result of a hard landing of the three balloons has suffered 49 of tourists from China and Europe. The incident occurred during a flight over Cappadocia. Nine of the injured were hospitalized with

Dozens of young men pelted the police with stones and Molotov cocktails in Sweden

Young people in masks staged a riot in the area Hammarkullen in the North – East of the Swedish city of Gothenburg. This writes the newspaper Expressen. According to the newspaper, the incident occurred at night on 9 April. About 30 people began to throw at police stones, picked them at a nearby construction site. One of the guards was wounded in the chest, from serious injuries of law enforcement officers saved the body armor and helmets. Then the attackers began to throw policemen bottles with an incendiary mix. They set fire to one car staged several fires and smashed Windows in cafes. Police were forced to call in reinforcements. To help them also flew the helicopter. A police spokesman Stefan Gustafsson (Stefan Gustafsson) stated that it is not about the social unrest, and crime. The actions of attackers classified as violence against the guards, riots, vandalism and criminal damage

The victims of the explosion at the Church in Egypt were 15 people

The Church in the Egyptian city of Tanta on Sunday, April 9, explosion. According to TV channel Al Arabiya, killing at least 15 people, 42 were injured. It is noted that the death toll could rise because of palm Sunday in the Church had a lot of people. At the same time, the portal NRT reports of the death of 21 people. According to the newspaper, later on after the incident at a Church in Tanta was a second explosion. The attack was subjected to a police training centre. About victims information yet. Responsibility for the attack on yourself has not yet took none of the groups. In December last year in the Coptic Cathedral in Cairo, an explosion occurred, which killed 22 people. Responsibility for the attack claimed by the group “Islamic state” (IG; banned in Russia). The militants promised “to continue the war against the apostates”. Coptic Christians

Cormier smothered Johnson and defended the title of champion of the UFC

Daniel Cormier The American fighter of the mixed style of Daniel Cormier defeated compatriot Anthony Johnson and retained the championship belt ultimate fighting championship (UFC) light heavyweight champion. About it the correspondent “Tapes.ru”. The fight took place in the UFC 210, held in Buffalo on the night of 9 April. Cormier missed a series of punches at the start of the battle, but then took the opponent under control, pushing it to the grid. In the middle of the second round, he moved Johnson to the ground and held the choke from the back. This victory was 38-year-old athlete of the 20th in his professional career, with only one defeat. His opponent has lost six times, with 22 victories. After the duel, the 33-year-old Johnson announced his retirement from sports. In the same evening of the arts in the UFC debut of Russian Magomed Bibulatov. 28-year-old from Grozny won a

In the Federation Council called sabotage statement by the U.S. Ambassador about the necessity of Assad’s departure

Konstantin Kosachev Statement of U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley about the impossibility to solve the conflict in Syria by diplomatic means, while the country led by Bashar Assad is a “direct sabotage of efforts of the international community to start the process of negotiations between the authorities and the opposition.” This opinion was expressed by the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev on his page in Facebook. “The United States will read in the ranks as moderate, and the armed opposition. And what’s the point then to go to Astana or to Geneva, will they ask?” Senator wrote. According to him, “Americans served their bombing Syrian government airfields a good example of how really if to kick things off, we need to behave”. “Not to mention terrorist groups, where not everyone can read, but know how to fight absolutely everything,” — said