In California in a shooting at the school killed two people

In California in a shooting at the school killed two people, two more students were injured. Reported by the Associated Press. The incident occurred on Monday, April 10, in grade elementary school North Park School in San Bernardino. According to police, the shooter killed his opponent, after which he committed suicide. About the motives of this act are not reported. All the students evacuated from the scene, police launched an investigation. According to the Agency, the San Bernardino, a city located in the state of bankruptcy, has a high level of violent crime. The city is also known for the fact that in December 2015 a couple of terrorists Syed Rizwan Farooq and Tashfeen Malik attacked the Convention hall, shot and killed 14 people and wounded 22. The couple were on the same day eliminated.

The Governor of Alabama left his post due to financial irregularities

The Governor of the U.S. state of Alabama Robert Bentley (Robert Bentley) resigned from his post because of a criminal prosecution. On Tuesday, April 11, writes The New York Times. Special Prosecutor Helen Brooks (Ellen Brooks) explained that Bentley wrote a letter of resignation in the framework of a guilty plea on two counts — he failed to report any contributions to his campaign and transferred a portion of these funds to the accounts of the subordinate, which the 74-year-old politician could be in a intimate connection. Sex scandal also destroyed the family Bentley and his wife Diane (Dianne) left him in 2015 after 50 years of marriage. In the agreement on the plea stated that Bentley must return the funds to campaign for a total amount of 37 thousand dollars and to work 100 hours in their specialty — dermatologist. He is also prohibited from holding future public office,

Hong Kong will fight for gay tourists

The Hong Kong authorities decided to attract more members of the LGBT community, making the tourism environment of the city more friendly towards gays. About it reports The South China Morning Post. In particular, Hong Kong already filed a bid to host the Gay games in 2022, which, as expected, the city authorities will be able to bring to the Treasury of almost $ 130 million. At the moment the total volume of Hong Kong’s tourist business is estimated at 4.3 billion dollars, about 1.45 percent of GDP. According to local experts, the city has huge potential as a tourist destination for LGBT visitors from mainland China. According to the data for 2016 in Hong Kong was the Chinese capital of gay tourism, ahead of Thailand and Macau. Of the total number of participants of the gay parade last year, 12 percent came from mainland China. At the moment in

McCain has accused Russia of promoting himatake in Syria

Republican Senator John McCain has accused Moscow of supporting the Syrian government forces in the chemical attack in Idlib province. He stated this on Monday, April 10, at a press conference in Belgrade, reports CTV News. According to American policy, “the Russians knew about the chemical weapons, because they acted with the same base.” Shirt periodically use videoconferencing Russia as airfields, the main point of placement is at the base Hamim. “I hope that this behavior of Damascus, clearly indicating that cooperation with Moscow will never happen again,” said the Senator. He added that he would not allow the use of airfields loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces, if the government troops did not abandon the use of prohibited weapons. “The United States must first tell Russia that this kind of war crime is unacceptable in the modern world”, concluded McCain. In addition, the politician hopes that the visit

The Pentagon announced the scrapping of the 20 percent of Syrian aircraft

Caused on 7 April attack on the United States air force base Sirat destroyed or damaged 20 percent of the Syrian aircraft. On Monday, April 10, said the Pentagon chief James Mattis. In addition, according to Minister of defense, was put out of action the storage of fuel and ammunition, and air defense sites. The shelling government troops lost the ability to refuel and arm aircraft in the area, causing the runway of the air base idle. Mattis warned that “another use of chemical weapons” by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will be a “hasty step”. White house spokesman Sean Spicer said that the United States reserves the opportunity for new actions in the event of attacks using chemical agents. Us destroyers “porter” and “Ross”, located near Crete, on the night of 7 April 59, launched Tomahawk cruise missiles at the airfield in Shayrat, HOMS province. The order of attack was

Britain will discuss with partners in the G7 new anti-Russian sanctions

Boris Johnson Britain intends to consult with partners in the G7 on the issue of new sanctions against Russia and Syria. This was stated by the foreign Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson. “We will discuss the possibility of further sanctions, which will definitely get some Syrian and Russian military who are involved in the management of the Syrian operations,” the Minister explained. According to him, the conversation on this topic will take place at the next meeting of foreign Ministers of the G7, which will be held in Italy. Earlier, British media reported that London will achieve from partners in the “seven” the introduction of new anti-Russian sanctions for supporting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. On 9 April, the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley said that President Donald trump discusses with the members of his administration the possibility of introducing new sanctions against

In the us state of Oregon has proposed to allow the duel to deputies

A number of Republican senators of the legislative Assembly of the U.S. state of Oregon has proposed to repeal the law that forbids MPs to call each other to a duel. About it reports The Independent. If the project passes the vote of both houses, the fate of the ban on duel will decide the inhabitants of the state in the next election. As explained by the initiators of the abolition of this legal rule has long outlived its usefulness and only overrides the law, as well as many others, and must be abandoned. “Clear why it was introduced. Not very well looked, when two members of the legislative Assembly, divergent opinions began then to shoot each other on the steps of the local Parliament,” said Senator Brian Boquist. However, like the local member of Oregon progressive party, Dan Mick, a formal repudiation of the law would mean the permission

The Oslo court has arrested 17-year-old Russian in two weeks

The court in the Norwegian capital Oslo was arrested for two weeks, 17-year old Russian detained on suspicion of preparing a terrorist attack. About it reports newspaper Verdens Gang. According to lawyers of a teenager, he categorically denies his involvement in any terrorist or extremist group and argues that he was not going to commit a terrorist act and cause harm to anyone. Broadcaster NRK, meanwhile, has published the data about the detainee seized explosive device. According to private media sources, we are talking about a gas cylinder and attached to damaging elements. The self-made device has dimensions of 30 by 30 centimeters. The Russian was detained on Saturday, April 8, in Oslo near the river Akerselva. According to police, he left under a bridge suspicious package. The bomb squad destroyed the object. The security forces found it difficult to say whether it was a bomb, however, noted that the

The Norwegian authorities raised the terrorist threat level

The Norwegian authorities decided to raise the threat level of a terrorist act in the country to “potential”. It is reported NRK. This step was taken in connection with the upcoming may 17 celebrations on the occasion of Constitution Day — the main national holiday of Norway, coinciding with the independence Day. “Massive events involving thousands of people, are a very attractive target for terrorists. Likely terrorist attack, if it happens at a time like this, will have important symbolic significance,” said one high-ranking police officials. In addition, the special services did not rule out attempted attacks in the coming Easter holidays. Increased security measures imposed for a period of two months. 9 April in the capital of the Kingdom of Oslo was detained 17-the summer citizen of Russia. As the representative of the security police of Norway Signe Aalling, a young man left a small box under one of

Chinese Muslims have complained about rising Islamophobia because of social networks

Chinese Muslims complain of rising Islamophobia in the PRC, which feed messages in social networks. About it reports The Independent. The reason for the disturbance was incessant incidents of mosque Nangang in Hefei, capital of Anhui province. According to a local Imam Tao of Insane, initially against the construction of protested only by the residents of neighboring houses. Some people did not like the neighborhood Muslim places of worship, others were unhappy that the mosque was going to built on the site of the Park. As the result of complaints from local residents in social network Weibo has resulted in the present Internet campaign. They were supported by hundreds of thousands of users, including some officials. The result were protests near the site and have a stream of anonymous threats on the phone of the Imam. Someone unhappy even buried on the construction site of a pig’s head. The Muslim