Deputy foreign Minister of Russia has approved the performance Safrankova in the UN security Council

Sergei Ryabkov Deputy foreign Minister of Russia Sergei Ryabkov said that he understands the highly emotional statements by the Deputy permanent representative of the country at the UN, Vladimir Safronkov. About it reports on Friday, April 14, TASS reported. “It is strange to hear this [accusation in acrimony] from our Western colleagues, who from year to year is an exercise in insulting the statements addressed to Russia,” — said the diplomat. According to Ryabkov, “there comes a time when you need to send a serious emotional signal, or out of political indoctrination of those who sit with us at the table in the hall of the security Council or of the Executive Council of the OPCW, the display just does not work”. The diplomat added that Safronkov “said exactly what was required in this situation.” Ryabkov assured the Deputy permanent representative “can dose the degree of diplomatic courtesy depending on

On suspicion in preparation of acts of terrorism in Istanbul arrested five people

The members of the Turkish security services detained five suspected of preparing terrorist attacks during the referendum on the amendments to the Constitution of the country. Reported by the Daily Sabah. The operation was conducted simultaneously in different districts of Istanbul. According to law enforcement, all the attackers belong to a terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). Suspects under investigations. April 16, the country will vote on which citizens propose to approve the amendments to the basic law. If the majority support the proposed changes, the country will turn into a presidential Republic. The President will be the Supreme commander, will have control over key posts in the armed forces, will be able to form a government and dissolve Parliament.

Chinese “Walter white” was sentenced for drug manufacturing

Chinese chemistry Professor sentenced to life in prison for creating a clandestine no drug Empire. About it reports The South China Morning Post. Man surnamed Zhang, together with an accomplice annually earned four million yuan (580 million dollars) making and selling drugs to customers around the world. Accomplice has appointed the death penalty with a reprieve of two years. According to the publication, Zhang learned of the popularity of psychoactive substances, while teaching in Australia. In 2005 he founded a company for the production of solvents and medical membranes. In fact, he annually produces a few hundred kilograms of methylone (synthetic psychostimulant, a popular substitute for MDMA and ecstasy) and sold them to foreign buyers, taking bitcoins as payment. In 2014, the PRC authorities have made methylone to list of banned substances, but the command Zhang could not come up with a replacement, and manufacture of the drug continued. In

In Germany arrested three people on suspicion of aiding terrorists

German police arrested three people on suspicion of aiding terrorists. About it reports Reuters. The detention took place in Celle in the North of the country. Among the arrested were two 27-year-old male, Afghan and Turk, and also 25-year-old German. They suspected that they were helping terrorist-Salafi, who was arrested on 21 February. As suggested by the German police, all the arrested were planning to carry out “a large share of violent acts threatening the security of the state.” April 8, near Leipzig German counterintelligence arrested a migrant from Morocco, who planned to arrange a terrorist attack at the Russian Embassy in Berlin. 24 year old Mohammed had intended to attack, mingling with the protesters at the walls of the Russian Embassy in Berlin. Supposedly, the attack was to be revenge for Moscow’s support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. At the beginning of January in Germany on suspicion of preparing

Russia has denied accusations of involvement in the chemical attack in Idlib

Alexander Shulgin Moscow strongly denies allegations of involvement in the chemical attack on the town of Khan Shaykhun in the Syrian province of Idlib. On 14 April, said Alexander Shulgin, Russia’s permanent representative to the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons. His words are on the MFA website. “This is an outright lie,” — said the diplomat. On April 7 the Associated Press, citing a senior us military, who requested anonymity, claimed that the USA are investigating the possible complicity of Russia in the chemical attack in Khan shaykhun. Later, however, Washington has officially stated that it has no evidence of Moscow’s involvement in the incident. So, on April 12, Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said that the United States is confident that the strike “was made, were planned and implemented” by the Syrian authorities, transferred “Interfax”. Pentagon chief James Mattis, in turn, said that the us military has

The largest airline of China has stopped flights to Pyongyang

The largest carrier of China — Air China has stopped all flights to Pyongyang. About it reports Reuters. The reasons for this decision was not made public. The last flight from Pyongyang arrived in Beijing on Friday evening, April 14. Flights to the capital of the DPRK sent three times a week — on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Air China is the only Chinese company, flying to Pyongyang. Before April 14, Beijing warned of a possible outbreak of war on the Korean Peninsula. “Recently, tensions have intensified. One gets the impression that the conflict may flare up at any moment”, — said the head of depodesta of China Wang I. The same day NBC News, citing sources in the intelligence community, the US announced that Washington is ready to launch a preemptive strike on military targets in North Korea, if Pyongyang decides for another nuclear test. His pre-emptive strike and

Beijing warned of a possible outbreak of war on the Korean Peninsula

Wang And The conflict around North Korea could begin at any moment. This was announced by the Minister of foreign Affairs of China Wang Yi, his words reports The South China Morning Post. “Recently, tensions have intensified. One gets the impression that the conflict may flare up at any time. If there is a war, everyone will lose — the winners of such an outcome can not be”, — said the head of depodesta the PRC. According to him, the one who starts the conflict must assume their historical responsibility and be prepared to pay the price. Earlier, on 14 April, NBC News, citing sources in the intelligence community, the US announced that Washington is ready to launch a preemptive strike on military targets in North Korea, if Pyongyang decides for another nuclear test. According to them, North Korea may conduct another test in the coming weekend, and to prevent

Turkish foreign Ministry threatened the European Union to cancel the deal on migrants and spoke about friendship

Mevlut Cavusoglu Turkey has threatened to cancel or seriously reconsider a deal with the European Union for migrants in the absence of progress in negotiations on visa-free regime. About it reports Reuters. According to the head of the foreign Ministry Mevlut Cavusoglu, these issues should be addressed as one package. If the EU does not fulfill its part of the deal, Ankara does not consider itself bound by any obligations. The Minister also spoke about the relations with Moscow. According to him, Turkey currently there are no contradictions with Russia, and Ankara intends to strengthen cooperation with the Russian military in terms of monitoring the ceasefire and find a political solution to the conflict in Syria. Thursday, April 13, the presidents of Russia and Turkey Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan discussed the situation in Syria. The conversation took place on Turkey’s initiative. The leaders agreed that further joint work

In the United States for the first time a doctor was accused of carrying out female circumcision

Joumana Of Nagarwala A woman doctor from the American city of Detroit to Nagarwala Juman (Jumana Nagarwala) was accused of carrying out female circumcision. On 14 April, reports BBC News. On its activities to the law enforcement bodies became known after the local residents. Woman faces life in prison. This is the first case in the country, when such an accusation is filed with the health worker. According to investigators, Nagarwala for 12 years mutilated girls aged 6 to 12 years. “Mutilation of the female genitals — a particularly brutal form of violence against girls and women. In the United States, among other things, this serious criminal act,” said acting attorney Daniel Lemish. According to him, in modern society there is no place for such “procedures”, and ovecame children of criminals will be prosecuted. Family denies that he committed the alleged acts. In 2006, a migrant from Ethiopia, was sentenced

Chinese police seized from drug traffickers 20 kilograms of heroin

The police of Gansu province in Northern China seized from drug dealers 52 packs of heroin weighing more than 20 pounds. Five members of the group arrested. About it reports “Xinhua”. As explained by the representatives of law enforcement bodies, one of the members of the criminal community by the name of MA got into their field of view in the beginning of the year. He often traveled to other regions of the country, where he met with foreigners linked to drug trafficking. Behind him was placed under surveillance, and in early April held a special operation to detain members of the group. The police intercepted two drug couriers who reported a cache of heroin, and gave three more accomplices. On February 15 last year it was reported that in Sydney Australian police seized a large shipment of methamphetamine from a citizen of China and three holders of passports of