The Associated Press learned about Putin brought the trump plan on Syria

Rex Tillerson Secretary Rex Tillerson came to Moscow with the plan of US President Donald trump on Syria. During a visit last week, the head of the diplomatic Department of the USA outlined the head of the Russian state program highlights, the Associated Press reports, citing American officials. According to the Agency, the administration trump is working hard to end the civil war in Syria. In the White house are trying to find answers to such questions as “Can the war crimes charges to force President Bashar al-Assad to leave power?” or “what about his safety in exile?” The AP indicates that the President’s plan, which is still being developed, it became more clear after the attack on the Syrian air base in response to a chemical attack, for which, in the opinion of Washington, responsible Damascus. The strategy includes three main stages: a victory over grouping “Islamic state” (banned

In the Council of Europe suspected rigging of the referendum in Turkey

In a plebiscite in Turkey could be rigged the results of up to 2,5 million votes. This opinion was expressed by the observer for the Council of Europe Alef Korun on radio OE1 from Istanbul, RIA Novosti reported. She noted that bulletins were issued envelopes with seals. The authorities, breaking the law, allowed the use of envelopes without them. According to a Coruna, there is also a video, which depicted people opuskatsya several ballots at a time, so it is a massive stuffing in different polling stations. However, she said that in those places for voting, which she managed to visit, all took place without violations. The observer does not believe that on the basis of these certificates in Turkey to be recounted. On 17 April the head of the delegation of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Cezar Florin Preda said that the referendum in Turkey did

Turkish opposition filed an application for the cancellation of the referendum

The opposition Republican people’s party (CHP), Turkey appealed to the Supreme electoral Council an appeal for the cancellation of the referendum on introducing amendments to the Constitution. On Tuesday, April 18, told RIA Novosti the representative of the Association. It is noted that the application was submitted at 14:30 local time (coincides with Moscow). In the text of the document at the disposal of the Agency, it is reported that during the plebiscite “took into account the ballots without the seal, which were deposited in the ballot box, despite the protests of observers.” In addition, as violations of numerous instances of voting outside of the booths, closed from observers the counting of votes and canvassing on the voting day. “All this has led to lawlessness during the referendum,” — said in IUU fishing. On 17 April the head of the delegation of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

Israel refused to negotiate with hunger-striking administrative detainees Palestinians

The Israeli authorities do not intend to enter into negotiations with the hunger strike of Palestinians serving sentences in the prisons of the country. About it reports BBC News. Starving prisoners is headed by Marwan Barghouti, sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of five people. The publication says that Barghouti is tipped to succeed the leader of the Palestinian authority Mahmoud Abbas. “Barghouti raised a revolt, headed by the strikers, and this is a serious violation of prison rules. Basis for negotiation we don’t have is all the terrorists and murderers, they get what they deserve,” said internal security Minister Gilad Erdan. On the West Bank of the Jordan river have been protests in support of the hunger strike. The Palestinians believe that the prisoners — prisoners of conscience, while in Israel they are condemned for attacks on residents and other crimes. Some of the prisoners were held under

Le Pen has promised to end the “wild globalization”

Marine Le Pen The candidate in presidents of France and the leader of “National front” (NF) marine Le Pen has promised his supporters to stop “savage globalization” in the case of his election to the presidency. On Tuesday, April 18, reports the Express. “The choices have to do on Sunday, is simple. It is a choice between France, which will rise again, and France, who’ll drown,” — said the politician. She also accused his rivals in the presidential race, françois Fillon and Jean-Luc Mélenchon in that they support the “wild globalization”, while it acts with Patriotic positions. Le Pen has promised that the first step on a post of the President in case of its election will be the closure of the borders for illegal migrants. “The massive influx of visitors — this is not an opportunity for France, it is a tragedy for France,” she said. The first round

The Australian Prime Minister announced the cancellation of work visas for foreigners

The Australian government has decided to abolish the primary work visa for foreigners. This was stated by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in a video posted on his page in Facebook. According to him, preference in employment shall be given to Australians. However, he noted that in the future Australia will establish a new temporary visa for foreign employees, considering the country’s needs in those or other experts. When granting permission to enter the country will be counted as work experience of the foreigner, and knowledge of the English language. Temporary worker visa was introduced in Australia in 1996. It was issued for a period up to four years. According to RIA Novosti, the visas of the new sample will be issued for two years.

In Mosul missile strike killed a commander of the IG from Russia

One of leaders of grouping “Islamic state” destroyed in the West of Mosul (Iraq) in the missile strike. As reported by Sputnik, said Raed shaker (Raed Shaker), the commander of the Federal police involved in the Mosul campaign. According to TASS, who also leads the General’s words, eliminated member of the command IG, nicknamed Abu hajer al-Rus — presumably a Russian citizen. He was killed on Tuesday, April 18, in the area of es-Saur during the operation the Iraqi security forces. Accurate biographical data about him yet. During the offensive, also managed to establish control over the “health Department” terrorists in Mosul. April 4 in the Federal police of Iraq’s declared destruction in Mosul Abu Muhajir al-Rus, also the leader of the IG and possible a native of Russia. Three days later, it was reported on the elimination in the same city a member of the “Islamic state” known as

Abe and Penny try to convince China to actively cooperate with the DPRK

Michael Pence Vice-President Michael Pence and the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe decided to convince Beijing that China should play a greater role in resolving the North Korean crisis. On Tuesday, April 18, according to Reuters. Politicians agreed that China’s role in Korean issue is extremely important and it is necessary to actively engage Beijing in dialogue with Pyongyang. April 17, Abe made a similar statement against Russia. He said he intends to hold a “Frank exchange of views” with President Vladimir Putin, adding that “it will require Russia to play a constructive role.” The Prime Minister noted the importance of negotiations to resolve the problem. “Although North Korea is flaunting military power, it is important to protect the world through diplomatic efforts,” — said Abe. The situation on the Korean Peninsula in recent days is one of the most intense topics of international politics. The U.S. Navy concentrated

Human rights activists accused the US of leading to civilian victims of negligence in Syria

Archive photo US forces have not taken necessary precautions in order to avoid civilian casualties in the strike in Syria. The attack was committed in the province of Aleppo on March 16, killing at least 38 people. It is reported by Human Rights organization Human Rights Watch (HRW). The 16-page report notes that the United States are unable to determine what is selected as the attack, the building is the mosque, and did not realize that soon was to begin a prayer. Human rights defenders also noted that he had not found evidence that during the attack at the mosque were members of any terrorist group. The representative of HRW’s OLE Solvang said that us authorities must figure out “what went wrong, to start doing homework before the start of the attacks and make efforts for it not to happen again.” The American authorities promised to investigate the circumstances of

Erdogan called the referendum victory over the crusaders

Recep Erdgasproduzent: OSCE stated about violations during the Turkish referendum Turkish citizens voted in the country’s transition to a presidential form of government, despite the opposition of “those who have the worldview of the crusaders.” This opinion was expressed by Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan, his words on Monday, April 17, Reuters. “We struggled against all enemies (…) But we survived as a nation. We can only bow in front of our shrines and more to anyone”, — quotes RIA Novosti Erdogan. According to him, after Turkey becomes a presidential Republic, it will be even stronger. 16 April, Turkey held a referendum on amendments to the Constitution. According to preliminary results, the amendment was voted 51.4%. The final results will be announced in 11-12 days after appeals. The opposition stated about violations during the referendum, in particular, criticized the decision of the electoral Commission to count valid ballots and envelopes