The NYT found out about the weekly phone conversations trump with media Mogul Murdoch

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump weekly talks on the phone with media Mogul Rupert Murdoch. On Saturday, April 22, the newspaper the New York Times, citing sources. According to them, the interlocutors, among other things, discuss policy issues and strategies, Also Murdoch “encourages trump when he falls spirit, and encourages him to focus on the economy and not be distracted by other topics”. The publication adds that American media Mogul and the leader of the “develop strategy”, and both “never give in to critics.” In addition, in April, Murdoch called the White house to cheer the press Secretary Sean Spicer, a much-criticized for the comparison of the actions of the Syrian leadership, allegedly relevant to the chemical attack in Idlib, with the behavior of Adolf Hitler. The sides NYT added that a strong and trusting relationship between trump and Murdoch was established long ago. It

North Korea has threatened Australia with a nuclear strike

Pyongyang has threatened Canberra nuclear strike in case of following of the Australian authorities ‘ political course of the United States against the DPRK. On Saturday, April 22, according to ABC, citing a representative of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of North Korea. “The Australian government is blindly and zealously adheres to the line of the United States. If Australia will continue to persist in pursuing the United States to isolate and suppress North Korea, it will be a suicidal act of getting into the area of a nuclear strike of the strategic forces of North Korea”, — said the interlocutor of the channel. His statement was a response to the words of the head of the Australian foreign Minister, Julie Bishop, in a recent interview called the nuclear program of the DPRK “a serious threat” to Australia. She also did not exclude the possibility impact on their state. According

Presidential election began in France

In France, the presidential election campaign started. Sunday, April 23, is the first round. As reported TASS, in the lists of voters, over 45 million people. In the European part of the country stations will open at 08:00 Paris time (09:00 GMT) outside the state due to the difference of time zones voting began on Saturday, March 22. In France, it will end at 20:00 local time (21:00 MSK) The favorites of the presidential race are considered to be the founder of the movement “On the March” Emmanuel macron and the leader “National front” marine Le Pen. Them with minimal lag, by the candidate of the center-right party “the Republicans” Francois Fillon and representing the movement “Natchinaetsja France” levoradikal Jean-Luc Mélenchon. To the participating candidate from the ruling Socialist party, Benoit Hamon, Chairman of the party “Wake Up, France” Nicolas DuPont-Aignan, leader of the “people’s Republican Union Francois Asselin, the

The king of Saudi Arabia appointed Ambassador to the United States his son

Saudi Arabia’s king Salman bin Abdul-Aziz al Saud was appointed Ambassador to the United States his son Prince Khaled. On Saturday, April 22, according to Press TV. “Prince Abdullah bin Faisal bin Turki was removed from his post of Ambassador to the United States. Ambassador appointed Prince Khaled bin Salman bin Abdul-Aziz”, — stated in the Royal decree. This appointment is one of a series made by the king on April 22 the reshuffle. In addition, he is replaced by Adel al-Toraifi (Adel Al-Toraifi) on the post of Minister of information, former Ambassador to Germany of the bin Awwad al-Awwad (Awwad bin Al-Awwad), dismissed the head of the Ministry of civil service Affairs Khaled al-Argi (Khaled Al-Arj) and the commander of the army, created the center for national security and appointed a new head of the General investment management of the country (SAGIA). The Chairman of the Saudi-American Committee on

The interior Minister of Bavaria, called for an end to the accession negotiations of Turkey to the EU

Joachim Herrmann The interior Minister of Bavaria Joachim Herrmann demanded an end to the accession negotiations of Turkey to the EU. He declared it in interview to the German Bild am Sonntag. “I have always categorically rejected Turkish membership in the EU. It is time for the EU to conclude accession negotiations. Not to suspend or delay. Enough! We should stop deceiving ourselves — when [President the Recep Tayyip] Erdogan Turkey does not have with Europe a common vision,” said Herrmann. April 2, Erdogan said that the Republic’s integration into the European Union interferes primarily a religious factor. “Turkey cannot join the EU for 54 years. The reason is quite clear: the EU is a Union of crusaders. They lied to us 14 years in a row. And continue to do,” he said. 14 April, Turkey threatened to cancel or seriously reconsider a deal with the European Union for migrants

TFR opened a criminal case on not missed an ambulance driver

The main investigatory management SK of Russia across Moscow brought criminal case in connection with the obstruction of the passage of cars children’s ambulance. On Sunday, April 23, reported on the website of the capital dome. On 22 April the Chairman of the RCDS Alexander Bastrykin ordered to investigate the incident “to identify, detain and to give a principled legal assessment of the actions of a grief-the driver.” SUV moving down the street Solar in Moscow, missed the ambulance going on a call with the included special sound signal. In addition, driving a car the man got out of the car and began to make claims to the ambulance driver. As stated TFR spokesman Svetlana Petrenko, currently under the investigation of the suspect and conducted a set of measures to clarify all the circumstances of the incident. 19 February in Novosibirsk, the driver of the truck refused to allow an

Trump confirmed his refusal to have dinner with journalists

The US President Donald trump will celebrate the hundredth day of the Board meeting with his supporters. In the microblog in Twitter he wrote that next Saturday will hold a “big meeting in Pennsylvania”. As reported TASS, the event will be held in the city of harrisburg. Thus, trump has indirectly confirmed its refusal to participate in the correspondents Association dinner at the White house, which is traditionally arranged within the first 100 days in office of each President. 26 Feb trump has stated that he will not attend the dinner of the Association. The reasons for missing the event, he did not specify, however, a few days before it was called the broadcaster NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN and The New York Times enemies of the American people, as well as during the press conference refused to answer the question CNN, declaring the TV channel “terrible organization”. April 12, trump

Charleston arrow was transferred to the Indiana state penitentiary for the death penalty

Dylan Ruth, archival photo Dylan Ruth (Dylann Roof), recognized guilty in the murder of nine people in the churches of Charleston (South Carolina, USA), transferred from County jail to death row in Indiana. Reported by the Associated Press. According to prison records, “Charleston shooter” Friday was transferred to the prison in Terre Haute, which placed the Federal courts sentenced to death. Date of the execution of Ruth not reported. It is known that he has yet to appear before the district court, despite the guilty verdict to a higher court. 17 June 2015 22-year-old Ruth shot black compatriots, when the faithful closed his eyes for saying a prayer. It was later determined that RUF has made 75 shots. The Prosecutor demanded for him an exceptional punishment, stressing that the accused acted prudently, and for reasons of hatred on racial grounds. RUF itself in his concluding remarks, refused to repent of

Seven-year-old boy found a box with 14 grenades in Kramatorsk

In Kramatorsk, a boy of seven found near the school building box, which was 14 grenades. On Saturday, April 2, according to the website of the National police of the Donetsk region of Ukraine. The publication says that on 22 April at 19.15 in room “102” called 34-the summer local resident and told that her son while walking with friends found in a corner of the courtyard of the school № 3 near the fence of the subjects similar to grenades. The child did not touch the find, and told about her mother. “At the scene immediately left the police and surrounded the area. According to preliminary information, the box contains seven RGD-5 grenades and seven grenades f-1. In ammunition unscrewed the fuses, but they are there in the box,” explained the police. Currently at the scene working explosives. April 9 in Lviv, a local resident found in their backyards

SK of Armenia stated about the mental patients of the likely murderers of the Russian military

The suspect in the murder of a Russian soldier in Gyumri, there are problems with the psyche. As reported on Saturday, April 22, “Interfax” with reference to the press service of the Investigative Committee of Armenia, it turned out at the stage of preliminary investigation. “During military service in November 2016, he repeatedly caused injury to themselves, with the aim of highly specialized test was transferred to the psychiatric Department of Yerevan military hospital. In relation to the suspect was designated a comprehensive military medical and forensic psychiatric examination”, — explained in Department. In March it received a report in which it pointed out that the men identified several mental disorders. In this regard, it recognized limited sane and unfit for service in the army in peacetime. By order of the Minister of defense he was demobilized. The press service added that the investigation into the murder of 21-year-old serviceman