Lebanese women draped waterfront of Beirut wedding dresses

Lebanese women hung out on the waterfront of Beirut wedding dresses in protest — they are dissatisfied with the old law that allows rapists to avoid criminal punishment if he married his victim. About it reports The Independent. Thirty-one dress symbolize the thirty-one days in the month when women in such marriages can be abused. As the newspaper notes, from the dresses resembled the swaying corpses. In accordance with 522-th article of the Lebanese Penal code, rapists are sentenced to imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven years. However, the proviso to the article allows the perpetrator to escape punishment if he and the victim were married. According to The Independent, this order of things was set in the 1940-ies. In February the parliamentary Committee has already voted to repeal this provision, however, the vote of all the deputies is scheduled for may 15.

Erdogan has filed a lawsuit against the French scientist

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has filed a lawsuit against the French analyst Philippe Moreau Defarge, who publicly talked about the assassination attempt on the Turkish leader. On Monday, April 24, according to Anadolu. It is noted that the lawyer of the head of state Hüseyin aydın require to initiate proceedings on charges of “incitement to assassinate the President.” According to the Agency, the basis for the claim was that Defarge said on the French TV channel BFM Business. Discussing the results of the referendum on amendments to the Constitution, he, in particular, stated that “legitimate ways to revise the outcome of the plebiscite is over.” “Remains or civil war, or the murder of Erdogan”, — concluded the analyst. 16 April, Turkey held a referendum to amend the Constitution and expand presidential powers. According to preliminary results, the adoption of the amendments voted 51.4% of citizens.

The head of the Council of Jews in Germany advised the refugees to go to concentration camps

The head of the Central Council of Jews in Germany Josef Schuster urged to make anti-Semitism a Central theme of integration courses for refugees. On Monday, April 24, reports The Local. According to him, many asylum-seekers coming to Germany, “come from countries that hate Jews and Israel.” “Perhaps there is a sense in which they visited a concentration camp or the Jewish Museum in Berlin,” said he, adding that “those who think that integration can be completed in two years, profoundly mistaken”. “Remembering the integration of Jewish migrants from the USSR in the early 1990s, I can say that the final integration of asylum seekers is achieved only after one or even two generations”, concluded Schuster. Migration crisis in Europe in 2015, most notably hit Germany. During the year the country was visited by over a million asylum-seekers. As noted by Deutsche Welle, in 2016, the number of migrants has

Chinese couple have equipped your home with coffins

Chinese couple from Yunnan province built inside his own home two tombs and built their coffins. About it reports The South China Morning Post. According to the newspaper, Liu Xiang and his wife built two tomb 30 years ago, they spent 970 yuan (about $ 140), and then bought the coffins. One vault is in the bedroom, second in living room, standing around a dining table. Liu explained, that their house no one will want to inherit, so it will serve as an excellent shelter for the crypts from the rain and wind. According to the man, he and his wife agreed: first the deceased will be buried in one of the vaults, and the surviving spouse will continue to live in this house until his own death. In March it was reported the British, who buried himself alive in a coffin with ventilation and wifi. His campaign John Edwards

In Italy the arrested were preparing an attack, the Moroccan

In Turin, Italy, arrested 29-year-old Moroccan Munir al Awal suspected of preparing a terrorist attack. It is reported by ANSA. Awal lives in Italy since 2008. He got into the field of view of the security services because of the propaganda on the Internet of extremist ideology, inciting religious hatred and calls to destroy the “infidels”. In addition, he spoke in support of the terrorists who committed the recent attacks in Germany, Sweden and France. The immediate reason for the detention was his record on one of the forums. It Awal said he was ready to commit a terrorist act in Italy and is looking for that associates. In the court decision on the arrest says that a man is a serious danger, primarily because of its willingness to proceed to immediate execution of its threats. In August last year, Italian police arrested on suspicion of smuggling migrants a group

The US has prepared a new package of sanctions against Syria

The US administration has prepared a new package of restrictive measures against Syria and its supporting countries. It is reported Associated Press citing anonymous sources. According to them, the new restrictions are part of efforts to stop funding the regime of Bashar al-Assad and his government amid the ongoing civil war in Syria. As reported later by Reuters, citing a statement from the U.S. Treasury in the black list includes 271 employees of the Syrian government centre responsible for developing chemical weapons. On the night of 7 April, the President of the United States Donald trump ordered to launch a missile attack on the airfield shirt used by Syrian government aircraft. In all there were 58 cruise missiles. It was made after April 4, the Syrian opposition said about the alleged use loyal to President Bashar al-Assad’s forces of chemical weapons in Idlib province, resulting in 87 people were killed

The Japanese began actively to build private fallout shelters

Threats by North Korean leadership to launch a nuclear strike on Japanese territory in case of aggression the United States provoked Japan’s growth in the construction of private fallout shelters. About it reports on Monday, April 24, the Irish Independent information portal.ie. As found by the correspondent of the newspaper, the company Oribe Seiki Seisakusho from the Prefecture of Kobe, which is engaged in construction of shelters, a few weeks secured a job in the months ahead. Typically, the firm managed to sell about six projects a year, but in April it has already received eight orders. To equip the shelter under your house usually ask ordinary Japanese, said the company’s Director Nobuko Oribe (Oribe Guesthouse). According to him, a refuge for 13 people cost about 230 thousand dollars, and its construction is four months. The shelter is a sealed room in the basement capable of withstanding at a distance

Refugees in Calais have complained of ill-treatment by the police

Every day refugees living in the French city of Calais and its surroundings, were subjected to cruel treatment by the police. These are the results of a study conducted by the British newspaper The Independent. As the newspaper notes, the migrants and their children complain of beatings by the guards. So, 22-year-old Palestinian said that the law enforcement officials sprayed tear gas directly in his face, broke his glasses and got a black eye. “They [the police] pushed me to the floor and beaten,” he complained in turn the young woman from Eritrea. 89 percent of respondents, according to the study, said that experienced the brutality of the police, 82 percent of respondents said the attitude of the French guards bad or very bad. 28 percent of them reported that the law enforcement officials insulted them. According to The Independent, children-refugees complain of poor attitude not only from police but

Imitating the Trump Australian Prime Minister has made growing popularity

Malcolm Turnbull “Australia first!” — it is a slogan, let Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to increase its popularity among voters. About it reports Reuters. The tightening of immigration rules and procedure for obtaining citizenship under this slogan led to increased support to the head of the Cabinet by four percent. The Agency reports that such measures Turnbull resorted in order to increase their chances of reelection in 2019. “America first!” one of the campaign slogans of US President Donald trump, using which he was able to achieve victory at the election in November 2016.

Le Pen called Him a wimp

Marine Le Pen The candidate in presidents of France from the party “national front” marine Le Pen called his opponent, the leader of movement “Forward” of Emmanuel Macron, a weakling. On Monday, April 24, according to Reuters. During a visit to one of the markets in the Department of Pas-de-Calais, she said that the most delicate thing she can say about Him is that he is a wimp because they do not know how to solve the problem of terrorism. Le Pen said that in the second round of the presidential election it’s going to attract attention of society to this and other important topics. In the first round of the macron surpassed its rival, gaining 23.75 percent of the vote against 21.53% among Le Pen. Initially it was reported the lead representative of the National front, however, as the number of votes counted increased, the gap between the two