In the Turkish Museum told me about found on a construction site, the remains of a Russian officer

Continued: In Russia there was a descendant buried in Turkey of a Russian officer A man in uniform, whose remains found at a construction site in the East of Turkey, was the Russian captain, not a General. It is reported Nejiten Alp, Director of the historical Museum of the province of Kars, reports on Thursday, April 27, the Agency “Anadolu”. According to him, the preliminary analysis has allowed to establish that the officer who supposedly served in the territory of Kars and Ardahan and died during the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878. His title of captain of the garrison — point to three stars and the number 20 on the form, noted the Alp. The Museum Director also said that the remains of the soldier were discovered in an underground crypt in the quarter karagel in the North of the city of Ardahan. The builders found them when digging for a

Paramedic in Germany was fired for patient pririsoval mustache Hitler

German paramedic was fired after he drew the patient in a coma, a mustache like Adolf Hitler. On Thursday, April 27, reports the Daily Mail. The incident occurred in December last year, but became aware of it only now. According to the newspaper, the medic, Thomas Wagner (Thomas Wagner) blue ballpoint pen pririsoval mustache man, hospitalized with drug overdose. After he sent photos to colleagues in group chat in WhatsApp with the caption “Victim number one. Today: fashion beard”. “Oh, how peacefully he sleeps,” commented one of the friends of Wagner. In addition, the paramedic loaded the chat in the video, which communicates disrespectful and makes fun of the patient lying across the stretcher in the ambulance. A few days later the man wrote to colleagues that have done wrong and what you must not do so, and later asked to remove submitted materials. Information about the incident reached the

Planning to attack German soldiers pretended to be Syrian refugees

In Bavaria, on suspicion of preparing a terrorist attack detained soldiers of the Bundeswehr, posing as a Syrian refugee. On Thursday, April 27, reports Die Welt. In January of this year, 28-year-old soldier hid the gun in the toilet of the airport of Vienna. The weapon was found by the staff of local law enforcement. They set up surveillance, waiting for him to come. The soldier returned after a month. Austrian police detained a man and setting his personality, gave information to German colleagues. The military released. In Germany, found that in 2015 the man, who called himself a Syrian migrant, appealed to the migration authorities of Bavaria with a petition to grant him asylum. He hid that he has a German citizenship, and finally his request was granted. He is said to have provided shelter and has appointed a welfare. As noted by Die Zeit, the interview did not

The Turkish Prime Minister called Medvedev after the incident with the Russian ship

Intelligence ship Liman The Prime Minister of Turkey Binali Yildirim called the Chairman of the Russian government Dmitry Medvedev to Express regret in connection with the collapse of the Russian intelligence ship Liman of the Black sea. On Thursday, April 27, according to Hürriyet Daily News. Liman collided with a cargo ship in 40 km North-West of the Bosphorus Strait on both sides which is the Turkish city of Istanbul. The Russian crew were 78 people, all of them evacuated. The ship itself because of the resulting holes sank. The defense Ministry reported that to the place where sank the ship, arrives the Russian vessel “Ulus star”, which will bring the crew evacuated to base the black sea fleet. Average intelligence ship (officially hydrographic ship) project 861 “Liman” was built in the Polish city of Gdansk in 1970. Total displacement of about 1.5 thousand tons, maximum speed of 17 knots.

In London near the British Parliament arrested an armed man

London police announced the arrest of armed men near the building of the British Parliament. On Thursday, April 27, the Associated Press reported in his Twitter. — The Associated Press (@AP) April 27, 2017, 13:56 Law enforcement officers noted that as a result of incident nobody has suffered. According to RIA Novosti, at the scene of the incident discovered two knives. — CBS News (@CBSNews) 27 April 2017, 14:00 It is reported that on April 27, the last session of Parliament before the early elections scheduled for 8 June this year. According to the Agency, after the terrorist attack in the British capital, which occurred March 22 near the Parliament building strengthened security measures. Then a native of South-East England Adrian Russell Ago, changed his name to Khalid Masud, while driving the car, pointed it at pedestrians on Westminster bridge, knocked down several people and drove to the Parliament building.

In the Macedonian Parliament stormed by protesters after the election of the speaker of the Albanian

In the Macedonian Parliament stormed by protesters, the fight was injured, the leader of the social Democrats, Zoran Zaev. About it reports Reuters. The conflict erupted after the social Democrats and the party representing the interests of ethnic Albanians voted for the election of the Albanian Talat Haveri the speaker of Parliament. This decision caused the indignation of the nationalists. Jaferi became the first ethnic Albanian on the post of the speaker of the Parliament of Macedonia after the Balkan country gained independence from Yugoslavia in 1991. The coalition of social Democrats and two parties representing ethnic Albanians, triggered daily street protests in Skopje. Ethnic Albanians make up a third of the population of Macedonia. Elections were held in December 2016, but the government is not yet formed, although Zaev was created in Parliament a majority coalition with the Albanians.

Uyghur youth in China urged to learn Chinese and to love the Homeland for the sake of image

Young Uighurs in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous region (XUAR), was called to teach the Chinese language and to demonstrate love to China for the sake of their nation did not associate with terrorists. About it reports The South China Morning Post. “A small group of devils is doing the violence, and wreaking terror and terror to divide our country and destroy ethnic unity, — said in the text of an article published in a local newspaper Xinjiang Daily, signed by several high-ranking officials. — Because of them we are regularly searched on the streets, sometimes denied accommodation in hotels or rent apartments. Brothers, our great Motherland has given us a blessed, happy life, how can we together with these devils to abandon our homeland?” Young Uyghurs, as follows from the article, we need to realize that the Chinese Communist party was able to establish a “harmonious, prosperous, happy and safe”

The Pentagon has launched an investigation into the case of Flynn getting Russian money

Michael Flynn The inspector General of the Pentagon began an investigation against Michael Flynn, former US presidential Advisor Donald trump, on suspicion of illegally receiving money from foreign sources. About it reports Reuters. The investigation will determine whether the Flynn permission to receive funds from a foreign government. As stated by Congressman Elijah Cummings, from the Pentagon papers, should that still not discovered evidence that Flynn ever asked for such a permit or reported on remittances from abroad — despite the fact that in 2014 he was given a warning about the inadmissibility of taking money from abroad. Previously, Flynn served in the White house and government ethics Office, a new report on their income, where provides information about receiving payments from Russian companies. A former adviser to trump received 45 thousand dollars from the RT for the speech at the event in Moscow in December 2015, marks the tenth

The air defense intercepted Israel over the Golan goal from Syria

Air defense intercepted Israel over the Golan heights aerial target that was moving from Syria. About it reports Reuters. According to residents of the Israeli city of Safed, located in the North of the country, they witnessed the launch of two missiles air defense systems “Patriot” and flash in the night sky — the result of hitting the target. What shot down the rocket, is still unknown. It is assumed that we are talking about UAVs. It is also not known at which side of border he was shot down. April 27, air force of the Jewish state attacked a site near the international airport of Damascus. According to sources Reuters, the target was a weapons depot for Hezbollah. March 17 Israeli planes during the attack on targets in Syria were fired on by antiaircraft missiles. The Israeli defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman has threatened to destroy Syrian air defense systems

Media reported about the explosion in one of restaurants McDonald’s in France

In one of the restaurants in the French city of Grenoble, an explosion occurred. It is reported by Le Dauphine Libere. According to the edition, the explosive device was in the toilet. All visitors and staff were evacuated. As a result of incident nobody has suffered. — France 3 Alpes (@f3Alpes) 27 April 2017, 10:48 On the scene working law enforcement officers. The city authorities do not confirm information about the bomb exploded. As noted by RIA Novosti, the cause of the incident could become a lit firecracker.