The Indian authorities have tried to ban social media in protests in Kashmir

Indian authorities officially banned access 22 social networking on the territory of the state of Jammu and Kashmir. About it reports The Independent. As a prohibited got Facebook and Twitter. Thus, the state authorities try to prevent the spread of videos, sowing hostility towards the Indian army and police and calling on the people of Kashmir to insubordination. As stated by the government of Jammu and Kashmir, ban for a month for the sake of public safety as “anti-national and antisocial elements use media for their own purposes”. Thus, as notes the edition, full lock is not imposed. This is due to technical difficulties: it is impossible to close access to social networks without Internet in Kashmir at all. The turmoil in Kashmir erupted after local separatists urged people to boycott the elections to the lower house of the Federal Parliament. As a result of clashes between police and protesters

In Moscow surprised us statements about Russia’s isolation in the UN

Gennady Gatilov The Russian foreign Ministry found it a strange statement by the press service of the White house, called “the isolation of Russia in the UN” among the main achievements of U.S. President Donald trump. About it reports “Interfax”. “A strange statement. On the contrary, we seek cooperation with all countries, including and especially the US in the UN — explained Deputy foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov. — I think that speech should go not about to put someone in isolation, and to seek common ground and thereby reach a mutually acceptable solutions to existing problems. This should underpin the work of the UN.” Previously refutation of the thesis about the “isolation of Russia” has acted the Director of Department of countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the Chinese foreign Ministry GUI Zunun. He stated that “Moscow and Beijing speak the same language in regard to finding answers to

The militants “Jabhat EN-Nusra” attacked the positions of the IG in the Syrian-Lebanese border

The militants of the terrorist group “Tahrir al-sham” (formerly known as “Jabhat al-Nusra”) attacked positions of the “Islamic state” (IG) near the border settlement of fleet on the Syrian-Lebanese border. On Friday, April 28, RIA Novosti reported, citing its own sources. According to him, the losses suffered by both sides. The cause of the confrontation was the struggle for control of the mountain trails and canyons, which terrorists regularly try to smuggle weapons and ammunition. These paths make their way to Syria recruits recruited by terrorist groups. “The Lebanese army and fighters of “Hezbollah” in the area of Arsal hold up their part of the border is under control and ready at any moment to strike at the terrorist groups, if they try to cross the border,” — said the Agency interlocutor. April 17 it was reported that the militants “Islamic state” have clashed with representatives of the Bedouin tribes

The United States recognized the failure of 20 years of efforts to curb North Korea’s nuclear programme

The international community’s efforts to curb the nuclear program of North Korea failed. This was announced by the U.S. Secretary Rex Tillerson at the meeting of the UN Security Council, his words TASS reports. According to him, the US considers it necessary to strengthen the financial isolation of Pyongyang, to impose new sanctions and tighten existing restrictions. “In light of recent actions by North Korea normal relations with her is impossible”, — said the head of the state Department. Earlier on 28 April about the possibility of a serious conflict with the DPRK, said the President of the United States Donald trump. “We would have solved all through diplomacy, but it is extremely difficult,” — said the American leader. North Korea has declared that in case of aggression against it will carry out a pre-emptive strike. Later sources reported that Washington currently does not intend to use military force against

Former Vice-mayor of Shanghai received 17 years for bribery

Ay Bazzoni The court of the Chinese city Zhangzhou recognized the former head of the company Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. and the Vice mayor of Shanghai AI Baczyna guilty of accepting bribes. About it reports The South China Morning Post. As has established a consequence, from 2000 to 2014, ay received a total of nearly six million dollars in bribes. According to the court all the money confiscated and the businessman and the officer sentenced to 17 years in prison. Such a relatively lenient sentence (as a rule, corrupt officials face death or life imprisonment) is due to the fact that he actively cooperated with the investigation, admitted his guilt and repented. In addition, it was found that the number of large sums were received by the relatives of the Traveler without his knowledge. Ay Bazzoni was expelled from the party and removed from all his posts in

The President of Austria called on all women to cover their heads in order to fight Islamophobia

Alexander van der Bellen The President of Austria, Alexander van der Bellen called on all women to wear headscarves in the name of combating Islamophobia. About it reports The Independent. “Not only Muslim women — all women can wear the headscarf, and if the real and unbridled Islamophobia continues, then the day will come when we will have to ask all women to wear head scarves — all of’ em! as a sign of solidarity with those who do it for religious reasons,” predicted the President at the meeting with the students of a school. “Of course, every woman has the right to dress as she likes, it’s just my opinion on this issue,” there is reservation van der Bellen. Informed the Austrian President has repeatedly stated that it opposes any restrictions on the wearing of clothes. As an exception he cited the example of the court, where, in his

UN chief urged to maintain contacts with North Korea

Antonio Guterres You must keep the channels of communication with North Korea to avoid escalation of the situation in relations with Pyongyang. This was stated by UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, his words are reports Reuters. “Lack of communication channels with North Korea is very dangerous. We must avoid misunderstanding. You need to act now to achieve a stable peace,” — said the Secretary General. Earlier on 28 April about the possibility of a serious conflict with the DPRK, said the President of the United States Donald trump. “We would have solved all through diplomacy, but it is extremely difficult,” — said the American leader. According to him, Chinese President XI Jinping is doing everything possible to resolve the Korean crisis, however, “it is possible that it is simply unreal”. Earlier it was reported that the US is ready to launch a preemptive strike on military targets of the DPRK, if

The EU will consider the continued membership of a United Ireland after Brexit

EU leaders can encourage the people of Northern Ireland to reunite with the rest of the island for the sake of EU membership. On Friday, April 28, reports The Independent. At the moment, according to the newspaper, the Irish diplomats are working to achieve from the heads of countries — EU members support this idea at the upcoming summit. The meeting will take place in Brussels on Saturday, April 29. The summit will discuss the position of EU States on the issue of Brexit conditions. At the end of March, Prime Minister of Ireland ENDA Kenny stated that the final agreement on Brexit should be included a paragraph about the commitment of the parties the idea of a United Ireland. This caused a sharp reaction of London: it was assured that most of the people of Northern Ireland in favour of maintaining the region within the United Kingdom. In June

The Parliament of Montenegro voted in favor of joining NATO

The deputies of the Montenegrin Parliament voted for the country’s accession to NATO. About it reports on Friday, April 28, radio and television of Montenegro (RTCG). In a document called the bill on the confirmation of the North Atlantic Treaty and the Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the accession of Greece and Turkey voted 46 deputies from 81. While there were only 46 deputies, and there was no opposition. A field meeting was held in the building of the Parliament of Cetinje. The opposition spent nearly his protest, writes TASS. The rally was attended by thousands of people, the demonstrators burned a NATO flag. On 11 April it was reported that the President of the United States Donald trump signed the act of accession of Montenegro to NATO. 19 may 2016 NATO countries signed the Protocol on the accession of Montenegro, thus giving it the status of observer

The temporary leader of the National front, has held the post for three days

Jean-François Galk Jean-françois Galik left the post of leader of the French party “national front”. On Friday, April 28, the newspaper Le Monde. The occasion was the scandal around the words, spoken in 2000, in an interview with political scientist Bumasa Magali (Magali Boumaza). In it, the politician expressed doubts about the reality of the use of Nazi gas chambers during the Second world war and argued that the gas “Zyklon-B” was not suitable for mass murder. Interview with 17-year-old was discovered by a journalist of the newspaper La Croix de Laurent Boise. Responding to a query Le Monde, Galic not confirmed that uttered these words. Now it will be replaced by the Vice-President of the National front in regional elections, and personnel policies Bria Steve (Steeve Briois), with 2014 being the mayor of Henin-beaumont in Northern France. Galik, was replaced by marine Le Pen at the head of the