U.S. military advisers killed in Somalia

In Somalia killed a military adviser of the United States. About it reports on Friday, may 2, Reuters. He was seconded to one of the departments of the Somali national army. It is known that he was killed from small arms, other circumstances of his death were not disclosed. Two more American soldiers were wounded. “It is all necessary medical aid, — has assured a press-the Secretary of the African command of the U.S. armed forces Robin Mack. No further information about their condition we currently do not have”. The Somali Republic ceased to exist as a unified state in 1991 after the fall of the regime of dictator Siad Barre. In the eyes of the international community as the sole legitimate power in the country is the Federal government, under his direction, is Mogadishu and several surrounding areas. The remaining parts of Somalia are controlled by the unrecognized entities

The Russian foreign Ministry called the subject of the talks Lavrov and Tillerson Alaska

Sergei Lavrov The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson at a meeting in Alaska on may 10-11 to discuss the initiative on creation of zones of de-escalation in Syria. This was stated by Deputy Russian foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, according to “Interfax” . “Contacts with our American partners, I think, will be intensified, because not only Syria, but other problematic situation in the middle East and Africa require more cohesion,” said the diplomat. May 4 in Astana hosted the fourth international meeting on Syria. Representatives of the countries-guarantors — Russia, Turkey and Iran signed a Memorandum on the establishment in Syria of four security zones. Based on the text of the document, the security zone will be established in the following regions: in the province of Idlib, in areas of Latakia, Aleppo and Hama; in the North of HOMS province; in

Jean-Claude Juncker suspected in the abuse of alcohol

Jean-Claude Juncker President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker suspected that he abused alcohol during the talks on Cyprus in Geneva. It is reported by The Sun. According to diplomats, which refers to the British newspaper, Juncker “clearly drunk” before the meeting. He was acting strangely and regularly ran into other people and furniture, they added. “It was refreshing to glory, it was obvious, — said one of the diplomats. — He crashed into the interior and we made conversation with the young assistants. In short, he behaved strange, and it’s pretty hated all the people.” On may 3, former British MP-conservative Jacob Rees-Could said, “if anyone has serious problems with drink, it is an occasion to regret it”. “But the behavior of the cadets is that it cannot represent 28 countries of the EU,” he added. This is not the first accusation against Juncker in the abuse of alcohol.

Clinton was going to Fund resistance groups Trump

Hillary Clinton Former candidate for US presidents from Democratic party Hillary Clinton intends to create a political party for financing of public resistance to initiatives of the President of Donald trump. It is reported by CNN, citing a source close to Clinton. According to those familiar with the situation sides of the channel, the politician assembles a team of his former advisers and aides, which will seek donations and contributions to various community organizations who opposed the election of trump’s head of state. One of the sources said that Clinton was impressed by the scale of the protests against trump and decided to help them. The new structure will be called “Together forward” (Onward Together) that is consonant with the slogan of its election campaign “stronger Together” (Stronger Together). On 29 March it was reported that Clinton made a speech in which he noted that the trump is facing strong

Lavrov promised to finish “Islamic state”

Sergei Lavrov The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov promised to finish the group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia), despite the fact that the terrorists do not want to give up. He told about it in interview to TV channel “Mir 24”. According to Lavrov, IG settled in the middle East, North Africa, and North regions of Afghanistan that border the territory of its neighbours and allies of Russia. He noted that the military units of the countries-CSTO members are in constant readiness for action. “Ready the Russian military base located in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia. While this infection will not be destroyed, these priorities will be maintained,” stressed the foreign Minister. The Minister recalled that six years ago the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, speaking at a session of the UN General Assembly in new York, has asked its Western partners to create a United front

Kudrin proposed to reduce the number of pensioners in Russia

Alexei Kudrin The head of the Board of the Center for strategic research (CSR), former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin in the development strategy of Russia until 2035 proposed to reduce the number of pensioners by nine percent, or 3.87 million people. On Friday, may 5, write “Vedomosti” with reference to the materials of the CSR. To reduce the number of pensioners in the country is offered by enhancing the age of retirement for women to 63 years for men to 65 years (in increments of six months starting from 2019). As a result of pensioners in Russia will remain 38,52 million people. According to the authors of the CSR, it will form a balanced system that provides an acceptable level of living for pensioners. CSR also proposes to tighten the conditions for obtaining pensions. The minimum length of service required to receive payments from the state, should be raised to

In the Czech Republic because of bus collision with a deer injured five people

In the area of the Czech city of Hradec Kralove (about 100 km East of Prague) bus collided with a deer. It is reported Actualne.cz. At the time of the accident in the car there were 50 foreign tourists. As a result of the accident, the bus swerved off the road into a ditch, injured five passengers. They received medical treatment. 4 may on the highway around Munich there was a collision of two buses and four cars. The accident resulted in minor injuries and injured several people, mostly children, who were in one of the machines. 25 April in the center of the Polish city Zavada (łódź Voivodeship) overturned bus with tourists from Belarus. Injured 18 people, they were sent to nearby hospitals.

A powerful forest fire began near the Japanese nuclear power plant “Fukushima-1”

The Japanese nuclear power plant “Fukushima-1”, archive In the exclusion zone around the emergency atomic power station “Fukushima-1” broke out a large forest fire. It is reported by NHK. According to the channel, the fire covered about 20 hectares adjacent to the plant site. Fire fighting of about 240 rescuers used a specially equipped helicopters. While these efforts have not yielded results: from-for a strong wind the flame continues to spread rapidly. On 2 February it was reported that the results of the survey of the second reactor the Japanese nuclear power plant “Fukushima-1” is recorded lethal levels of radiation. The intensity of radiation is 530 sievert per hour (dose of 20 SV leads to instant death). March 11, 2011 was the strongest ever Japan earthquake. For tremors of a magnitude of 9.1, recorded off the East coast of Honshu island, followed by tsunami. Natural disaster caused the accident at

Vitali Klitschko praised the opportunity for revenge brother Joshua

Vitali Klitschko (left) and Wladimir Klitschko Former world Boxing champion Vitali Klitschko, now occupying the post of mayor of Kiev, commented on the possibility of a rematch between his younger brother Vladimir and Briton Anthony Joshua. The word Klitschko is the site of the Klitschko Brotherhood. “Will there be a rematch of Vladimir with Joshua? I’ll tell you one thing: the fight itself is the dessert, and behind it is a big job. I can imagine that 25 years every day you come into the gym and prepare yourself to comply with. Of course, this tired. But if Vladimir is motivation, if he says to himself: “I will fight, I will do everything to defeat Joshua, and this is the fight of my life” — I will always support my brother,” said Klitschko. According to the mayor of Kiev, he wants to see Vladimir again came to the ring with

The defense Ministry commented on the flights of Tu-95 and su-35 off the coast of Alaska

Strategic missile Tu-95MS long-range aviation in support of multi-role fighters su-35S performed on Thursday, may 4, off the coast of Alaska scheduled flight. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the Department of information and mass communications of the Russian defense Ministry. The flight was carried out over neutral waters of the Pacific ocean along the Aleutian Islands, the report says. The war Department recalled that the long-range aviation pilots regularly performs flights over neutral waters of the Atlantic, the Arctic, the Black sea, the Pacific ocean as the base, and with operational airfields. The defense Ministry stressed that all flights are performed in strict accordance with international rules of using airspace over neutral waters without violating the borders of other States. Earlier, Fox News channel reported that two fifth generation fighter F-22 U.S. air force intercepted and escorted a pair of Tu-95 flying near Alaska, along with two