The foreign Ministry published the text of the Memorandum on the establishment of security zones in Syria

The building of the foreign Ministry of Russia in Moscow The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia has published the text of the Memorandum on the establishment of a de-escalation in Syria, signed in Astana on may 4. On Saturday, may 6, reported on the Agency’s website. The text specifies that the security zone will be established in the following regions: in the province of Idlib, in areas of Latakia, Aleppo and Hama; in the North of HOMS province; in Eastern ghouta, on the South of Syria — the provinces of Deraa and Quneitra. Clarifies that the establishment of such zones is a temporary measure, lasting six months, with automatic renewal based on consensus of the parties, who acted as the guarantors of the truce (Russia, Turkey, Iran). According to the document, in the specified areas located on the contact line between government forces and opposition forces must cease hostilities.

Police said the number of participants in the opposition rally in Moscow

The participants of the opposition rally in Moscow In concerted opposition rally on Sakharov Avenue in Moscow, attended by about one thousand people. These data led the Main Directorate of the interior Ministry in the capital, reports on Saturday, may 6, “Interfax”. “Agreed by the city authorities of Moscow the opposition rally held on Sakharov Avenue, attended by about 1,000 people,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, the order at the meeting provide the police and Regardie. On Sakharov Avenue brought together representatives of various parties and movements, many on the clothes pinned white ribbons, the correspondent of TASS. The campaign, entitled “For Russia against the tyranny and repression” timed to the anniversary of the events of 6 may 2012 on Bolotnaya square. Then agreed with the authorities, the opposition March turned into clashes with police, was arrested more than 400 people.

Due to a gas leak in the Indian school affected 200 students

After a gas leak in Delhi (India) suffered 200 Schoolgirls. On Saturday, may 6, according to local police, reports Hindustan Times. The leak occurred this morning at 07:30 local time (05:00 GMT) at the container yard located adjacent to the school for girls of Rani Jhansi (Jhansi Rani). The affected children showed signs of poisoning: nausea and irritation of the eyes, some of them lost consciousness. Earlier the newspaper reported the hospitalization of 110 Schoolgirls in an urban hospital Majeedia and Batra. According to police, during a leak, the children were in the classroom. The chief officer of the Delhi fire service (DFS) Atul Garg (Atul Garg) said that at the scene carrying out inspections. “Students and staff of the school Rani Jhansi was evacuated and the entire area was cordoned off,” said he. The Deputy chief Minister of the city, Manish Sisodia said that the life of children threatens

Investigators found Nazi paraphernalia in the barracks of the army of Germany

German investigators found in the barracks of one of the parts of the Bundeswehr paraphernalia of Nazi Germany. On it informs magazine Spiegel, reports TASS. As writes the edition, in the German Donaueschingen found the window with the steel helmets of the Wehrmacht as well as room, hung with the paraphernalia of the armed forces of Nazi Germany. The whole thing was caught on camera, after which the record was transferred to the defense Ministry. The impetus for the beginning of the exposure of a neo-Nazi cell in the German army became the detention of a serviceman who received fraudulently a certificate of the refugee. According to investigators, he was planning a terrorist attack to worsen society’s attitude towards migrants. The police also seized a pistol, hidden by the suspect at the airport. Was later arrested five of his accomplices. During the searches were found a crate of assault rifles,

Merkel called the best tool in the fight against ISIS

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that the best tool in the fight against terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia — approx. “Of the”) is the creation of a coalition with regional forces. On Saturday, may 6, reports TASS with reference to a video podcast: from the website of the German government. “If you take, for example, Syria and the fight against Islamist terrorism, I believe the correct formation of coalitions, including the regional powers, particularly the Gulf countries and others,” she said. Earlier, on 6 may it was reported that in the same video message, Merkel said that NATO must demonstrate a willingness to defend one side, but not to break off the thread of dialogue with Russia. On 14 March it became known that the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused German Chancellor Angela Merkel in support of terrorists. Berlin called his words

Alain Delon announced the completion of a career

Alain Delon French actor Alain Delon told that the painting he is working on currently, will be the last in his career. It is reported by Le Parisien. “It’ll be the last movie because, like a fighter who doesn’t want to spend unnecessary fight, I do not want to do the extra film,” explained the 81-year-old actor his decision. According to him, the last tape with his participation will be dedicated to the love between a man his age and 50-year-old woman. Delon became famous after filming “the bright sun”, “Rocco and his brothers” and “Leopard”. For participation in the latest tape in 1963, was nominated for the award “Golden globe” in the category “Most promising newcomer among men.” The actor also is the owner of “Cesar” for best male role in the film “Our history”. On account of his three directorial work: “For the skin police”, “Shock”, “Indomitable”.

The Ministry of defence said the threat to the United States General

Igor Konashenkov According to the head of special operations Command U.S. army General Raymond Thomas about the fact that Russia is one of the main threats to his country based on stereotypes of the cold war. This was stated by official representative of Russian defense Ministry Igor Konashenkov. His words leads TASS. “The narrow-mindedness of a separate Pentagon generals on stereotypes of the cold war, and a lack of understanding of real security threats should not be surprising,” — said Konashenkov. “We are often asked what the officers of the Russian special operations Forces differ from their American colleagues. We always stress that the major qualities of Russian officers are intelligence and determination,” he added. According to Konashenkov, from the speech of General Thomas it is easy to understand that the Pentagon “demands on the military special operations forces, other”. “That’s probably why they are trying to compensate for their

Seagal was poironizirovat on closing him entry to Ukraine

Steven Seagal American actor and martial artist Steven Seagal ironically accepted the news that the security Service of Ukraine has closed him from entering the country for five years. It is reported TASS on Saturday, may 6. “In addition to black belt, I now have more black list” — gave the Agency the words of the actor’s representative. She explained that Seagal is a seventh Dan in Aikido. In late April, Segal was entered into the database of the Ukrainian website “Peacemaker”. The founders charged him with illegal visit to Crimea in 2014 and 2015. In November 2016, the actor got Russian citizenship. The corresponding decree was signed by President Vladimir Putin. Crimea reunited with Russia March 18, 2014 according to the results of the referendum in which 96 percent of respondents were in favour of joining the Republic in the Russian Federation. Moscow claims that the reunion was held

In case of fire in the Moscow high-rise injured nine people

The fire, which occurred on the night of Saturday, may 6, in a high rise building in the South-West of Moscow, injured nine people, including three children. About TASS reported in the emergency services. In turn, the press service of the Metropolitan EMERCOM of Russia reported that doctors examine almost 80 people. “According to updated information, evacuated 77 people, including 17 children. All passed inspection for the ambulance, unfortunately, there are victims,” — said the source. The fire occurred in one of the skyscrapers of the residential complex “Airship” on Union street, 64, building 2. On the ground floor of a 40-storey building caught fire cables for which the fire spread. The house was immediately de-energized. Fire-rescue units simultaneously with the extinguishing of the fire commenced rescue and evacuation of people. The building was evacuated 70 people. At 01:18 the fire was extinguished. The causes of the fire are established.

Bastrykin instructed to deal with the living conditions of the disabled in Izhevsk

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin has charged to the head of the investigative Department of the TFR in the Republic of Udmurtia Vladimir Nikishkin to conduct procedural checks on the fact of improper conditions of life of wheelchair users in Izhevsk. This was reported on the website of the Department. The story about the pensioner and her daughter with disabilities, was released on Friday, may 5, on the NTV channel. The story notes that for several years the disabled person is unable to go outside because women live on the fourth floor in an apartment house in which there are no ramps. In addition, it is reported that the family lived on the first floor, but according to life circumstances they had to exchange housing. The pensioner believes that they have been cheated when making this transaction. The investigation will analyse the documentation governing the