Israel demanded White house to clarify the statement about the Western Wall

Israel demands from the White house explanations regarding the statements of the American diplomat as saying that the Western Wall in the Old city is part of the occupied West Bank of the Jordan river. About it reports Reuters. “We are convinced that this statement is contrary to the policy [of the us President Donald] trump’s (…) Israel has already achieved understanding with the US on this issue”, — quotes Agency the words of one of the representatives of the Cabinet of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The white house has not yet commented on the words of the American diplomat involved in preparations for the visit of US President Donald trump in Israel. Channel 2 of Israeli television earlier, citing a US official said that the visit of the American leader to the Western Wall will be closed to officials. In particular, it was noted that Israel has no legal

Washington Post accidentally published the phone number of the Pentagon

James Mattis The American newspaper the Washington Post accidentally published the mobile number of the head of the Pentagon James Mattis. This was amended learned after the call, reader Paul Redmond from California. On may 11, the newspaper published an article about Keith Schiller, the bodyguard of the American President Donald trump. In the pictures the material was a picture of Schiller holding a few documents. According to the reader, to one of the papers was a sticky note where you can see the phone number and the name of Mattis. The Washington Post correspondent called the number. “I heard the answering machine. It was he [Mattis]”, — wrote the journalist Rachel Manteuffel (Rachel Manteuffel). “The newspaper has replaced the picture in the article (…) We should be happy that Paul Redmond from California saw this room before, as did the Russian”, — stated in the publication on may 15.

Shot in Mexico, wrote about mafia journalist

In the Mexican city of Culiacan was killed by a well-known writer and journalist Javier Valdez. His car was shot at on the street, reports BBC News. 50-year-old journalist became famous because of the articles and books on the activities of drug cartels, such as Sinaloa. He recently published the book “Narcoguerrilla”, where he spoke about the plight of media workers who do not wish to be silent despite the threats of drug traffickers. “To be a journalist means to be always in the black list (…) Even if you’re wearing body armor and you the bodyguards, the gang will decide what day they will kill you,” he said at the presentation last year. As noted by Telesur, a 50-year-old Valdes is the sixth journalist killed in Mexico since the beginning of this year. Last year the victims were 11 members of the media, in relation to another 400 were

US Ambassador to the UN called on Russia to recognize the “horrors of the Syrian regime”

Nikki Haley The U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley urged Russia “to recognize the horrors of the Syrian regime”. The American Embassy published on its website a statement which refers to the common accusation on the eve of the state Department to the President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad. “Assad bears primary responsibility for his cruelty, but his allies in Russia and Iran has also imposed a heavy burden. Moscow and Tehran allow Assad to kidnap and torture people, kill without trial, airstrikes barrel bombs and chemical weapons. Other countries recognize the horrors of the Syrian regime. It’s time for Russia to join us,” — said in a statement, Nikki Haley. Monday, may 15, the United States accused the Syrian authorities in the construction of the crematorium in a military prison near Damascus. According to the acting assistant Secretary of state for the Middle East Stuart Jones, the us

Clinton started to build a “bright future”

Hillary Clinton Participating in the presidential race in the United States from the Democratic party, the former Secretary of state Hillary Clinton announced the creation of a new movement in support of political candidates for different posts in government. About this politician wrote in his Twitter. — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) 15 may 2017, 20:12 “We are launching a movement “Together forward” (Onward Together) to inspire people to involvement, organization, and even to participate in elections. More than ever, I believe that citizen participation is vital to our democracy. I’m so inspired by all those involved in the organization and leadership,” Clinton said. The title “forward Together” is consonant with her campaign slogan “Together we are stronger” (Stronger Together). Similar logo — the words separated by an arrow. On the website of the movement States that its mission is “to promote progressive values and build a brighter future for future generations.”

Poroshenko said about the threat of an attack by Russian cyberarmies to Ukraine

Petro Poroshenko Petro Poroshenko expressed concern that the Russian kibervoyska can intensify its activities in Ukraine. He declared it on air of transfer of “Freedom of speech” on ICTV channel. “We have seen cyber war, when the Russian kibervoyska tried to influence the election results in the US and Europe. We expect that the same they will try to do in Ukraine”, — said Poroshenko. In December 2016, the Secretary of the national security Council and defense of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov said that hackers from Russia tried to disrupt the payment of social allowances in the country. According to him, “the attacks were planned and coordinated from a single center, located in the Russian Federation”. January 24, Poroshenko said that his country can respond to cyberattacks from Russia. A few days before that, he said that Moscow is waging a cyber war against the world, called “unite to fight this

The UN Secretary General condemned the ballistic test, North Korea

António Guterres UN Secretary-General, antónio Guterres, condemned the DPRK’s testing of ballistic missiles carried out the day before. On Monday, may 15, reported on the organization’s website. “This action is a violation of security Council resolutions and poses a threat to peace and security in the region”, — reads the statement of the official representative of the UN Secretary General Stefan Dujarric. He added that Guterres calls on North Korea to enforce international obligations and to return to the path of denuclearization. Pyongyang conducted the test on Sunday morning, may 14. The flight of the missile, medium and long range, running from the province’s-Do lasted for half an hour, she had covered a distance of about 700 kilometers and fell into the sea of Japan, between the Korean Peninsula and Japan. The DPRK stated that the purpose of the tests was to test the delivery capability of this missile “of

The white house has called the DPRK a threat to Russia and China

Press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer said that North Korea threatens the US allies in the region as well as Russia and China. This opinion he expressed during a briefing, answering a reporter’s question about Washington’s position regarding North Korea carried out the next tests of a ballistic missile. “We encourage everyone, especially Beijing and Moscow to make every effort in terms of sanctions to resolve the situation and return stability to the Korean Peninsula,” added Spicer. The DPRK on Sunday, may 14, held once again conducted a missile test. The projectile traveled approximately 800 kilometers and fell into the sea of Japan. According to the Russian defense Ministry, the flight path “passed in the direction from the border of the Russian Federation and at a considerable distance”. Later, President Vladimir Putin said that the launch posed no threat to Russia. “This, of course, provokes the development of

In the Internet appeared the petition against the blocking Telegram in Russia

Users of Telegram addressed Pavel Durov, asking not to allow the prohibition of the messenger in Russia and give in to the demand of Roskomnadzor. Related petition appeared on the website The authors of the petition argue that the leadership of the Telegram allegedly received the notification from Roskomnadzor about the need to provide data for inclusion in the register of organizers of information dissemination (ARI), but so far the Agency has not received a response. In the case of repeated disregard of the Federal service allegedly will block the program in Russia, according to the online statement. “You want to protect our freedom, not answering to the appeal of Roskomnadzora and not once in the register of distributors of information. We ask You to prevent Telegram to the list of banned in Russia as messengers”, — stated in the appeal on behalf of the user to Durova. Press

The foreign Ministers of the EU supported the extension of sanctions against Russia

Witold Waszczykowski The foreign Ministers of the countries of the European Union supported the extension of sanctions against Russia. This was stated by the head of Polish diplomacy Witold Waszczykowski after a meeting of the Council of foreign Ministers of the EU, reports RIA Novosti. “I confirm that the conversation on this topic was,” the Minister said, adding that “the debate here is not about anything.” He explained that the diplomats agreed that “since the Minsk agreement are not met, the majority of speakers on this issue strongly advocated that sanctions should continue” Member States of the European Union, USA and several other countries have introduced restrictive measures against Russia in 2014 and linking them with entry into the Russian Federation of the Crimea, and then — with the conflict in the South-East of Ukraine. In response, Moscow imposed a ban on food exports from most countries, which supported anti-Russian