In the Bermuda triangle missing plane

The small aircraft MU-2B disappeared from radar screens on route from Puerto Rico to Florida. On Tuesday, may 16, Reuters reported, citing the US coast guard. On Board were four people — two adults and two children. According to the Sun, the pilot was CEO of Skylight Group, Jennifer Blumin (Blumin Jennifer), her kids are ten and four years, and a family friend Nathan Ulrich (Nathan Ulrich). The aircraft flew from Puerto Rico on Monday at 11:00 local time (18:00 GMT), around 14:00 (21:00 GMT) the connection with him was lost. The plane was then 60 kilometers from the Bahamas. At the time of the disappearance awasuno was at an altitude of over seven thousand meters and was moving at a speed of about 555 kilometers per hour. As ABC7NY reports, the wreckage was found in 24 kilometers to the East of the island of Eleuthera, part of the Bahamas.

At the Washington station in the rush hour showed porn

Unknown persons cracked the scoreboard’s main train station, Washington Union Station and ran on it the scenes. On Tuesday, may 16, the Washington Post reported. The incident occurred at about 17:30 local time (0:30 GMT) on Monday evening. Representatives of the security service station reported that the Board was hacked, which launched him on a video porn site PornHub. The visitors perceived the incident differently. Some situations have fun, but most tried to stop the demonstration video. The video was played on the screen for about three minutes until it was manually switched off. Scoreboard at the station was installed a few months ago in the framework of the project for the renovation of the building. Heads of Union Station do not exclude that similar situations have occurred previously, for example at night, when the station is unoccupied.

The U.S. Treasury has extended the sanctions list on Syria

The U.S. Treasury Department expanded the list of Syrian individuals and legal persons subject to us sanctions. The corresponding statement was published on the Agency’s website on Tuesday, may 16. In the sanctions list added five individuals and five legal entities. Under the restrictive measures were Mohammed Abbas, Samir sahir dervish, Mohammed bin Mohammed Faris Quwaydir, and a cousin of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad — Ihab and Iyad Makhloufi. In addition, a list was made of Al-Ajnihah, Syrian Company For Information Technology and Barly Off-Shore, the charitable organization Al-Bustan and the Bank Cham Islamic Bank. According to the report of the Ministry of Finance, the sanctions imposed “in response to the ongoing violence of the Syrian government against its own citizens.”

The US proposed dialogue with North Korea

Nikki Haley United States of America will be ready to engage in dialogue with North Korea if the country will stop nuclear and missile tests. As reported by RIA Novosti, told reporters on Tuesday, may 16, the U.S. permanent representative to the world organization for Nikki Haley. In addition, she did not agree with the statement of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin on the need to stop to intimidate North Korea. “The idea of Russia that we bully, is wrong. North Korea is trying to intimidate the international community. And Russia itself have to worry,” said Haley. According to her, the latest missile launch of the DPRK was, in particular, and a signal to Russia, as occurred close to the borders of the country. “Russia should make the same decision that the international community: are you or support North Korea or not. But you must choose a side,” said

Japan predicted the demographic collapse due to lack of sex

Due to the reduction in the birth rate, Japan may be short of 40 million people already by 2065. This was reported by Japanese scientists from the National Institute of research in the field of population and social security research results publishes The Independent. According to experts, the 2016 was the first year since 1899, when the country was born less than million children. If current rates continue, by 2065 127 million population will shrink by almost a third. Research 2016 showed that 70 percent of unmarried men and 60 percent of unmarried women do not have a pair and not having sex. Among the reasons for the current situation — the unwillingness and inability of the country’s young people to form families, and low levels of migration into the country. Mary Brinton, a Harvard sociologist of the Institute, observed: after the Second world war in Japanese society, man was

European ally of the US threatened to stop sharing intelligence with Washington

Sergei Lavrov and Donald trump An unnamed European ally of the US might stop sharing intelligence with Washington data. Reported by the Associated Press. As noted, this will be the case, if it becomes clear that the President of the United States Donald trump shared with Russia classified information. The Agency did not specify what representative of the country told him about this warning, but such a reaction is the fear to disclose important source information. May 16, The Washington Post reported that the us President revealed to the Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, top-secret information about the activities of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG; banned in Russia). The newspaper, citing current and former officials says that information is jeopardized by some “the most important foreign source of intelligence” about ISIS, which is not allowed to share this information with Russia. It is also noted that trump allegedly revealed

French LGBT activists filed against Kadyrov in the international criminal court

Ramzan Kadyrov Three French organization for the protection of LGBT rights was submitted to the international criminal court against the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov about the persecution of gays in the country. On Tuesday, may 16, according to Le Monde. The applicants described the situation in Chechnya genocide and accused Kadyrov in torture camps for the extermination of homosexuals. One of the plaintiffs, Alexander Marseille (Alexandre Marcel), believes that an appeal to the court is the only way to stop the “Nazi behavior” at the international level. BBC News reports that the lawsuit, in particular, referred to the death of 17-year-old young man. It was thrown from the window of the ninth floor. It is alleged that the crime involved an uncle of the deceased, who suspected his nephew for his homosexuality and wanted to “save family honour”. “Interfax” reports that the Russian Ombudsman Tatyana Moskalkova received from journalists

Scientists have found the garbage capital of the world

Continued: Scientists have published a video littered with plastic garbage island Scientists have discovered a place that can be called trash capital of the world. About it reports BBC News with reference to a study by British and Australian scientists. On Henderson island, part of the British overseas territory of Pitcairn Islands (Pacific ocean), is about 37.7 million units of waste plastic, toothbrushes, lighters, razors, fishing tackle. With an area of just 32 square kilometers. As indicated by scientists Henderson is located in Central ocean currents, and it washes debris from passing by ships from South America. According to experts, the island is 17 tons of garbage — 671 subject matter per square meter of its area. “Crabs settle in the bottle lids, containers and jugs. At first it seems nice, but it is not so. Plastic old, sharp, fragile and toxic”, — said the publication of Professor Jennifer Lavers

In USA a 16 year-old teenager died after drinking caffeinated beverages

In the U.S. state of South Carolina, a teenager died due to the fact that in a short time had a few drinks with a high caffeine content. To such conclusion pathologists, reports BBC News on Tuesday, may 16. Davis Crip suddenly lost consciousness and died during school hours. The doctors found that the boy had a latte from McDonalds, soft drink Mountain Dew and an energy drink. “It’s not an overdose of caffeine. It is not the amount of caffeine in the body, and that the teen used it for a short period of time, energy has become the last straw that caused the arrhythmia,” explained the doctor, Harry watts. In this case the student was not heart problems. At 16, he weighed 90 kilos, but doctors have not diagnosed him with obesity. Watts added that he was not advocating a complete ban of caffeine. “But people need to

Trump explained the message Lavrov information

The President of the United States Donald trump gave Russia information related to terrorism and aviation safety. About the head of state wrote in Twitter. “As President, I wanted to share with Russia (publicly at a scheduled meeting at the White house) facts related to terrorism and aviation safety. I have every right” he said. Trump explained that he did it for humanitarian reasons, and also because I would like to see dramatically increased activity of Moscow in the fight against banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state” and terrorists in General. The President did not mention, however, was whether the information secret. Previously, on 16 may, The Washington Post reported that the American President revealed Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, top-secret information about ISIS. The newspaper, citing current and former officials says that information is jeopardized by some “the most important foreign source of intelligence” about ISIS, which is not