Reuters reported 18 contacts headquarters trump with Russia

Donald Trump During the election campaign headquarters of presidential candidate Donald trump, who later became President, was repeatedly in contact with the Russian authorities. About it reports Reuters referring to own sources. From April to November 2016, the parties exchanged 18 phone calls or emails. Informed about these relationships, nothing was reported, but now they are regarded by the FBI as part of a General investigation of the relations of the headquarters of the trump with Moscow and probable Russian intervention in elections in the United States. It clarifies the Agency, it is, in particular, was specifically on the organization of the channel between trump and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to the American leader did not have to speak in the presence of officials responsible for national security. In addition, they discussed the restoration of economic relations between Moscow and Washington, coordinating the fight against terrorists in Syria

Seven-year-old Chinese sewed cut off the extortionist’s hand

Seven-year-old resident of China sewed cut off the offender’s hand. About it reports The South China Morning Post. On the morning of 17 may, the boy went to school with my mother. Encountered on the road the man sprayed the woman in the eyes of the unknown mixture, and the child was knocked to the ground and cut off his hand, taking her with him. Six hours later the attacker was found with an accomplice, his hand withdrew and was taken to the hospital, which was a schoolboy. The operation was successful: after a nine-hour surgery, the student woke up from the anesthesia. According to preliminary police data, the child’s parents owe the criminals money: in such a cruel manner they wanted to seek payment of funds owed to them.

An American couple detained for bitten by rat baby

Young parents from Arkansas (USA) was arrested after their 15-day child found numerous scars from rat bites. About it reports TV channel WKBN. The doctors explained that he had counted on the body of an infant about 100 wounds — they were covered with hands, hands, fingers and face of the child. On his head was wound with a length of about 2.5 centimeters, through which it was evident his skull. Doctors gave the child a plastic surgery and stitched the wound. Then they called the police, which detained a 19-year-old Erica Shriek and 18-year-old Charles Elliot. Shryock explained patrol that put the kid 05:30 am in the cradle beside my bed and two hours later woke up to him screaming. Looking into the cradle, she saw the bloodied infant. The father gave similar testimony, but added that he had noticed the rat in the cradle tracks. The specialists underline

The United States expanded sanctions in connection with Iran’s nuclear program

Made in the United States lists of sanctions two senior Iranian enterprises of the military-industrial complex, as well as one company with headquarters in Tehran. This was reported on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the USA. Also under the new restrictions were three Chinese firms and one citizen of China. According to Reuters, all the companies and individuals involved in Iran’s nuclear or missile programs. April 20, the Iranian foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has demanded from the United States to comply with the terms of the nuclear deal, and not throw accusations against Tehran. “Battered American charges cannot disguise the fact that Washington is forced to admit the fact of Iran’s compliance with nuclear deal,” said Zarif. A day earlier, U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson called the failed approach of strategic patience against Iran. “Joint comprehensive plan of action failed in reaching your goal of

In the U.S., approved a bill on sanctions for the support of the Syrian authorities

The house of representatives Thursday, may 18, by an overwhelming majority approved a bill providing for the imposition of sanctions on those who provide financial support to the government of Syria headed by Bashar al-Assad. Reported by the Associated Press. Next, the document must be received for consideration in the Senate and then signed by the President Donald Trump. The draft law has made the democratic Congressman from new York Eliot Engel, member of the Committee on foreign Affairs. As noted, the bill is directed against key allies of Assad, such as Russia and Iran. The document requires the President to impose sanctions against countries or companies that conduct business or provide funding to the Syrian government or the Central Bank. The US authorities accused the Assad government in “violence against the Syrian people” and the massive violations of human rights.

U.S. rear Admiral sentenced for corruption to 18 months in prison

The Federal district court in California sentenced the rear-Admiral U.S. Navy Robert Gilbo to 18 months in prison on charges of corruption. It is stated in the statement of the Ministry of justice of the United States. The Ministry said that Gilbo became the first rear Admiral of the U.S. Navy on active duty, which has ever been convicted of a crime for prosecution by Federal authorities. The American admitted that he provided false information in the so-called “fat Leonard”, notes TASS. We are talking about the proceedings in relation to fraud the owner of a Singaporean firm Glenn Defence Marine Asia Leonard Glenn Francis. His company for over 20 years been providing American ships in Asian ports. The investigation revealed that Francis, using connections in the command of the American fleet, learned about the movement of warships and submarines of the United States. His friends helped him to redirect

In the US, a policewoman was acquitted in the murder of an unarmed black man

In the US, the jury recognized the policewoman of Oklahoma, Betty Shelby is innocent in the murder of 40-year-old black Terence Crutcher, according to the Associated Press Thursday, may 18. Terrence Crutcher was shot 19 September 2016 in Tulsa. As argued by guards, they arrived at the scene, received a message that unknown on the SUV stopped in the middle of the road and acting suspiciously. The footage video of the incident on YouTube, several police officers kept Crutcher under the gun, and he walks slowly with his hands raised to his car. Video: The Free Thought Project / YouTube Then the man at some point, bent down, presumably with the intention to take something from the cabin of the vehicle through the lowered door window. At this point one of the officers paralyzed Crutcher a Taser, and when he fell to the pavement, Shelby shot lying on the ground

Indonesians beat with a stick for gay sex

Two Indonesians sentenced to 85 lashes for gay sex. About it reports Reuters. The authorities did not heed the petitions for leniency on the part of the defenders. It clarifies the Agency, the Prosecutor’s office insisted on the appointment of 80 lashes, but the judge found the proposed sentence too lenient. They first applied the law on counteracting against homosexuals, adopted in the conservative Aceh province in 2014. The defendants refused counsel and represented themselves in court. Aceh is the only province in Muslim Indonesia, where Sharia is used interchangeably with the criminal law and same-sex relations are prohibited. About a crime it became known in March — vigilant citizens told religious police that the men indulge in homosexual pleasures, and those detained. “This verdict will increase the anxiety of the LGBT community not only in Aceh, but others, especially conservative provinces of Indonesia,” — commented on the incident, the

The Brazilian President was threatened with impeachment because of incriminating records

Michel Temer The President of Brazil Michel Temer was under threat of impeachment after the appearance of the recording in which he allegedly discusses “buying the silence” of former speaker of the house, Eduardo Cunha. About it reports Reuters. The entry in the framework of negotiations on the conclusion of the transaction on the plea gave the authorities two large businessman. One of them, head meat company JBS SA Joseli Batista recorded the conversation with Temer in the course of which it was about the money, which the businessman paid Cunha. When Batista informed the Temer that he gave money to Cunha, the President replied: “You need to keep it under control, okay?” What asked the former speaker not to divulge, not reported. Cunha, a former influential functionary of the ruling party of Temer, announced that it has dirt on many high-level politicians involved in the largest corruption scandal involving

In the United States appointed Commissioner for the investigation of “Russian intervention”

Robert Mullermartini: trump reacted to the appointment of spectracolor on the “Russian intervention” Special adviser to oversee the investigation “attempts of intervention of the Russian government in the presidential election of 2016,” appointed a former official of the U.S. justice Department and former FBI Director Robert Mueller. This was reported on the website of the Ministry. According to Deputy Prosecutor General Kind Rosenstein, he came to the conclusion about the necessity to appoint a special adviser on this issue that the investigation was controlled by a man, “which exhibits a degree of independence from the usual chain of command”. “The special adviser Mueller will all the necessary resources to conduct a thorough and complete investigation, and I am sure that he will follow the facts, follow the law and achieve a fair result,” said Rosenstein. Mueller prior to his appointment he worked in his private law firm. He left her