Reuters reported 18 contacts headquarters trump with Russia

Donald Trump

During the election campaign headquarters of presidential candidate Donald trump, who later became President, was repeatedly in contact with the Russian authorities. About it reports Reuters referring to own sources.

From April to November 2016, the parties exchanged 18 phone calls or emails. Informed about these relationships, nothing was reported, but now they are regarded by the FBI as part of a General investigation of the relations of the headquarters of the trump with Moscow and probable Russian intervention in elections in the United States.

It clarifies the Agency, it is, in particular, was specifically on the organization of the channel between trump and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to the American leader did not have to speak in the presence of officials responsible for national security.

In addition, they discussed the restoration of economic relations between Moscow and Washington, coordinating the fight against terrorists in Syria and the containment of China.

Agency sources said they did not see in these talks nothing wrong, but their disclosure could force the President to transmit the special services a full report on the contacts with Moscow.

Earlier Wednesday, a former official of the U.S. justice Department and former FBI Director Robert Mueller was appointed special adviser to oversee the investigation attributed to Russia’s attempts to interfere in the presidential election of 2016.

Allegations about the alleged Moscow’s intervention in the elections, in particular, contained in the published in January, declassified part of the report, which was prepared by the CIA, FBI and NSA. It said that Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to organize a campaign to discredit the Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and win trump. Russia denies all these charges.

