The media learned about US plans to cease providing grant military assistance to Ukraine

Washington plans to cease providing grant military assistance to a number of countries, including Ukraine, replacing it with loans. As told the newspaper The Wall Street Journal, sources in the government, the proposals contained in the draft budget of the USA, who will present on may 23, the administration of Donald trump. In an internal document of the Department of state, fell into the hands of journalists, indicated that in addition to Ukraine, the assistance can lose also Pakistan, Tunisia, Lebanon, Colombia, the Philippines and Vietnam. In case of approval of the budget by Congress it will allow you to convert to military loans about a billion dollars. It does not cancel the amount of aid to Israel ($3.1 billion), Jordan ($350 million) and Egypt ($1.3 billion). The note of the foreign Ministry noted that the replacement of grant aid loans will make in need of the state to seek

Trump has called “the conscious of the country” to isolate Iran

The US President urged other countries to isolate Iran. While in Saudi Arabia with the first foreign visit, Donald trump said about the involvement of Tehran the developments in Syria. The text of the President’s speeches posted on his official page in Facebook. According to him, the Iranian authorities provide diverse support to terrorist organizations “from Lebanon to Iraq and Yemen, Tehran has funded, armed and trained terrorists and other extremist groups that sow destruction and chaos in the region. This is a government that speaks openly about the mass killings, calls for the destruction of Israel and the United States.” He added that “the most terrible victims of the Iranian regime are his own people. Iran has a rich history and culture, but the people of this country survived the deprivation and despair under the reckless desire of their leaders to the conflict and terror,” said trump. The US

Syrian HOMS is completely freed from armed groups

The withdrawal of fighters of the armed opposition from the neighborhood of al-Waer in HOMS, Syria completed. The last column of the rebels moved in the direction of Jerablus, after which the city was entirely under the control of the Syrian army. About it the correspondent of RIA Novosti. “There was only civil, those who did not want to leave their homes. After the quarter will include engineers, a decision will be made whether to allow media representatives to personally see the last released quarter,” — said the Agency officer of the Syrian police. In the last, the eleventh stage of the withdrawal of fighters from the city he left more than 2.5 thousand people, including 700 rebels. The phase lasted about 24 hours. Most of them came from HOMS with light weapons, in accordance with previous agreements. According to the correspondent, over a quarter of observed black smoke, but

Media reported about the ongoing IG test toxic substances on humans

Mosul The terrorists of the “Islamic state” (IG, an organization banned in several countries, including Russia) have toxic substances on humans, before applying them in combat. On Sunday, may 21, reports The Independent, with reference to the newspaper The Times. As writes the edition, terrorists might deadly chemicals on prisoners. Toxic compounds are emitted from pesticides and mixed with food and water, which is then given to the prisoners. Information about the conducted experiments was found in the cache at the University of Mosul after Iraqi forces liberated the city from terrorists. In the documents are test results, as well as recipes for making poisons. So, one of the prisoners were poisoned with thallium sulfate. He died within ten days, suffering from fever, nausea and swelling of the brain. Another prisoner was given injections of nicotine and derived compounds. Experts fear that the ISIS might try to poison food in

The relics of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker was brought to Moscow

A special flight of the Italian city of Bari, brought to Moscow the relics of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker. About it reports TASS. At the airport Vnukovo gathered believers of the Metropolitan parishes to meet the Shrine. Some in the hands of the flowers and icons. In the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, where the relics will arrive for evening service straight from the airport, they will be conveyed to Patriarch Kirill. Here they will stay until 12 July and from 13 July to 28 July, will travel to St. Petersburg. Then back in Italy. An agreement on temporary transfer of the Russian Orthodox Church part of the relics of the Saint were reached at the meeting of Patriarch Kirill with Pope Francis in February 2016. Part of the relics is stored in is made of noble metals the ark, which is covered protected by glass. Almost a thousand years

Media announced the launch of North Korea missiles unknown modifications

DPRK leader Kim Jong Introductie: Named for the type launched by North Korea missiles North Korea on Sunday, 21 may, launched a rocket of unknown modification. This is the Agency “Yonhap”, citing the joint chiefs of staff of South Korea. The start was made from the area of Pucchan the province’s command, the rocket (according to preliminary data, ballistic) flying about 500 kilometers. In this regard, the President of the Republic of the moon Gain convene the national security of the country. Yonhap notes that today’s launch was the eighth missile test, which Pyongyang is pursuing this year. Previous ballistic missile test North Korea conducted on April 29, however, according to the United States, it was unsuccessful. Prior to this launch was made on 14 April, the birthday of North Korea founder Kim Il sung. Washington demonstrates strong dissatisfaction with the ongoing implementation of North Korea’s programs for ballistic missiles

The Washington Post accused the Pentagon in the spending budget for the Syrian opposition

The U.S. Department of defense inflated the estimates for the purchase of fuel and extra funds spent on training Syrian rebels and the unforeseen costs of operations in Afghanistan. This publication reports The Washington Post. According to the newspaper, from 2015 on training Syrian opposition fighters, the Pentagon sent $ 80 million, and the fighting in Afghanistan is $ 1.4 billion. In addition, 450 million went to the implementation associated with financial fraud program, in which American soldiers and their families could receive medical medications. As noted by the Washington Post, the defense Department often asked for one dollar or more per gallon of fuel. This exceeds the amount that commercial airlines spend the same amount of fuel. While the U.S. military is the world’s largest consumer of fuel. Every year the Pentagon buys about 4.2 billion gallons of refined oil. The Ministry of defence admitted that in the period

Duterte spoke about the lack of happiness as President

Rodrigo Duterte The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte admitted that he is not happy in his post, but must continue in the name of the country and sees its duty in the service of the state. About it on the eve of his visit to Russia told Russian journalists. His words leads TASS. “If you ask me if I’m happy to be the President, I would say no. Perhaps, really I don’t need the presidency. But I can’t turn back, must do this work”, — said the head of state. Commenting on reporting is now the law on the military situation on the island of Mindanao, Duterte stated that he does not need to demonstrate power. “Under the Constitution, the President must safeguard and protect the Filipino nation, and I will do it, despite the price”, — he promised. Speaking about the territorial dispute with China, Duterte said that

The British Prime Minister announced plans to demand compensation from the EU in the course of Brexit

Theresa May Prime Minister Theresa may said that Brussels in the course of Brexit is obliged to pay the London its share of participation in joint projects. The corresponding opinion was expressed on Sunday, may 21, in an interview with the Sunday Telegraph, noting that the amount of compensation is calculated in billions of pounds. “There is a lot of debate about what should be the obligations of the United Kingdom, or what are our rights regarding paid us in the past. We make it clear that we simultaneously consider both rights and obligations,” said may. Speaking of joint EU projects, for participation in which the United Kingdom can expect to receive their share, she said the European investment Bank and the European investment Fund. “It will be, as you know, an important part of the negotiations”, — concluded the Prime Minister. The Sunday Telegraph, citing government sources, said that

Former CIA chief called trump a “useful idiot” for the Kremlin

Donald Trump Former Director of the Central intelligence Agency and national security Agency, USA Michael Hayden believes that the Kremlin is considering the American leader Donald trump as a “useful idiot”. This opinion Hayden said in an interview with the newspaper Bild, reports Deutsche Welle. “In November, a few days before the election, I tried to understand the strange sympathy of Donald trump in relation to [Russian President] Vladimir Putin,” said Hayden, words which leads TASS. He added that six months later, with deep disappointment I have to state that the definition of “useful idiot” is still very appropriate for the White house. According to the General, the dismissal of FBI Director James Comey and acting assistant attorney General Sally Yates, openly other political positions, makes you feel “a bit like in Nicaragua”. Hayden recalled that us intelligence agencies suspect Russia in influencing the election campaign in the USA (Moscow