Former Director of the CIA has accused Russia of meddling in the American elections

John Brennan Former CIA Director John Brennan said that in the summer of 2016, it became clear that Russia intervenes in the course of the presidential campaign in the United States. He told about it during hearings in the U.S. Congress, according to Reuters. “It should be clear to all. Russia has brazenly interfered in our presidential elections, and did so despite our strong protests and direct warning about the inadmissibility of such actions”, — he said. Brennan explained that on 4 August last year, was on the phone with the Director of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov, who rejected the involvement of Moscow in the intervention. The former head of the N. I. added that who was then handed the position of head of state Barack Obama all available information regarding such incidents. 8 may it was reported that the former acting Minister of justice and the U.S. attorney General

In Kuwait caught the dove c full backpack of drugs

Customs officials in Kuwait caught a carrier pigeon with which drug dealers ferrying drugs from Iraq. On Tuesday, may 23, according to Al Arabiya. It is noted that in the backpack attached to the back of a bird, was 178 pills. Feathered was caught when he flew near the customs building. In October last year, Indian police arrested in Kashmir valley over 150 pigeons. It is assumed that they were used for spying Pakistani intelligence. In early 2011 the attention of the Colombian police drew a pigeon, which could not rise into the air and fly away. It turned out that the back of a bird attached to the bag with 45 grams of marijuana, which he had to deliver the prison of Bucaramanga.

Media called the name of the alleged perpetrator of the terrorist attack in Manchester

Continued: the explosion in Manchester affected about 120 people According to preliminary data, 23-year-old suicide bomber, who detonated an explosive device at the concert in Manchester was called, Salman Abedi (Abedi Salman). On Tuesday, may 23, reported CBS News. It is noted that earlier, he had come to the attention of British intelligence. Earlier on Tuesday, Prime Minister Theresa may said that the explosion was carried out by one person, who deliberately chose a time and place that the number of dead and injured was at its maximum. 22 may, outside the concert venue, the stadium “Manchester arena” was a blast. In these moments ended with a concert of singer Ariana Grande, which was attended by several thousand people, including many children and adolescents. Police said he considers the incident as a terrorist attack. According to recent reports, killed 22 people, hospitals remain 59.

The IG called the attack in Manchester revenge for the attack on “Muslim lands”

Terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) called the attack in Manchester revenge for the attack on “Muslim lands”. It is reported The Telegraph, citing a statement issued associated with extremists, the Agency Amaq. “One of the soldiers of the Caliphate managed to plant an IED on a gathering of crusaders in Manchester,” reads the message of militants. They also named the stadium “Manchester arena”, where the attack occurred, “a shameless place,” and added that the attack was planned in advance. The Islamists did not publish any information about the identity of a suicide bomber or a picture of him, as was done after some other attacks. According to preliminary data, 23-year-old militant, who carried out the attack, called Salman, Abedi. He had previously come to the attention of British intelligence. Prime Minister Theresa may said that the explosion was carried out by one person, who deliberately chose

The ring for three million euros was stolen from a woman with two children in Paris

The robbers broke into one of luxury Paris apartments and stole a ring worth three million euros, announced on Tuesday, may 23, the radio station France Bleu. Criminals managed to disappear, now the cops are after them. As explained, the radio, the door to the two hijackers was opened by the child. Besides him in the house were his mother and brother. The robbers, hiding faces behind ski masks applied to them tear gas. It is noted that, besides the ring, the unknown stole expensive watches. Their exact value is not known. In early April it was reported that the exhibition-fair Art Paris Art Fair in the French capital stole a jewelry box with a total value of 200 thousand euros. A month earlier, as passed RIA Novosti, in Paris robbed the Russians had taken away watches Graham for 110 thousand euros.

South Korea fired flown from North Korea unidentified object

South Korean military fired warning shots in the direction of the “unidentified object”, flown from North Korea. This is the Agency “Yonhap”. According to the joint chiefs of staff, on Tuesday, may 23, a camera crossed the military demarcation line. After that, the warning shots rang out. Only in the direction of the intruder was released more than 90 bullets from a machine gun. As specified a source in law enforcement bodies, the object could be a drone. Currently, South Korean experts are trying to figure out where to send the object. If it is not specified whether he was shot down. After the incident in South Korea tightens defense. “This incident is fueling an already tense situation on the Korean Peninsula deteriorated on the backdrop of ongoing rocket launches, North Korea”, writes Yonhap. The Agency reminds that in January last year, a North Korean drone flew over the demarcation

Human rights activists said about the record number of casualties among Syrians from the attacks of the coalition

In the period from 23 April to 23 may this year in Syria, a record number of victims of air strikes by the US-led coalition among the civilian population. BFMTV reported, citing data from the Syrian Observatory for human rights. According to human rights activists, in just a month killed 255 people, including 44 children and 36 women. According to activists, during the air operations of the coalition since the start of operations in 2014, did not have so many deaths per month among the civilian population. On 30 April the joint command of operation “Unwavering commitment” acknowledged the death in Iraq and Syria 352 civilians. “We regret the unintended civilian deaths as a result of the attempts of the coalition to defeat the terrorists of the “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia — approx. “Of the”) and extend our deepest condolences to the families of all the victims,”

Media have reported the responsibility of the “Islamic state” for the attack in Manchester

Terrorist group “Islamic state” has claimed responsibility for the attack in Manchester, which killed 22 people. The corresponding video militants posted on social networks, reports TASS with reference to the Iraqi Internet portal. How, in turn, transfers RIA Novosti news Agency, the Lebanese publication writes that the official IG did not assume responsibility for the blast. While the Internet extends the record: the man, whose face is closed, calls himself a member of a group and says that a terrorist attack in Manchester “only the beginning”. Earlier in city police said that the explosion made a suicide bomber. “I can confirm that the assailant died on the spot. We believe that he carried the IED and brought it into action,” — said the representative of law enforcement bodies. In addition to the 22 dead, among whom are children, were reported 59 casualties in the attack. The explosion was arranged

In Japan arrested were wanted 45 years left extremist

The police of the Japanese city Hiroshima was detained 67-year-old Masaaki Osaka Prefecture, who is suspected of killing a law enforcement officer, committed in 1972. About it reports The Japan Times. According to investigators, the man is one of the leaders of the Japanese revolutionary Communist League, an extremist organization of the ultraleft-wing parties, formed in 1957. Osaka took part in the mass demonstrations demanded the return of Okinawa under the control of Japan and the withdrawal of the American military. It is believed that he 14 Nov 1971 in police threw a bottle with incendiary mixture, which killed one of the guards. He alleged extremist refused to answer questions at the police station and call his name. In order to ascertain his identity, will be examined DNA. Since 1972 in Okinawa are U.S. troops at military bases, occupying a total of 18 percent of the island. The presence of

An eyewitness told about the minimum clearance when passing to the “Manchester Arena”

Visitor who came to the concert by American singer Ariana Grande in Manchester (UK), after which the attack occurred, reported “almost zero” screening during the entrance to the stadium. Comments about this Czech radio reported Nicola Trajcova, which was among the spectators of the concert. “The inspection at the entrance to the concert almost was not, it was zero. Using any framework metal detectors, we were not. The only thing that interested supervisors — do we have their water bottles,” said Traktowa. According to her, the stadium security did not look in the bags of visitors. Also, no one can control what the audience sneaked in clothes. Trokhova said that the explosion happened after the concert, when the singer left the stage. At this time, the spectator together with her girlfriends was at the exit to the street. “Open was, I think, three entrances onto the street. The explosion occurred