In the Philippines, the militants took hostage of the priest and the parishioners of the Church

Archive photo Militants associated with a terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) who attacked the Marawi city on the Philippine island of Mindanao, took hostage a Catholic priest and about 10 members. About it reports The Independent. The President of the Catholic bishops Conference of the Philippines Archbishop Socrates Villegas said that the Islamists threaten to kill hostages, “if they are opposing government forces will not be withdrawn”. The priest appealed to the Filipinos with a request to pray for the captives, and the government — to do everything possible to ensure the safety and release of hostages. On 22 may, the President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte in connection with large-scale terrorist attack ordered to impose martial law in the province of Mindanao, as well as urgently interrupted the visit to Russia and returned home. “If there is need to impose martial law for a year,

The Syrian authorities reported the destruction of “war Minister” of the IG

Syria has reported the destruction of “war Minister” banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state” (IG). About it reports Reuters. According to the Syrian state television referring to sources in military circles, the “war Minister” of the terrorist Abu Musab al-Masri was eliminated during the operations East of Aleppo. With him died a number of senior militants, including nationals of Saudi Arabia and Iraqi citizens. This information is contrary to reports by Iraqi media, according to which “war Minister” of the IG is a former Brigadier General of the Republican guard of Iraq Yasin al-Muaddi, joined the ranks of militants six years ago. His predecessor Abu Omar al-Shishani (a Georgian citizen Tarkhan Batirashvili) was killed in the bombing raids of the US air force in Iraq. At the same time Iranian media reported that “defense Minister” of the IG appointed a former commander of the Tajik OMON Colonel Gulmurod Khalimov, also

China has denied the request to US to postpone the pressure on North Korea

The official representative of the foreign Ministry of China, Lu Kang has denied media reports that Beijing has asked Washington’s 100 days of grace for the economic impact on Pyongyang, reports Sputnik International Wednesday, may 24. “This information is untrue”, — said the diplomat. On Monday, the Japanese newspaper “Asahi” said that it was about a 100-day delay was in April at the meeting of the American leader Donald trump with the President of China XI Jinping. Washington insists on imposing tougher sanctions against Pyongyang, while 90 percent of the turnover of foreign trade of the DPRK comes from China. The US threatened to curtail business with Chinese companies associated with North Korea. In response, Beijing allegedly asked hundred-day reprieve to influence the DPRK authorities. The situation on the Korean Peninsula is one of the most intense topics of international politics. It was reported that Washington is ready to launch

At Buckingham Palace abolished the ceremonial changing of the guard

The traditional ceremony of changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace canceled on Wednesday, may 24, due to the relocation of the police guarding the event. Due to the terrorist attack in Manchester, the guards transferred to other places of service. It is reported by The Daily Mail with reference to the UK Ministry of defence. “This decision was made in order to free the police, which [to maintain order during the divorce of the guard] would have to deal with the overlap of the streets,” — said the official representative of the Ministry of defense. On 23 may, the terrorist threat level in Britain was raised from serious to critical. As stated by the Prime Minister Theresa may, that means the inevitability of terrorist acts. In connection with the threat by the decision of the Cabinet Committee COBRA in the streets of the country will be military patrols. The

The state of emergency in France may be extended to 1 November due to the terrorist attack in Manchester

The President of France Emmanuel Makron decided to go to Parliament with a proposal to extend the state of emergency (PE) in the country until November 1. It is reported BFMTV. As stated in the statement of the Elysee Palace, the proposal was made after a meeting of the security Council in connection with the recent terrorist attack in Manchester. In addition, macron turned to the relevant Ministers with a proposal for additional measures to counter the terrorist threat outside of the framework of action of state of emergency. The TV channel reminds, that in case, if lawmakers approve the initiative, it will be the sixth extension of state of emergency in France since its introduction 14 Nov 2015. The attack on the stadium “Manchester arena” on the evening of may 22, killed 22 people, injured about 120, 59 of them were taken to medical facilities. Banned in Russia grouping

Brazilian authorities evacuated the Ministerial quarter due to unrest

Brazilian authorities evacuated all officials of the buildings on the Esplanade of the ministries in the capital, a passing anti-government protests that escalated into riots. On Wednesday, may 24, according to local portal Veja. Earlier, the protesters, who demanded the resignation of the President of Brazil Michel Temer, set fire to the building of the Ministry of agriculture. Protesters also tried to storm the Ministry of science and technology. A number of other departments have been subjected to vandalism. — Gabriel Elizondo (@elizondogabriel) 24 may 2017, 18:43 The protest was attended by tens of thousands of demonstrators. The rally turned into riots, the police used to disperse the crowd with tear gas. In response, protesters overturned portable toilets and set them on fire, staging an impromptu barricade, the Associated Press reports. The scandal erupted after the recording appeared where Michel Temer supposedly discusses “buying the silence” of former speaker of

Former US Secretary of state Kerry advised the Americans to learn Russian language

John Kerry Former U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry advised the American students to learn Russian language. Excerpts from the speech of a diplomat, which he will deliver later in high School, John F. Kennedy school of government at Harvard University, published by the newspaper Politico. “I am often asked what is the secret in order to exert real influence on the government. I used to say that it is necessary to either run for office or get a degree in School named Kennedy. Lately everything has changed. I would say that the current administration in the White house need to buy a program for learning languages and teaching Russian”, — quotes words of the diplomat Politico. Kerry held the post of Secretary of state at last President Barack Obama. May 11, host of the program Clapback on Fox News Julia Roginsky (Julie Roginsky) started broadcast in Russian. According to

In the Mediterranean sea in full view of the rescuers drowned more than 30 migrants

In the Mediterranean sea sank the boat carrying migrants, killed more than 30 people. About it reports Reuters. The incident occurred near the coast of Libya. The boat, aboard which were about 200 passengers, followed in Italy. It was noticed by a rescue vessel of the Italian coast guard, which was headed in her direction. When the boats approached, the boat suddenly began to tip. Was it people without a life jacket rushed into the water and swam to the side of the Italian vessel. Most managed to escape, but more than 30 people — mostly children under the age of three — were killed. The exact number of victims is unknown, the search for bodies continues. Simultaneously with the search off the coast of Libya is a rescue operation, according to Italian coast guard in this area is about 15 boats carrying more than 1.7 thousand people. After overlapping

USA lost to Iraq and Kuwait weapons for a billion dollars

The us military reported that it had lost in Iraq and Kuwait, the weapons, ammunition and equipment worth over a billion dollars. This was stated by a non-governmental organization Amnesty International, after reviewing the documents published by the U.S. Department of defense. According to the audit of the us military from September 2016, they have “no precise and updated data about the number and location of” a large number of weapons brought to Kuwait and Iraq for arming the new Iraqi army. We are talking about tens of thousands of machines with a total cost of $ 28 million, hundreds of mortar shells and armored SUVs Humvee, which was planned to supply the Iraqi military and fighters of the Shiite militias and the Peshmerga. Almost all reports on storage and transfer of weapons made by hand and riddled with errors. Human rights activists recalled that a large number of American

Trump has supported the idea to bring Russia to justice over the Crimea and Donbass

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump assured his Italian counterpart and Prime Minister of Italy, he supported the idea to bring Russia to justice over the annexation of Crimea and events in Eastern Ukraine. This is stated in the official press release about their talks posted on the White house website. “President trump reaffirmed the common position of the countries on both sides of the Atlantic on the question of bringing Russia to account for its actions in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine, and also stressed the importance of convincing Moscow of the need to fulfill obligations under the Minsk agreements”, — stated in the text of the document after the meeting trump with President Sergio Mattarella and Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni. In addition to the situation in Crimea and Ukraine, the US President has discussed with leaders of the Italian cooperation in the fight against terror